In a heart-aching accident of the 12841 Shalimar-Chennai Coromandel express on the 2nd June, 2023 at 6:50 PM near Bahananga Bazar station in Odissa, not only were several lives lost, several people wounded but a trust and an ocean of memories were hurt. I express my heartfelt condolence to the deceased and prayers for the fast recovery of the wounded. For ages I have run Across the nation wide, Connecting the Bay waves With the peninsular tides. Amalgaming cultures Fostering hopes, Tying East and South With the railway ropes. Superfast, by birth Supercool, by looks, I had been the inspiration Of my fellow rooks. Be it Howrah or Shalimar Or the frontiers of Chennai, I was the rail ruler In the passenger's mind. I was the trust For the patients to Vellore, A medical bridge For the needy crores. I was the memory Of the numerous students, A witness of college stories From IIT to SRM. I was the job source Of people of Bengal, Their cheapest mean...