Programming is a beautiful art, powerful and smart But without the correct syntax, its as good as dirt. Capable to solve a hundred problems, fail with one bug A dark patch on the wealth of effort, breached by petty thug. And as per the big brains of religion and quantum Who find resemblance in all parts, The maker of the symmetry has made it asymmetric Polluted by thousands of bugs. The biggest of all is Politics for sure The problem of a hundred solutions, The device enough to break all tandem The reason behind all delusions. And this spreads fast, faster and fastest Perhaps travels even before light, The device enough to break all tandem The reason to make the peaceful, fight. Next in line, comes Religion of course Sharing its boundaries with sentiments, Made with the cause to reduce sufferings Yet damages as fire on the tents. Well, this is not the fault of the Gods Whom the humans have made their Prefect, Its just a tendency to use the prize to sting Popularly called the Cobr...