
    Life is an amazing journey. No one knows where they are going to land. Some earn unbound fame and some become latent depending on time, situation, and state of mind. But the fact is, no one can predict or know in advance how it is all going to be. Some say that is the fun about life. While some feel a bit more comfortable knowing stuff beforehand. And sometimes life itself plays it mesmerisingly


     It all begins with the lockdown of 2020. The world was served miseries by China's first authentic product, the Novel Corona Virus. This had a great impact on the entire globe, snatching jobs, causing discomfort, unbound number of infection cases, and deaths. Those who survived were living in trauma. Relative, friends, and loved ones were lost, governments became bankrupt. On one such remorseful evening, Ranveer went up the terrace and stood quietly. Suddenly a call comes and he rushes down to attend to it. He sits by his laptop and completes the project and sends it to his friend. Again, securing one more request and delivering his help in time. That's what Ranveer is known for. But, there is some problem with this helpful guy. Ranveer was diagnosed with 6 mental ailments like bipolar syndrome, imposter syndrome, and a few disorders like insomnia and schizophrenia. Nobody could understand anything while talking with him and he too liked to hide his shortcomings. 


    Rihana had a nice and charming talk with Hardik. She now felt that she is really blessed to have such a good friend. After all, she was supported by Hardik when nobody stayed back. She silently takes her mobile and keeps it on her table and goes to play hide and seek with her brother and sister, Sid and Shreya. It was her first birthday in the lockdown, yet she felt nice because she could enjoy the company of friends like Hardik and Riya. As the clock struck 2 she was in her bed. It was the month of June and so the weather was quite warm in Lucknow. But sleep is the best resolver and made things go right as it placed its palm on Rihana's eyes. The next morning, Rihana woke up, did her usual morning chores, prayed to God for all the happiness, and set to work and life was going on almost fine here.


    On the other hand, Ranveer felt depressed. But he continued his learning. Completing with Data Science and putting up a good kernel in Kaggle, he took his bath, had his lunch, and again went back to his laptop but couldn't focus anymore. After all, he was too tired, sad, and depressed because, despite all the attempts, his rank was not rising in Kaggle. His inquiry in the forum too had no effect. He silently slid across the tabs and browsed to his gallery where he had the last pic of Anushka, his ex. He slowly touched the screen and sobbed. But, his strength prohibited him to shed his tears and so he went to the kitchen and took a knife. Then he scratched it past his left arm and silently watched the blood ooze out. Well, now you may think why was he so unhappy? The reasons were many. Especially when someone is a Julius to his friends, the friends don't waste any opportunity in turning into Brutus. Similar was his case. Ranveer was a happy lad back in his school days. A mischievous, crafty, and kind-hearted guy. He along with his friends Shahid and Amran were leaders of the mischief squad of his school. Nobody ever saw him without a smile on his face. Even in the most difficult situations he always smiled away and all problems were solved. But the luster of every metal, howsoever inert, gets tarnished if subjected to harmful reactants. Ranveer, unfortunately, was exposed to one named Anushka. Anushka, was younger than Ranveer by 2 classes. She was a turning point in Ranveer's life. Ranveer madly loved Anushka, and Anushka used to take full advantage of it. Both were toppers, but one was a deer and the other was a fox. Anushka used to make Ranveer complete her assignments, share his study materials and even buy her chocolates. Ranveer, like a trapped fly, used to do all those and expected nothing but some care and love in return. Well, that way he passed his ISCE 10th and switched to CBSE and unfortunately landed in a worse school than he was in before. And, as rightly said, difficulties target a trapped soul, so was no different for Ranveer. The school locked down due to political issues, forcing Ranveer to change his school and get admitted in the mid of his 12 in a new school. He could take no tuition and so his academics were deteriorating and there was constant family pressure upon him. To put a cherry on the cake, a friend of Ranveer made a fake Facebook account of him and abused Ranveer's apparent GF, Anushka in public. This news reached Ranveer's father and his friends. And the rest could be imagined well. All these were enough to completely end the morale of Ranveer. His best friends and his love Anushka turned away from him. Anushka even insisted her father lodge a police complaint against Ranveer and he had to face the hardships. However, fortunately, due to lack of proof, the case was finally put down and Ranveer was out of danger. Out of danger, but not of conviction. Nobody believed that he was innocent. These also hampered his studies and finally, this was reflected in his board marks.  This caused massive changes in Ranveer. His joyous image was changed into a melancholic one and his mentality of ease changed into a strict, cruel, and avenging one.  This is quite natural in a teenager. But unlike other teenagers, Ranveer kept quiet. As soon as he cleared his boards and JEE Mains and other JEEs, Ranveer stepped into blackhat hacking. He had some training before too when he tried to find who made the fake FB. But now, he was bent on taking his revenge. He found out the guy and was shocked to know it was none but Shahid, his best friend.  But in place of submitting the reports to the police, he took an intelligent move. He hacked Shahid's FB and spammed all his posts. He even abused Shahid's GF and arranged their breakup. Then he destroyed his OS, his device, and all routes were closed on finding Ranveer. Since then, he never posts his image on any social media. Rather, he avoids all social media.  But what he lost was Anushka. He tried to contact her but she didn't respond and blocked him. Now all these took 4 long years and now Ranveer was no more stable mentally, constantly bearing with tension, stress, and opposition. This made his nature suicidal. But amongst these harshnesses, he had one soft corner. That was, for animals. Ranveer had pets, who were housed in the attic of his apartment. He used to spend some time with them and love to feed and care for them. His pet cat, Beau was his best partner. His pet owl, Hubbles was also a great teammate of his ventures. Hubble used to take cameras and fly to distant poles and click pictures of the Howrah Bridge and the 42 and Ranveer liked to watch a cleared shot of those. 


    Ranveer was an avid learner. He had made a good profile by his second year of B.Tech, utilizing the lockdown and learning plenty of new stuff in the field of computer science and his Linkedin profile got quite a good reach by then. He used to search for some people to connect with and have virtual discussions on how to improve his skills. So, that was all about him.


    Rihana was a bit different. Most of her happenings were before the lockdown. Well, let me tell you, Ranveer, Rihana, and Hardik were all students of the same University, but they studied at different branches of it. Ranveer studied at the Main campus of the university which was in Chennai. Rihana and Hardik were from the Ghaziabad branch, in the outskirts of southern Delhi. Ranveer was from Kolkata and Rihana and Hardik was from Uttar Pradesh. Rihana was a quiet and bright girl, who felt a little lonely at college, away from home. Since she was a little confused about the environments out there, she found it hard to cope up with her friends. She had some difficulties with her board exams and used to think that she was lagging from others. But, Rihana too was very kind and helpful, just like Ranveer but her part of Julius's experience was in her first year. Many of her friends befriended her to take advantage. Most boys liked her as she was beautiful and offered her help, not for free, but on the terms of the proposal. She naturally felt uncomfortable and refused them and this caused her friends to turn away from her. She was now left with none by her side in the unknown world there and felt insecure, lonely, and sad. One day, as she was sitting out on a bench on the campus grounds, a senior guy approached her. Rihana had a conversation with that guy and found him very helpful. Gradually, the guy, named Hardik and Rihana became good friends, then close friends, and then partners. Hardik disclosed to Rihana how he was betrayed by his ex, as a consequence of which he had to lose a year and take a drop to get into a college. Rihana was very sad when she heard this and pledged in herself to never leave Hardik and stay as his friend forever. So, she used to do. Hardik sometimes used to behave rudely with Rihana, stopped speaking to her but Rihana thought it was natural for the part of Hardik to be having a bunch of difficulties in stepping out from his past. So, she was also considerate to him. Sometimes Rihana too got angry at Hardik, watching his carelessness and ignorance of studies. So, to bring him back to his path and help him in securing good careers, she used to search the net, bring him resources for studying, and did all she could to help him out. Hardik, seeing her efforts used to have a pity for her and again everything got sorted. well, this was a cycle. It was repeated several times, even after the lockdown. Caring was visible from both sides, though the majority of it went to Rihana's part. Even after the lockdown, they continued their usual cycle of love and ignorance. Riya, a school friend of Rihana used to understand her very well and was pleased to see that she was still happy amongst all those. But, Riya doubted Hardik. The reasons were many but could speak up about those in the fear that Rihana might get hurt. After all, she was still having some hope and fun. 


    Time passed along and now there was December. Ranveer had completed his first internship. With that, his profile was quite a strong one and very few students all over India could then be categorized to be good competitors of Ranveer. Literally, Ranveer was fighting his way like a King amongst all the difficulties, depressions, and all. In the meanwhile, Kaggle had cheated him, but Ranveer was indifferent to this loss. His friends and teachers used to say why didn't you keep up the struggle against those crooks when you were innocent? "You had reached a global rank of 98 amongst millions of Kagglers and people used to count on you as a talented Data scientist.", Prajit asked Ranveer. Ranveer replied, "I lost my love fighting my enemy, and now I have nothing left to be upset for". Both Ranveer and Prajit were atheists, else Prajit would have almost taken a holy swear then. He however said Ranveer, "okay, do whatever you like". Ranveer could be mentally unstable by then, but he was not a loser.  He took up his laptop, coded some 100 notebooks in 1 week, uploaded them to his Github account, and set a record in the opensource community. Next week, Ranveer rang to Prajit and said, "There is only one rule of war, brother. It's victory!". And Ranveer was right. But, as Ranveer had become the hardest steel by then neither stones nor praises could affect his sword of hunger for more. Within February 2021 Ranveer received 24 internship offers. He kept up his battle and as more and more memories of Anushka continued to strike him, he became more and more ferocious. Had he been given a sword and armor, he could have conquered entire Asia in a year. But sometimes, wars are bitter too, causing innumerable scars and wounds. Ranveer found a lot of difficulties to cope up with the MERN stack. Also, his college grades weren't super good and he managed an average of 8.5 CGPA throughout. All was going well, except for his shortcomings. Ranveer badly wanted someone to care for him. He was tired of fighting alone. None could help him as his problems were unique. Even when he projected some plans for hackathons, he could find nobody to work in parallel with him. 


       Rihana, on the other hand, was challenged by a guy in her college that she could never compete him in competitive programming. He said, "Rihana, you do one thing. You better practice in LeetCode and I will manage your Codechef ranks". Rihana agreed and she said, "Okay, do whatever you feel good". But the guy had intentions of proposing to her. He then said to Rihana, "Be my GF and we will together crack codes". Now Rihana was already in a relationship and she felt disgusted by this. Still, she thought that if she refuses then her ratings will drop down and if she accepts, then it will be betraying Hardik. She planned away. Rihana watched the solutions of the problems, understood the logic, and laid her unbelievable expedition of conquests, crossing the guy who proposed to her and became a 3 star. Then she successfully blocked the guy and got back to her work. Short and sweet revenge. Lamborghini vs Ferrari. "You said my tractors were dumb, now look my racers ahead of your engines". Later on, she shared this with Riya and she too was very happy. But, Mr. Hardik refrained from talking for few more days. Slowly time passed, semesters passed, cycle tests passed and there was no evitable change observed here. Ranveer too had faced stagnation now. His profile was unparallel in the whole of his college with scars of valor, wounds of bravery, and medals of achievements. But, he was too lonely. No one was by his side during all these struggles and no one is there even now. So, he started to casually swipe through his mobile, with ears plugged with melodies of Arijit Singh. While browsing through, he was sending connections to interesting profiles who had some sort of amazing achievements. He came across the profile of Rihana and sent her a connection request too and he went on. 


    The next morning, Rihana found the connection request sent by Ranveer. She is open to all and accepted the connection request. After that, it was silent for many days and life continued to be as it was before. In the meantime, an organization called GSsoC organized an online program for computer science enthusiasts to participate in and build and learn projects. Both Ranveer and Rihana had joined it, one completely unaware of the other's joining. The event went for some 3 months and ended and till then nobody knew each other. But somehow Rihana felt that the profile of Ranveer was really interesting and viewed his profile many times. 


    It was a hot summer afternoon on May, 21. Ranveer was sitting quietly, enjoying the breeze and some nuts on his balcony. His mobile, kept by his side, suddenly vibrated and notified him of some message. Ranveer took up the mobile and found a connection from Sukhvinder. He browsed and checked that it was discovered that it was his college senior. Sukhvinder was placed at a renowned MNC and was at the position of SDE 2 over there. They had a lively chat then and after that Ranveer went back to his daily works. Sukhvinder was also very happy to get hold of a college junior after 2 long years. He was new to Linkedin and was trying to expand his profile and reach. He was sending requests to random people and suddenly came across the profile of Rihana and saw her achievements. Sukhvinder was really impressed by Rihana's CodeChef ranks. He decided to contact her as Sukhvinder like Ranveer was an admirer of talents. So, one fine afternoon, he had sent an introductory note to Rihana. Rihana replied to him and they had a few conversations in which Rihana expressed her eagerness to get hold of a good internship and learn Python from a good guide. Sukhvinder found that Ranveer could help Rihana as he was a very helpful guy. So, Sukhvinder recommended Rihana contact Ranveer to get help for her. Rihana obeyed her and texted Ranveer. She texted "Hey, can you help me with few projects. I want to learn web development and Python. What will be a good source to do that?".

    When Ranveer found the message, he texted Rihana back with the resources and insights. He said, "You can make full-stack projects like...", and then searched his entire gallery but couldn't find the video to be shared. He then requested Rihana to share her WhatsApp number if she wouldn't mind, so that he can send her the video. He felt hesitant to do that but had no other choice. Rihana understood and readily shared her contacts. Ranveer too immediately sent her the project video, explained it, and then asked her, "You may delete or block my number if you want. I just wanted to help you and I have no other intentions". Rihana found him a bit abnormal and said, "Hey chill! why shall I do that? I know you won't harm". This assured Ranveer and he kept her number. The next day, he sent some more materials to Rihana on web development and python. And the next day, even more. Rihana was amazed by the collection of resources that Ranveer had and chose to save his number rather. She also sent some funny emojis to Ranveer and thanked him for his help. For the first time, Ranveer felt that Rihana was something really different from others. She reciprocated in her gratitude. Moreover, she appeared to be really friendly to Ranveer. 

    The next day, there was a cycle test in Ranveer's university and so was for Rihana. Since they belonged to the same university, hence they received the same question paper sets. By that time, a special mode of examination was popular among the universities, that is the online proctored mode. It monitored cameras, microphones and tabs opened on a device, and cheating was made really difficult. Ranveer thought, Rihana might face difficulties in her exams and so he sent answers to as many questions as he could to her. He was also in a doubt that Rihana might feel awkward at this gesture of his. After all, they were just known for a few days only. But to Ranveer's surprise, Rihana answered back with a "Thank you!". Ranveer was amazed. He continued to help Rihana with the rest tests too. Gradually their friendship grew and they were happy and enjoying this friendship. Happiness, however, is always temporary. Ranveer's teammate didn't acknowledge his help in a group and this made him sad. After all, he did a lot to help the entire team but no one recognized him. He felt the same as Julius Ceasar with Brutus surrounding him. He even put this on his Whatsapp story. Rihana found that gesture from Ranveer quite odd. She asked him why did he put such a story. Ranveer at first tried to ignore the issue and he said, "Leave it. That was just for writing". But Rihana understood that Ranveer was hiding something from her. She forced him to reveal it. Ranveer finally, shyly revealed that his friends have mistreated him. Rihana felt bad and she revealed that even for her case too, there were many Brutus in her life. She said, "throughout my life, my friends kept shifting. Once there was a time when almost all my friends left me". Ranveer too felt bad for Rihana and he said, "Well that is truth, Rihana. If you are a step ahead of the rest, the others can never tolerate your progress. They will always envy you and leave you all alone when you need them the most. So, I don't make friends and I love to stay away from these people. They simply forget your bits of help". Rihana supported Ranveer. For the first time, Ranveer felt that someone really understands him. So he replied with a normal smiling emoji for showing his gratefulness. Rihana, replied, "This is a fake smile", and then sent him another emoji of smile with eyes closed and blushing cheeks and said, "this is a real smile". Ranveer found her attitude so funny and childish. He replied, "Ok,


    The CTs have ended by then and now the university had its practical exams. Everyone, except Ranveer, was preparing for it. Ranveer never believed in foolish works when resources were available from the internet. So, kept along with his daily lifestyle. Eat sleep code repeat. But, now there was something that was changed for him. Ranveer was now quite more energetic and motivated after he had a talk with Rihana. He was more dedicated to his work now. So, after he had finished his works, he used to text Rihana and know how's she doing and all. Today, Ranveer went a step further and asked her if she has any best friends. Rihana replied two, one was Riya, Rihana's school friend, and the other was a guy named Hardik. Ranveer teased Rihana a bit. He said, "Oww, Hardik, your bf?" Rihana denied it at first and said, "No just best friend. Nothing as of that type". But Ranveer was not satisfied with the answer. Now Rihana asked him about his best friends if any. Ranveer replied, "Yes, it's Ranveer himself". Ranveer had some 5 to 6 emails which he used as his friends and used to communicate and think that someone was talking to him. Rihana asked Ranveer, why he did so. Ranveer said, "Because human beings often break heart, they take help and forget and then I have to regret. Better to have dummy emails. At least they won't betray you". Rihana felt sad about this. She thought, really Ranveer is also one of those lonely souls that she had only read in storybooks or had heard of. She said to Ranveer that he can have an open talk with her if he wanted. Ranveer was ok with it. 


    The next day, Ranveer asked her about Hardik. Rihana now burst into a confession that Hardik ignores her messages and he had even said that she was unlucky for him. Ranveer was sad to hear this. He said, "might be he loves you very much but must be having his placement tests and so is not in a good mood". But Rihana was in no mood to agree. So, Ranveer quit the discussion. He knew they will again patch up and Rihana is making a fool of him. And the fact was, that really happened the very next day. Now, Ranveer thought over it the whole night. He too used to feel very lonely after  Anushka had a bitter breakup with him. He felt that Rihana might be eager to understand him and they can get into a good friendship. But the next day had something else for Ranveer.


      After the tiring schedule of the whole day, Ranveer asked Rihana about her day and all. But that night, a very sad incident had happened with Ranveer. His favorite cat Beau passed away. Ranveer was quite upset since the evening. He thought, might be Rihana will be her replacement for a good friend which Ranveer was badly missing then. He asked if she had a talk with Hardik. Rihana said, "yes, and do you know, Ranveer, Hardik has apologized and now we are friends again". Ranveer felt that he was being fooled. Still, he went on to have a friendly talk with talk but when Rihana said that Hardik was her boyfriend, everything got scattered for Ranveer. His hopes got shattered. Ranveer at first felt very sad and then was angry at himself. He was also surprised by how a person can immediately change her behavior towards someone. But, somehow he felt that it is good. At least someone is happy amidst this stressful world of tensions. He thought that he might boost up their morale too. So, he wished both Rihana and Hardik (finding Hardik through Linkedin.) Hardik behaved a little anomalously. At first, he thanked Ranveer but then even blocked him. This made Ranveer shocked. He was amazed by this type of gesture from Hardik. He however ignored this but the loss of Beau was haunting Ranveer. When Rihana found that Ranveer had wished them both, she reacted a bit weirdly. She asked Ranveer if he was alright. Ranveer lost his control this time and replied, "No, I am not. I helped you so much and you returned nothing to me. You are more attracted to a person who ignores you, treats you like a servant, and never cares." At this Rihana got angry. She replied, "Listen, Hardik is my bf and he never treats me as a servant. If you think you have done something wrong by helping me then please stop helping me. I don't need any help from you." This was a blow for Ranveer too. He was disgusted and said, "Okay, ask your Hardik to help and then get drowned together, I don't know anything". This quarrel continued for some time until Ranveer blocked Rihana.


    Sometimes, we human beings take some actions which make us repent later.  Although Ranveer never repented for anything much, this time he was seriously sad after what he has done. Rihana was only searching for a good friend and he took something else and had a quarrel. The melancholy of losing Beau had showered upon Rihana. This was really bad. So, the next day he made a plan. He reported to Sukhvinder all about this. Sukhvinder understood and he contacted Rihana. Rihana at first didn't disclose anything but when Sukhvinder asked her to get helo from Ranveer, Rihana disclosed everything that had happened the last night. Sukhvinder listened to everything carefully and finally, he suggested Rihana unblock Ranveer if she had done that and Ranveer had already unblocked her at Whatsapp. They had a conversation again and the matter was resolved. Well, this was going on for a few days until one day Rihana again repeated the same nagging that Hardik had stopped talking to her. This time Ranveer kept quiet. He simply kept listening and finally, he asked Rihana just one question.  He said, "Are you happy with Hardik?". Rihana replied yes. Ranveer was confirmed that she was a case of acute mental stubbornness who does not want to change what's the problem is. Such people are infatuated after one thing although it harms them and cannot realize the truth. Whenever Ranveer asked Rihana about Hardik, she mostly said how she helped him. Hardik was not the guy to help her back. Now, the entire thing was clear to Ranveer. Hardik was a rich boy, as Rihana had said to him earlier and that was the reason why he cons simple girls like Rihana. But, Ranveer couldn't help Rihana directly. Ranveer even had a second doubt. He estimated that this might be a plan of both Hardik and Rihana to trap him, use him and then cause him some loss. Well, no one can say. After the anomalous behavior of Rihana, Ranveer never trusted her again. But, he was not ready to lose his only friend. So, he tried to help Rihana come out of this infatuation in many ways. Despite being an Athiest himself, he searched holy scriptures to find out some good messages to boost her morale. Rihana found that quite interesting. She liked how Ranveer was caring for her but she also couldn't stop her inclination towards Hardik. Ranveer knew that. He himself was included to Anushka for many days although she had betrayed him. But the fact is, the correct path is never very smooth. To enter it from the wrong direction, a person needs immense courage and self-confidence. This is what made Ranveer very different from others, including Rihana. But, Rihana was either utter confused or she was playing some deeper game. Once Ranveer had even shown her a possibility of Hardik's money intentions to which Rihana agreed initially, but later everything was restored to default. Well, you can never make a ram understand the good and the bad. It will keep eating grass, painfully across thorns but won't look up for a better grassland. So, Ranveer thought then why not let them unite and make her face her mistakes herself. But Rihana refused. She knew she and Hardik can never get married as they are not of the same caste. Ranveer even devised an elope plan to help them out but Rihana was too afraid of it. When Ranveer wanted to know the reason, Rihana said that her and Hardik's caste are not the same. So their families won't accept it. Ranveer got the idea about the scenario. He suggested to her, "why don't you go for a live-in with Hardik?" Rihana rejected the idea. She said that she wants to stay alone, roam alone with no one else. That day, Ranveer made a confession to Rihana. He disclosed how much he loves her, the reason for doing so, and his truth about the relation. But, Rihana was not the one to accept the best of offers. She was too stubborn to go with the good. So Ranveer kept waiting for her with no remedy to his hope about it.


        Well, days after these ups and downs, finally, both Ranveer and Rihana got promoted to the third year and their classes began as usual. Hardik was in the final year now, busy with placements and studies and projects, and couldn't devote time to Rihana as before. So she keeps being the same sad as she used to be before. Ranveer too was very busy with his internships and coding activities and couldn't find enough time for either himself or Rihana. Still, they had some talks. But the distance was increasing between them. Distrust and opposition had slowly crept into their friendship. This was sure to happen. They were so far away, moreover, they didn't even meet each other. So such a feeling was quite legit. Ranveer nurtured some fake hopes in him, just to stay happy. Happiness is costlier than oxygen and Ranveer had to pay it very badly. Still, it is a human mind. It wants to believe the good, it wants to live long. Ranveer once dreamed that he and Rihana were enjoying Pani-puri in front of the Victoria Memorial, walking past the Howrah bridge and accompanying Rihana to a Puja pandal for pandal hopping. But dreams just remain dreams. They never ever come true, may how hard you try. Still, Ranveer was happy with this fake hope. Gradually, the final year arrived, both were placed in good companies with good packages and continued their carrier thereafter. Rihana was extremely happy about getting her first job and yet happier when she found her parents were overwhelmed by it. Rihana's father distributed sweets among his colleagues in his office. But something ached back in Rihana's heart. Firstly, Hardik reacted to her job posts and was happy for her. But she had no news of Ranveer. She disclosed Ranveer to Hardik and pleaded with him to find him. "He must be on Linkedin.", said Rihana. Hardik replied that Ranveer had blocked him long back and didn't have any connection then. Rihana said, "Ok" and she started to message Sukhvinder. But he didn't reply either. Well, Ranveer had disclosed one thing to Rihana, that he was using a second account by the name of Sukhvinder for a special reason. But, even that didn't work. Seeing no more options now, Rihana called Ranveer. But Alas! No reply. Now, there was serious tension in Rihana. Ranveer hadn't blocked her anywhere but did neither react nor reply. After many tries, Rihana found a friend of Ranveer. Prajit.  She hesitantly messaged Prajit to know about Ranveer. Prajit said that Ranveer was working in some renowned tech firm in Hyderabad. Rihana too had her first posting there. So, she thought that someday she will definitely find him. She wanted to thank him for all the helps he had done, selflessly. But, for that, he needs to found.

        It was the 6th of July,2026. Ranveer's birthday. Rihana thought to explore Hyderabad with her new colleagues, Shila and Ranjani. So, they left early after the office. Since her visit to Hyderabad last September, in 2025 Rihana didn't get enough time to peek out. So, finally, they decided a day to get out of the schedule and do something crazy. They first had a good snacks party and then headed on to explore some regions. Post pandemic effect was no more visible and life had restored back to normalcy in almost every part of India. So, they could easily roam around mask-free now. As they were roaming, suddenly Ranjani got an important call and she left for some urgent work. Now Shila and Rihana were left out. Shila said to Rihana, "Hey do you know, my bf has shifted here a month ago but due to so much work we couldn't meet him. Will you mind coming with me to his place? It is not that far". Rihana at first was about to reject the idea but on the extreme pleading of Shila, she agreed. They booked a cab and went down the streets to a housing complex. Bachelor software engineers dwelt in the colony. Anish, Shila's boyfriend too lived there. Shila took Rihana with her and they rang the bell of the 28/A apartment. A hefty-looking gentleman came out and Shila recognized him. Anish too was pleased to see Shila. Rihana was introduced by Shila and they all sat to chat with some tea. Suddenly, as Rihana was about to sip her tea, the sound of something breaking came from the next room. Anish rushed and found the man who was sleeping there had fallen from his bed and was groaning in pain. The man there looked ugly, with a thick bush of untrimmed beard and mustache. Anish quickly picked him up and took him to the washroom. The man was not in a good state. Either he was in trauma or a tremendous mental shock. He even appeared drunk. Both the ladies were scared and Shila quickly rushed to the hall and called Rihana too. But, some instincts were working for Rihana. She was trying hard to remember what was on the date. But she couldn't. 

        In the meantime, Anish returned and they continued to their tea. Rihana asked Anish about that man. Anish replied that he was in the flat before he joined. "The guy is really talented. He knows to play guitar, writes very well, and is quite caring since I had come to this place. But there is one big problem regarding him. He is drunk at times and behaves insanely. He even harms himself, but unlike others, I have never heard him shout or create any breakage or nuisance in the house. All he does is only to him. He makes sure that no one else is affected by what he does. He lives in his own darkroom, works in some good MNC. He has taken leave due to some reason today". Shila said, "with what weird people do you live, Anish. Why don't you complain to the owner?". In reply, Anish said, "he has cared for me when I was ill. I had got dengue as soon as I came here. He took care of me like no one else could do. Whenever I have any problem, be it monetary or something else, it's he whom I come to take help from and he never returns me empty-handed. Raju (his nickname), always says just a thing to me. "If you desire to achieve the throne of praises, never quit fighting. Now how can I sue such a man for his harmless practices ?". Shila and Rihana understood. 


    After an hour they left for their home and that day passed. The next morning, since Rihana woke up, she was feeling something unnatural in herself. Flashes of the man were coming to her mind. She didn't know the reason why that was happening. It was a Saturday morning and so there was no office. Rihana got up from her bed and got ready, had her breakfast, and tried to browse back to her chats with Ranveer. It was almost 4 to 5 years ago, but finally, after an hour of scrolling, she rediscovered that yesterday was the birthday of Ranveer. She was going to text him, "so sorry, I forgot to wish you...", but then suddenly, a call came on her phone. It was Hardik. Rihana was overwhelmed at his call. She took the call but what she listened to only gave fake happiness. Hardik was going to get married. He invited her to pay a visit. Rihana replied that she couldn't visit his place as she was busy with her schedule. Hardik replied, "Okay, don't come. I don't want to see your face again. Stay away from me. And never interfere in my life again". Saying this he blocked her. Rihana was awestruck and sad. She tried to access him through other social media accounts which they were mutually connected to but all the ways were blocked previously. Shivering sensation ran down her wrist and spine. She was extremely shocked and sad. She didn't expect this even her wildest nightmares. She felt as if the ground under her feet disappeared. She began crying and forgot to text Ranveer.


    A few days ago, when her birthday had passed, she was so happy. In just 19 days, everything has shattered. Well, this is life. Especially, when you spend your entire life wasting after infatuations and not the reality. True persons come only once. If you can recognize them, your life can be something memorable even in your old age. Else, you need to repent till you die. 


    Nobody had any news of Ranveer. He hadn't blocked Rihana unlike Hardik but he didn't communicate with her even for once after they were placed. Shila didn't know anything about Ranveer. She only came to know about him from Rihana that morning. Shila too felt so bad for her. But Shila recommended Rihana to try contacting Ranveer if she could in by anyway. Now the fact was Ranveer had no account on any social media. Neither did he take up Rihana's call. Still, on insisting by Shila, Rihana tried to call Ranveer. The phone rang almost twice unless a voice picked it up. It wasn't Ranveer's voice but Rihana recognized it to be Anish. All were shocked, including Shila. "So, the man who was that shabbily looking, drunk was Ranveer!!", Shila almost cried in excitement. Rihana was so shocked that her mobile almost fell down her hands. Luckily it was intercepted by Shila and she and Anish had some talk. Shila quietly sat beside Rihana and putting a hand on her shoulder, she said slowly, "Ranveer had left the apartment early morning. He left back his mobile, his Adhaar card and employee card. His SUV is missing, probably he rode in it. Rihana said to Shila, "quickly take me to the apartment. Please". So they quickly headed to the place. Anish was confused too. Rihana wished to enter the room of Ranveer. The room was dark but not dingy, rather somewhat soothing. Now, it was not sure if Rihana alone felt that or it was because it was so in reality. She quietly moved her eyes on everything she could see. A normal bed, a pillow, a small attache and a laptop. Apart from these, there were many photos of different places, including the Howrah bridge, the Victoria Memorial, Jaisalmer Fort, A moonlight beach, and many more. At the right bottom corner of every picture on the wall, the same thing was written in black ink. "R&R1806". Rihana understood everything. Ranveer was intensely waiting for Rihana to realize. But, it was 2026. Ranveer had successfully completed his atheist challenge and was now sure that he is just 4 years away from death. So, probably, he had left for his destination now. Rihana was speechless. Everything got clear to her just like a flashback. She hurriedly went to Shila and said that she was going to her apartment and almost ran out before Anish or Shila could react. Shila too hurried after Rihana. They took a cab home. Reaching their apartment, Rihana almost rushed for her laptop, booked a ticket to Delhi, and from there to Shimla. She remembered that Ranveer had said that once said to her about his wish to end his life in a cottage in Shimla. Rihana was almost sure that Ranveer must have headed to Shimla. 


    Flight A102B landed in Delhi. Time, 8:35 AM. This time Rihana didn't head towards her home at Lucknow. Going there was no use as her next plans would be hampered. She waited in the lobby for her next flight, scheduled at 11:30AM. The flight departed for Shimla at the right time and landed there at around 1:15 PM. Rihana took a cab to the nearest hotel. She was sure that Ranveer wouldn't take any step before 6th July 2030. But, she also remembered that when she had once asked Ranveer that what he will do if any girl comes into his life after 2026, he had replied that he will shoot her. Rihana didn't want to have any relational attachment but was feeling insecure if Ranveer didn't think before running the bullet. She once thought to inform the police about it. But, after thinking over the issue twice, Rihana came to the conclusion that even that couldn't save Ranveer. He might do something unexpected or even disguise and could never be found. Ranveer was after all a wounded beast then. He might be placebo addicted or might even have acted to get drunk. Such numerous thoughts bombarded her mind. She couldn't find any path. She silently sat down, closed her eyes, and began to pray to some Goddess, to show her path. 


        That day, there was no more activity. Only once, Rihana receive a call from her mother. Nothing else remarkable had happened. Also, Shimla was a big area and she wasn't even sure if Ranveer had arrived there. Rihana was amidst utter confusion on what to be done next. She cannot wait infinitely long too. Well, one thing was good about it. Her long desire to visit someplace just for tourism was satisfied in this attempt. A few years before when her friends had plans to visit someplace with her friends, that plan was shattered by the lockdown and corona. Might be her wishes were getting granted now. 


    The next day, Rihana went to the Shimla Mall, just to roam and enjoy the place. Rihana entered a cafe nearby and ordered a cup of hot chocolate. As she was waiting, Rihana saw a big black SUV which appeared familiar, come and stop in front of a shop on the opposite foot of the road. She tried to recall and concluded that it was perhaps Ranveer's car. But again, she wasn't confirmed. To be confirmed, she needed to wait to see who the owner of the vehicle was. In the meantime, her ordered hot chocolate appeared. She was keeping an eye on the car. Meanwhile, Rihana also took a clever move. She rang Shila and from Anish, noted the number of the license plate of Ranveer's car. But alas Rihana! Ranveer was cleverer than what she expected him to be. The person who can disguise himself in front of you can also disguise his license plate. Ranveer did that. He had clean-shaven, changed his license plate, and stepped into a high boot to give a wrong impression of everything. He escaped from in front of Rihana's eyes like a tiger escapes from a cage. But, instincts are leeches. Rihana followed the car in a cab. The cab was driving fast, but Ranveer was an experienced driver. He drifted fast along with the sloping turns of the hilly road. The cab driver found it hard to cope up. Well anyhow, the chase had stopped finally. The black SUV slowed and turned left and drove straight into a cottage. This time Rihana asked the cab driver to drive straight at least for a kilometer and then make any halt. They did so and Rihana returned back. Rihana was doubtful whether that was Ranveer or someone else, but she continued the search. 


It was day 3 at Shimla. She decided to shift to Manali and make some plans from there. A long stay at a place won't be good for her. So, the next day, she booked a cab and headed towards Manali. From there, she headed back to Shimla after a day's halt. The cab screeched and stopped in front of a small stream, it was just past 5:30AM. Rihana dressed up in a hoodie, black jeans and boots were on her feet heading towards the cottage. She didn't know whether there existed anything such but was doing everything based on her instincts. Situations had made her fearless now. Else traversing the unknown path would have never been possible for her. However, she kept advancing the unknown paths for some time. She found a cottage at the far end of the grass-paved vista. Rihana quietly walked up to the place. She had also taken up a small tree branch, in case the owner of the cottage attacks her with anything. As soon as Rihana reached the cottage, she found a few enclosures were built there, that looked similar to some zoo. She was a little confused. It was almost 6:00 AM now. But she still advanced her way. It was very early morning. So, she couldn't expect the owner of the house, whom she was thinking would be Ranveer to be awake. So, in dilemma, she walked up and pressed the calling bell. She stepped aside and saw a person in a hoodie was staring at her from the window with a frightening look. Rihana had almost lost her consciousness, but the tree branch supported her somehow. The guy stepped out of the house and stood in front of Rihana. Fiery red eyes, pitch-black hoodie and trousers, and a French-cut beard. His eyes were as cruel as a hungry beast. Rihana dropped her weapon from her hand. It was Ranveer. Ranveer Chowdhary, the same person whom Rihana was a Cyber Friend to date. He wasn't at all ugly but his look was enough to frighten out the very soul. In a moment, Ranveer asked Rihana, "Why have you come here", in a deep metallic voice. Rihana couldn't gather enough courage to answer him. Before she could even understand what was going on, Ranveer disappeared.


 "Are you OK, Rihana?", a voice asked her. Rihana saw it was Riya. Along with her were her school friends Piyush and Ranjit. They used to be the best of friends since childhood. They came to know about Rihana's sudden visit to Shimla and they too headed on there. Rihana quietly sat up on her bed and smiled back, "Yeah I am fine". The place was some hospital. A nurse came to them and asked, "Who is Rihana Singh?" Rihana replied that it was her. The nurse asked Inspector Sharma to come into the cabin. Others were asked to leave.


    Mr. Sharma continued, "So, how did he look? Height, dress, anything that you can remember. Rihana described a vague image of Ranveer. She also showed him the image of Ranveer. But the picture was of Ranveer's childhood. Inspector Sharma ignored it and interrogated her further about the incident that took place just 4 hours ago. Rihana described all that she could remember. She was found unconscious by a villager couple who took her to the main road and were met by Riya and friends. Rihana had no sign of any injury, nor were any signs of violence. She perhaps lost her consciousness due to a shock. Apart from that, she was alright. 


    As soon as Inspector Sharma left, Rihana was also discharged. She now had police support and her friends by her so she felt a little better. But, the incident was not at all erasable from her memory. Ranveer has changed so much. He appeared so cruel. Although it was not his fault. He too faced many problems in life which had that adverse impact. But, Rihana was much sadder because her aims were not fulfilled. However, they enjoyed the last few days there and all returned back to work. Life cannot stand still but needs to move on. Gradually all got immersed in their respective fields and Rihana forgot all about Ranveer.


    Two years later. Something in the bushes just moved. And two fire shots were heard. The tiger fell wounded and the two men hurried to it. One had an open knife and the other had a pistol. The tiger was still moving and one man was pointing his pistol at it. He was about to shoot when a massive blow hit him from behind and the other man with the knife was flung in the air. They turned about and received a formidable blow bringing them down on the ground. Then, their hands were tied and one by one put them in the car. Then the saviour reached out to the wounded tiger and tried to soothe its pains. He pushed an injection into it and then gently moved his hands on it. The tiger was asleep. Then, the man gently washed its wounds, applied for some medicine on its wounds, and left some food for it. He got back to the car, a 4x4 jump Terrian jeep, and drove very fast to the cottage.


        When the two men opened their eyes, they found that they were trapped in a scarcely lit room, hands tied. As they were trying to assimilate the situation, they saw a man in a pitch-black hoodie and track pants and a fierce look, standing in front of them. Then a slap came down on one of them's faces.  A cruel metallic voice asked, "WHY DID YOU SHOOT THE TIGER? Don't you know poaching is illegal? If you have any cruelty to show, go try doing that on your ministers, but not on the animals. They haven't harmed you. Neither are they your food. If you want to earn money, I will show you an honest way." The men were looking in awe at the guy. He hardly appeared to be 27, but an amazing glow was visible from his face. His eyes were cruel but his heart was full of compassion. One of the poachers burst into tears. He said, "We don't want to harm anyone, but if we cannot sell the skin to our master, then we will have nothing to take back home to feed our families". The hoodie guy understood their problem. He untied their hands. Asked them to get up and take a seat beside the wooden table, grabbing them a couple of chairs. The two men immediately accepted the offer. One of them even tried to run away, but the hoodie guy turned and said, "Don't be so foolish. The person who can take you here can take you to the police station too". So, he rejected the idea of running away and quietly came and sat by the table. The hoodie guy went in and came back in just 5 to 7 minutes and offered them some hot soup and food. Both of them were overwhelmed by the act of kindness of the guy. Tears rolled down their eyes. The hoodie guy just said, have your food and then I will need to discuss something with you. They did so. The hoodie guy rose from there and sat by his laptop and tried to find something. As soon as the men completed eating, the hoodie guy discussed some plans with them. And then offering some cash permitted them to leave. That very night the whole poacher gang was caught. Credits going to the plan of the Hoodie guy! 


        It was a moonlight night. Rihana was strolling in her balcony, Shila was sitting in one corner and listening to some music. The scenery outside was quite soothing. Recently Rihana and Shila had to shift to the new apartment due to some neighbour issues at the previous one and this apartment was in a much better position. A wide-open balcony and a lake in front, with the silvery moonlight falling on it. It was a mystical scene. Rihana wished if she could have someone to enjoy this with her. Shila was busy in her own self, Ranjit, Riya, and Piyush were much far from there. So, she was brooding alone. Getting too much bored by the solitude, Rihana called Riya and found her busy. She tried Ranjit and Piyush. But both were having their own girlfriends and they didn't receive her call. Rihana was now too bored to get over anything. She silently went and sat in front of her laptop and started browsing through her chats with Hardik. She thought that it could relieve her but it got her into more pain. A good past is always painful if you cannot imitate it in the present. She once glanced at the conversation between her and Ranveer and she somewhat developed an agony for Ranveer. She thought to herself, "Even Ranveer had shunned me finally. Where went all his promises? Why couldn't I speak up to him when I had the opportunity to do so? Why did I faint?" Suddenly, Shila came inside dancing. She was overjoyed and couldn't stop her excitement. Rihana asked her, "What is it Shila? Why are you so happy?" Shila replied that she and Anish are going to get engaged the next week. Rihana greeted Shila. She was a little happier now because she can see at least a couple getting to their destination after a long and sweet relationship. The ceremony was to be held at Anish's place at Dehradun, so tickets were to be booked. This overjoyed Rihana. "One more traveling opportunity!", she thought. This time, Rihana called her home and told her mother everything to get permission for the same. She was luckily granted it after a little pleading. Rihana's father sent her their tickets to Lucknow. He asked Rihana to bring Shila with her too so that they can meet her roommate. Shila too agreed to the plan. Shila was orphaned at an early age and so the parents of Rihana were like her own parents. Both the ladies were overwhelmed by the idea and began their preparations.


    The day had arrived. Excitement was high. Rihana and Shila took a cab to the airport. Anish had left a day before for his hometown. Now it was time for the ladies to set off the journey.


    There was some other scene going around in Jaipur. Another marriage ceremony out there. It was Prajit this time. He was getting married now. Prajit's elder brother was welcoming the guests to the reception party. Among them entered a person with a black kurta and pajama and a white turban and shades. The guy walked up to Prajit's brother and asked him "Where is Prajit?" Prajit's brother pointed towards a place on the lawn. The guy walked straight up there and stood before Prajit with extending arms and a smile. Prajit was unable to recognize him. But he thought he might be some of the guests so he too extended his hands for a handshake. The guy in turban and shades instead offered him a key. Prajit was surprised. He was about to say that, "Please keep it with you, Sir", when suddenly the guy dropped his shades and smiled. Prajit was still having some dilemma with this person, but the guy smiled and said, "Hey bro, how were my memes?". This cleared all his doubts. This guy can be none other than Ranveer. He hugged Ranveer and even quiet a guy like him, had burst into joy. Ranveer!! It is Ranveer. Last met him in college that too in the first year. Prajit was getting too excited so Ranveer asked him to calm down and he wanted to follow the other guests. But Prajit and his sister took Ranveer for some special treatment. That night, was a night memorable. Ranveer was requested to dance with others at the party, and after a few refusals, Ranveer displayed his talents. This made the show more colorful. Well the next day, Ranveer got ready for his way back home. Prajit asked his place of stay. Ranveer replied it was Dehradun. He also had to confess the whole incident about Rihana to make things clear. The cottage that Ranveer had taken in Shimla accidentally caught fire. He had escaped from it, but one of his pet birds died. Anyways, he took leave. He left his address with Prajit and invited him to his place before he took his leave.


    It was the Mehendi ceremony. Rihana was watching Shila get it done. Suddenly someone came and asked Rihana if she too wanted some Mehendi to be done. Rihana was very fond of Mehendi. But she felt shy but still, she agreed. Now, in the ceremony, Mehendi is used to write the initials of the names of the partners together or the person herself. The lady wrote a beautiful big R but mistakenly made another lobe due to the overflow of Mehendi and it appeared like two Rs. Rihana was too busy to notice that but fates never leave anything unnoticed. Shila caught the mistake. She now began to tease Rihana saying, "Ooh ooh! so who is the other R for?" Rihana tried to explain that the lady had mistakenly dropped some more Mehendi, but Shila was in a mood to pull her leg. Well anyway, Anish came in and announced that in the evening, they will be visiting some nearby places. Since Rihana is only there for a few days, so she must be taken for good sightseeing. All of them agreed to the idea and so they set out right after lunch to explore Dehradun. 


    The part of Dehradun, where Anish lived was a small town in the outskirts of the city, in the valley, surrounded by lush green forest, and hills. With fast-flowing narrow streams down the mountains and a peaceful atmosphere, Dehradun seems to be a heaven to those who live among the hustles of a city.  Rihana and Shila took many photos together. Then, Anish walked up to them and presented a plan. They planned to visit the nearby streams and forest areas. "In Lucknow or Hyderabad, you won't get such green bliss", commented Anish. The three reached the bank of a nice brook. They enjoyed themselves a bit there. Rihana was feeling a little bored. So she got up to go towards the forest. Anish warned her, not to go too far. Rihana agreed. She went on to explore the place. Gradually Rihana stepped further. Suddenly, she could hear the mild melody. She at first thought it to be her illusion. But after some more keen hearing, she understood that it was real. A mild, addictive tune. She was almost pulled by it into a denser area of the forest. Gradually the forest began to become lighter. It was a small clearing. The only plants there were some thick undergrowth, wild weeds, and herbs. Rihana kept following until she found a small bungalow there. A man, in a black hoodie, sitting on a stone chair was playing the violin. He had his back turned towards Rihana and so he couldn't see her. Rihana too was feeling quite wondered to see a man was living amidst this lonely forest. However, she thought to return now. But Alas! It was already quite dark. Rihana tried to find her way back but couldn't. She now tried to go to the man and ask for some help. He might help her. Although Rihana had a 100% chance that the man has notorious intentions, still she had no other way. She had kept her mobile in the car. Also, she felt that shouting out wouldn't be good because that might alert the man and he may harm her thinking that she could be his enemy. Also, the forest could be unsafe. There might be wild beasts. "Oh, God! why did I follow the tune and land up here. Now, what will I do?", thought Rihana. She somehow gathered some courage finally and headed towards the man. The man sensed that someone was approaching him. He stopped playing the violin. But he didn't move. Rihana approached him and asked, "Sir I am in a trouble. I have lost my way out from here. I need to go back to town. Please help me". Now the man rose. He kept his violin and turned about to her. Rihana was shocked! She cried, "Ranveer!!!!" This time Ranveer was shocked to see her here. He didn't expect that Rihana will follow him there. Ranveer, the bold-hearted guy was now fumbling. He meekly spoke in an almost inaudible voice, "Rihana.. You!.." This time, Rihana didn't do the previous mistake. She had once faced the shock before and this time she became hostile. Without anyone knowing what happened, Rihana kicked Ranveer right in his stomach. Ranveer was shocked. As a result of the impact, he was pushed back but he didn't fall. Rihana was ferocious now. She pounced on Ranveer like an angry tigress and brought him down to the ground. Ranveer, for the first time, was so helpless. He had fought many but this time he was in such a state that he couldn't even fight. The shock had stunned him. He had lost most of his powers now.  But Rihana. She was uncontrollable now. Might be she had never beaten someone so badly before. Ranveer somehow managed to push her aside and he entered his cottage but Rihana followed him in. She closed the main door behind her. Rihana now took up a stick which she found near her. And to complete her plans, she hit Ranveer hard on his head and shouted, "You Scoundrel!! Why did you leave me alone? Why did you scare me away? Why were you hiding from me??" Ranveer had blood oozing from his head. He tried to stand and explain something but Rihana came running and laid him flat down. Then standing on his chest, she screamed, "I WILL KILL YOU! You are so bad!" Ranveer was just staring at her. He neither had the ability nor the motive to move. Moreover, Rihana had firmly held him with her leg on his chest. Suddenly, Rihana burst into tears. Ranveer was puzzled. Totally puzzled. Rihana removed her leg from his chest and Ranveer took a sigh of relief. After this Rihana cried for almost 10 to 15 minutes. Ranveer was so frightened by the appearance of Rihana that he couldn't even dare to ask her for water. He just somehow tried to recover from the shock. Rihana and he, both were sitting on the floor. Ranveer got up somehow and switched on a lamp. Rihana turned towards him. Ranveer was about to beg for forgiveness but Rihana smiled. Ranveer was yet more confused. Rihana got up. She helped Ranveer too to get up. And then, she gave Ranveer a tight hug. She hugged him for some 5 to 7 long minutes. Ranveer had goosebumps. For the first time, in his life, Ranveer was hugged by a girl. Ranveer blacked out. When Ranveer got back to his sense she found Rihana had already applied a bandage on his forehead. Moreover, Ranveer found himself on his bed, Rihana sitting on a stool by the bed. She asked him, "How are you feeling now? I am really sorry, Ranveer. I shouldn't have hit you so hard and ...". Ranveer interrupted. He simply asked her, "Why have you come here?". Rihana explained everything to him. Ranveer was surprised by one thing. When Rihana appeared she was searching for a way out to go out from the place. But why was she showing no urge to leave that place then? He was about to ask this question. But before he could open his mouth, Rihana said, "Oh No!! Anish and Shila must be looking for me." She was about to leave when Ranveer asked her to stop. He asked, "Do you know how to go out?" Rihana noded in negation. Ranveer got up, took a walkie-talkie from under his pillow. He made a call. And then he turned to Rihana and asked her to wait a bit. Within 10 minutes, the door was knocked. Ranveer asked Rihana to open it. Rihana opened and found the thing much surprising. It was none but Shila and Anish. "Surprises after surprises", thought Rihana. Anish and Shila came in and closed the door. They had some food packets and a beer bottle. Anish took a sit. Rihana and Shila too got sat on the sofa. Ranveer turned to Anish and asked him, "So, can we unravel the thing?" Anish replied, "Yes Boss!!". Well, Anish continued with the story. The fact turned out that Anish and Ranveer were college friends. Anish narrated :

"Ranveer was an awesome guy in college! When I had first met him, it was due to an Rs.20 note. Ranveer had lent me out the money and never asked it back. I even tried to return it to him, but he refused. Gradually, I found out that he was a guy far more generous than I thought. He helped me with projects, assignments and even saved me from being prey to a scam once, in college. We landed up in the same company too, but Ranveer's office was in Hyderabad and mine in Bangalore. So, I shifted to Hyderabad through a special swap request as one new recruit wished to switch to Bangalore, near his hometown. Ranveer helped me in the beginning days with the stay in the PG and later we shifted to the apartments. During the shift, I was affected by dengue and was barely able to move. Ranveer provided me all the support I could have ever imagined. He fed me, gave me medicines timely, even shared a great amount of my workload. But, I did never really find him happy. He was a bit schizophrenic and avoided office parties. He always kept himself confined. He even cracked a management exam and got into management by 27. In fact, he is still working for some firm. A great motivated and diligent guy." Rihana looked at Ranveer in confirmation. Ranveer nodded. Anish continued. "It was the month of July when we all met. But as Ranveer was too tired from his job, he was taking some rest and skipped his office. And the rest you all know". Shila asked Anish, "Okay so you even knew that he loved Rihana?" Anish replied, "Loved? He literally died. At least a thousand times a day he uttered her name. Even in sleep at times." Rihana now blushed at this. Ranveer cleared his throat. Anish understood and became quiet. Rihana had a doubt. She asked Anish, "So was this all planned?" Ranveer and Anish looked at each other and burst into laughter. Anish replied, "Yes dude. It was! I found Ranveer a place in Dehradun, knowing that I might shift here someday or at least come home during the summer. I even insisted he stay with us, but he was a great animal lover. He wished to stay his last days amongst the forest. Oh, by the way, have you all heard about the hero, called Ranveer?" Shila and Rihana were stunned. Shila said, "What was the heroic deed by him now?" Anish explained. "Previous month, Ranveer caught a gang of poachers who were notoriously killing the animals here." But for the purpose of Media and all, which he always avoids, he pleaded to the Forest Dept. to keep his name hidden." Rihana popped, "Yes yes! My Dad told me this news the previous month when we had a call. He said that some guy has caught a gang of one of the most notorious poachers. I didn't know it was Ranveer!! You are great buddy!" Ranveer replied with thanks. Anish continued, "When your tickets were booked for Lucknow, Ranveer was at Jaipur. He went to attend the wedding of Prajit. After the news of your arrival, Ranveer was trying his luck to meet you just for the last time. We planned together after he returned. Ranveer planned to play the Violin to the tune of Rihana's favorite song. That would definitely attract you to the sound. Moreover, the place where Ranveer has built his house, it's like a maze of undergrowth to the exit. You can easily enter here, but cannot leave that easily. Well, if this wouldn't have happened today, I had another plan to make you two meet, probably, by tomorrow. But luckily, Ranveer's plan worked. From the conversation with Shila, I came to know that Rihana was very angry with Ranveer, for disappearing that way, and that too almost frightening her to a great extent. So, there were two possibilities now, either Rihana will try to leave that place in disgust but she wouldn't be able to. Otherwise, she will scream at Ranveer and we will get the message that they met. So we could have followed you here. But the fact was, we didn't receive any sound. So, I was sure, Rihana must have beaten Ranveer badly. And one more thing, let me make it clear. Ranveer acted to be addicted. He is not. He had never touched anything apart from fruit beer which is essential in the cold climates over here to keep yourself warm. And the rest is, I guess visible." The clock now struck 8. Ranveer asked Anish to set out the dinner. Ranveer called Rihana to help him arrange crockeries. Biriyani of Dehradun Rice, Butter chicken, and fruit beer. The best dinner one can get. The four sat for the delicious treat and since it was late, Ranveer insisted they stay. So they did. The next morning, Anish and Shila went back to their house and while leaving, Anish asked Ranveer to join them by the evening. Rihana and Ranveer now sat by the balcony. Ranveer was feeling shy that his dream has come true. Rihana was feeling shy because she too had started to like Ranveer. And why shouldn't anyone? Ranveer is a guy, you can rarely find. However, some conversations rolled on. Ranveer asked about Hardik. Rihana became quiet. Ranveer understood, that they broke up. He was about to confront her, when Rihana said, "You were right, Ranveer. Hardik finally got married and he shuns me. Had I believed you, had I cared for you then we could have been better friends for more number of days." There was silence for some amount of time. Ranveer broke the silence. He said, "Chaddo", (a term which Rihana used to utter when Ranveer disclosed anything that he was sad about). "Leave what's gone. You have a better life ahead." 


    Times change people. They even change their attitude towards others. Rihana realized that if there was anyone in the whole world who is loyal and would ever be loyal to her, then it is none but only Ranveer. Ranveer went in to fetch the breakfast. Rihana and Ranveer had their first breakfast together. After that Ranveer gave Rihana a tour of his cottage. It was a beautiful and tidy cottage. A room, where Ranveer used to spend most of his time had a big picture of Rihana printed on the wall. Ranveer was so shy that he still couldn't reveal his love for Rihana. However, time passed soon. They went to the wedding of Shila and Anish. After that, the day came for Rihana to take leave and return to Hyderabad. But this time, she began to feel more lonely than before. She had to leave Ranveer back here. She asked if Ranveer could return with her, but he denied. "We are Cyber Friends Forever, Rihana. We will keep in touch", said Ranveer. He was out from the world by then. He loved his calm and quiet life amidst the forest. Ranveer too was feeling pain down his chest but he had let her go.


    It was the 6th of July,2030. Rihana called Ranveer at 7AM sharp in morning. The phone rang twice. Now she began to fear when Ranveer didn't take up the call. Although they had a conversation last afternoon, yet Rihana began to fear. She remembered that Ranveer once said that was the last day of Ranveer on the earth. "So probably, Ranveer... might have committed...., No No No!!", Rihana was too tensed. She tried to call him again. But no reply from the other end. Rihana was now very tensed. She drank a glass of water and was roaming aimlessly. Even Shila doesn't live with her now. Finally, Rihana decided to call Anish. Might be he might know something about Ranveer. She took her mobile and was almost about to ring Anish when suddenly the doorbell rang. It was Ranveer. Rihana was shocked again. She pulled Ranveer by his collar and closed the door and hugged him tightly. Ranveer asked her, "Can you do something else apart from this?" Rihana burst into laughter. Ranveer too. Rihana said, "Hey you have almost killed me from tension. And, how did you manage to come... Ah! wait. You first come in and have a sit. You seem too tired." Rihana made Ranveer sit on the bed and she ran to the kitchen. In a moment she returned with some juice and gave it to Ranveer. Then they began chatting. Gradually, the clock struck 8, and Rihana and Ranveer had their breakfast. Now, Rihana asked Ranveer, "So, what brings you here? Because you never show up to the world. Is it me?", she asked him shyly. Ranveer replied, "Yes. But there is also a second reason." Rihana asked, "so what's that?" Ranveer took Rihana's phone and opened her mail and gave it to her. He opened his email on his phone and showed her too. After the interview last week, both were selected by the world's best tech firm and they needed to relocate to California, US. Rihana almost cried out in joy. She couldn't believe it. Ranveer said, he had checked the final list released yesterday at their official site and found Rihana's name there too. But he definitely knew that Rihana hadn't noticed it else she would have called him and let him know about it. Ranveer was anyway planning to come to Hyderabad, but he got this amazing news to accompany him. Ranveer asked Rihana about her job."Aren't you getting late? It is already 8:30". Rihana now disclosed that she had left her job 3 months ago, owing to some disturbances in the working environment. "A guy tried to propose to me and when I declined, he used to harass me!", said Rihana. "So, why didn't you complain against him to higher authorities?" asked Ranveer. "Because I couldn't. Nobody stood by my side, apart from Shila. Anish tried to get a legal notice against him from a lawyer, but the guy was much more influential than us. He had some contact with the "Dons" of Hyderabad. So we had to step out.", grieved Rihana. Ranveer was furious. Rihana saw his frightening red eyes and shivering fist. She quickly held him tightly and asked him to stop. Ranveer was not in a mood to listen. He replied in a metallic angry voice, "Do you know his address?" Rihana said, "Ranveer. Leave! I don't want you to get into all these again. Please!" Ranveer turned and smiled. He said, "we are Cyber Friends, right?" Rihana replied, "Yes, but..." Ranveer interrupted. He said, "So, let's pull out the cockroach and apply the spray". Rihana asked, "How?" Ranveer told him his complete plan. Rihana's brother was the ACP of Lucknow Police. Rihana contacted him. She disclosed all the matter and when her brother listened to all that, he promised to cooperate. Planwise, Rihana made an account in Tinder. She lured the guy for a date. Well, it took a few weeks to get the thing done smoothly. That time was utilized by Ranveer in making their US Visa. After their transit was secured, he asked Rihana to call the guy to a place just in front of the Lucknow Commissionarate Police Station. The guy did as was expected and got into the trap. Since he was out of Hyderabad, his gang cannot come to save him. And Lucknow Police under the leadership of ACP Sidhhart Singh made full utilization of the situation and caught the crook. Sid called his sister Rihana and informed her about it. Well, by that time Ranveer and Rihana were waiting at the Dubai International Airport for their flight to the US. "Can you please hand over the phone to Ranveer Bro once?" asked Sid. Rihana replied, "Sure" and handed over the phone to Ranveer. Ranveer touched the phone to his ears. The voice from the other end said, "Brother, you are just amazing!! Although it seems easy to say that it was a plan, you were the real mastermind behind the success of it. The guy has a series of similar harassment and criminal records. It is all because of you that girls like my sister are getting justice. I am much grateful to you, Brother...". Ranveer interrupted him. He smiled and replied, "I alone am nothing. It is because of Lions in Uniform, like you that I am able to successfully complete my missions." Sid asked, "Wasn't it you who saved the wild animals at the Doon Forests too, from the hands of the poachers?" Ranveer replied with a smile, "So Rihana had told you right? " Sid laughed too. After he hanged up, the flight was also announced, and Ranveer and Rihana left for their flight. The next day they landed in Los Angeles and from there the next part of their life took its flight. A life of togetherness...


20th June 2033. Flight 920F landed at Los Angeles International Airport. Rihana stepped out of the airport after about 30 minutes after all security checks and collecting her luggage. Ranveer was waiting outside to receive her. They got in their car and left for home. Well, let us get to know this with a little more clarity. Rihana visits her hometown Lucknow every year. Ranveer used to accompany her every year but this year, due to some official pressures, he was only able to see her off at the airport. For that, possibly Rihana was a little angry with him. But she too knows that the department in which Ranveer works has the highest pressure. Still, it is a behavioral trend of girls to get angry at the person they love the most for trivial issues. Phases of anger and love continued between them, but every time the way Ranveer manages things, Rihana cannot keep herself aloof from him. 


    Usually, every year, Rihana visits home by this time as her birthday falls on the 18th of June. Ranveer usually used to visit Anish during his visit to India. And finally, when Rihana was done with her vacation, they both used to return. Once they had visited the Rumi Darwaza, a famous tourist spot of Lucknow. But they were almost in danger of being caught. Well, in India, a gang of people cannot tolerate unmarried couples roaming together. They had almost attacked them. Thanks to Rihana's pajamas and T-shirt attire that she looked like a man. Ranveer immediately took his handkerchief and asked Rihana to wrap it on her hair-bun like a small turban. She looked like a Punjabi lad. So, the men of the anti-couple gang avoided them thinking both were men and danger was avoided. After that, they ran out of the campus and Rihana returned home. When she had described it to Sid and Shreya they couldn't stop laughing. Sid said, "Wow, now I feel that I need to meet Ranveer." Shreya too wished the same. So, Rihana once took them to Ranveer. The four made a lot of fun. Ranveer was extremely happy to meet all of them and Sid and Shreya were overjoyed to meet Ranveer. Shreya said to Rihana, "Really you are blessed with the best boyfriend, Didi". Rihana rebuked her and said, "Okay now stop it." 


    However, neither Rihana's mother nor her father knew about this relationship. Since she had turned 30, they were constantly asking her to get married. The conservative Indian traditions. "Mr. Sharma's son will be the best match for you, Rihana", suggested Rihana's father. Not only once, but Mr. Singh had also taken many matches to her but every time she denied it. Once, Mrs. Singh (Rihana's mom) asked her, " Okay you tell me what type of boy do you want for marriage?". Rihana at first tried to avoid it and said that she wasn't interested in all those and wanted to live independently. One day, her mom was upset with her answers and she stopped talking to her. So, to make her happy, Rihana had to disclose her choice. Her descriptions completely matched with Ranveer. She even expressed that the boy must be holding a Leo Zodiac.  Now, this created a doubt in the mind of Mrs Singh. She asked Rihana, "Is some guy in the knowledge of you?? Are you hiding something??" Rihana was in trouble now. She never lied to her mom, but now she would have to. Else, somehow her parents will get her married to some other guy and she cannot ever return to Ranveer. Might be she would suffer for some days, but what about Ranveer? Ranveer couldn't surely bear up this and take some extreme steps. Also, by then, Rihana had begun to love him a lot. They have spent days together, side by side, like soulmates. So, she said, "No Mumma. I just said that because I have heard somewhere that the bond between Aries and Leo zodiacs is the best. See, yourself and Papa. You are so close and you have a great mutual understanding. That's why I said something like that". "But Rihana, how can we get a good match with so many specifications?" Suddenly Sid called Rihana, "Didi, where is my watch?" Rihana ran to help her brother find his watch and the matter was put down there.


    "We have reached home, Rihana", said Ranveer. Rihana opened the car door and stepped down. Ranveer took her luggage from the dicky and both of them stepped into their house. That night, Rihana said, "Ranveer, please do something now. Mumma and Papa are after me for marriage. They have found some 20  different relations and I have rejected each one of them". Ranveer was playing some video games. He simply replied, "Choose one and get married." Rihana starred at him in surprise. "How can this guy say something so easily? We are in a relationship for more than 3 long years and he is simply talking nonsense", thought Rihana. She now got angry at Ranveer and snatched his gaming console and shouted at him, "Look at me, Ranveer". Ranveer looked. Rihana now got furious. She said, "wouldn't you say anything?" Ranveer said, "But you just said me to look at you. You didn't ask me to say anything.", and he giggled. Rihana glared at him and said, "My parents are going to get me married and you won't say anything?? What kind of a boyfriend are you? Don't you care for me now? Or the time when I left for Lucknow, you got hooked up with someone?" Ranveer now sat calmly and looked at Rihana. He said, "Look Rihana, I might be away from my parents for several years but that doesn't anyway mean that I am against anyone's parents. You know that our castes don't match. You are a Rajput Kshatriya and I am a Bengali Kayastha. Your parents are too conservative, especially Uncle. Now, if I accompany you to your home, try to convince Uncle and Aunty, then things can get worse. And if you marry me, I will be the most blessed but that will not make your parents happy, am I right?" Rihana nodded with sadness. Ranveer continued, "Did you remember when I had once said that Hardik will leave you someday, and you will break the worst? It was indeed true. But did you ever want him to go away? No, I guess. But see, time and fate listen to nobody. Karma has died long back. This is Kalyug, here only they have listened to those who apply force. There is no respect for true love...". Rihana was sobbing. She now started to cry. She hugged Ranveer tightly, scratched his neck, and tried to push him to the wall. She then burst out crying. Pushing her head into Ranveer's chest, she broke into tears. Ranveer could no longer hold back his tears too. For twelve long years, nobody ever watched him sob, but now even his boldness couldn't forbid him from rolling down his tears. He looked down and saw Rihana's specs were all wet with her tears. He thought that if she could see his tears, then she would even break more. He gently pushed away Rihana, made her sit on the sofa and he went to the washroom to wash his face. At the washroom, he looked at the mirror. Incidences from the 10 long years flashed back to him. The first chat when they were in college, the separation, the CodeChef longs, the cheerful parties with Anish and friends, the reunion of Ranveer and Rihana and... Ranveer made himself strong. "Come on! Leos never cry. Why are you feeling so weak today?" Ranveer asked himself. He stepped out from the washroom and found Rihana sitting and sobbing. Ranveer quietly came and sat beside her. He broke the silence and spoke to Rihana. "Don't disappoint your parents Rihana. If you truly want something from your heart, you will get that. Rihana stopped crying. She turned to Ranveer and asked, "How?" Ranveer said, "Call your parents and say that you are ready to get married. Let them arrange for the ceremonies. Parents' decisions are never wrong Rihana. Go with what they say. Let the rest be a surprise." Rihana wasn't at all in the mood to listen to all these. But she tried not to disobey Ranveer. That night, after dinner she made a call back home and expressed her eagerness to get married. Her parents were really very happy. After a week, Rihana came to know that there was a boy, an IITian, earning 60 lakhs per annum ( 20 lakhs more than Rihana), but was from a Brahmin family. Mr, Shailesh Chaturvedi. With this boy, Rihana was destined to tie her knots that December. December 2033. Ranveer was happy for her. At least he could watch the dearest person to him getting settled. But Rihana was not at all happy. She was again and again betrayed by her luck. She was losing her ability to think and react. She only acted to be happy as Ranveer had asked her to be. 5 months passed. Rihana packed her bags. Ranveer came to drop her at the airport. Rihana was still sobbing. She turned to Ranveer and with a gloomy face, asked him, "Is this our last meet, Ranveer? Can't we meet again ever?" Ranveer said, "Why not? We might surely meet. And we are cyber friends. None can stop us from staying in touch". Ranveer smiled. "But what if the server fails?" asked Rihana. Ranveer made a funny face. He said, "Then I will ask Cupid to fix it. Now go, your flight is waiting. Don't be upset. Be happy. All the best for your new life". After this, Rihana left Ranveer and a ton of memories and left Los Angeles to Lucknow. 


    7th December 2033. Lucknow. House of Rihana. Decorations and arrangements were at their peak. Everyone was too busy. Rihana's hands were decorated with Mehendi. Everyone was quite happy in their house, except Rihana, Sid, and Shreya. Shreya even asked Rihana that she might go and have a talk with their father, but Rihana refused. Sid was not in a mood to attend the pomp and show anymore where in front of his eyes, his sister's happiness is being destroyed forever. "Ranveer Bhaiya was the best match for Didi", Sid said that to Shreya. She agreed. But of what use. Suddenly, Sid's phone rang. An unknown number. Sid went to receive the call. In the meanwhile, Mrs. Singh came in. She looked at Rihana's face and said, "May God bless you with all the pleasures of life. Rihana put her head onto her mother's lap and quietly rested there. Tears were rolling past her eyes. When Mrs. Singh noticed that she asked Rihana, "Why are you crying, my child? What happened?" Rihana just gave a smile and wiped her tears and said, "Nothing Mumma, I got a little emotional. I was thinking if Shailesh is not that good, then ..." Mrs. Singh interrupted her. "What nonsense!? He is the best match for you. IITian earns a good amount of money. And a very somber and good boy." She also added, "This marriage is the matter of our honor, Rihana. Do you doubt your father?" Rihana said, "No Mumma, I never meant that". Mrs. Singh smiled and said, "I know my child", and she gave her a hug of compassion. 


    It was 7:00 PM. Everyone was waiting for the groom. Rihana in her bridal dress was sitting in the Marriage Hall. She was looking no less than a princess that day. Sid went out to see if the groom had arrived, but there was no one. Mr. Singh called Mr. Chaturvedi, the father of Shailesh, but they didn't receive the call. Now there were guests pouring in. Mr. Singh asked Sid to reach out to them but neither Shialesh nor his house members received the call. There was no party of the groom anywhere to be seen. The Pandit Ji over there came to Mr. Singh and said, "Sir, there is not much time. If your elder daughter is not married, then it will be treated as a curse. Even your younger daughter cannot get married." Mr. Singh was in real trouble. Mrs. Singh walked up to him. She said, "Please don't worry. God will surely do justice to us". The clock struck 7:45. Pandit Ji came and said, "You just have one and a half hours left, Mr. Singh. If the groom doesn't come now, then it will not be possible to do anything." Mr. Singh appeared helpless now. He turned to Mrs. Singh and said, "Perhaps our forcing on Rihana had become a curse for us now. We should have heard her." Guests began questioning and Sid and Pulkit (cousin brother of Rihana), found it hard to maintain the decorum. Rihana, who was quiet till then had now started crying. She thought, "Only if Ranveer was here, then conditions wouldn't have been worse. Why did I obey him? Why did I leave him?..." 


    Suddenly, a BMW screeched out at the porch. A man dressed in a black suit came out, followed by 2 others. They searched for Mr. Singh. Sid, who was at the gates, recognized that it was the lawyer, Mr. Tripathi. Tripathi was a renowned lawyer at the Lucknow High Court, in practice for more than 20 long years. He came to inform Sid that Shailesh Chaturvedi and his father Mr. Dwijendra Chaturvedi were caught from a bar. They were alleged with several charges, from human trafficking, a drug cycle to polygamy attempts, and much more. "You are lucky Mr. Singh that Rihana didn't get married to him." Mr. Singh was shocked. He sat down on the chair with his hand on his head. "He said, everything got shattered!! Oh, God!!" Suddenly, all heard the sound of a horse trotting. Yes, it was a white horse! It galloped into the lobby there with its rider, who was wearing an embroidered Sherwani, a red pajama, and carried a sword. His face couldn't be seen as his turban had some white beads hanging from it, obscuring the face. The horse stopped in the garden, the rider jumped down from the horseback and went straight up to Mr. Singh. He handed him a piece of paper, which was actually a horoscope, and asked him to give it to the Pandit Ji. Mr. Singh wanted to know about the guy. So, he removed the bead curtain from his face and revealed his identity. "I am Ranveer Chowdhary, an old acquaintance of Rihana. Sid who heard his name immediately came and embraced him. "Ranveer Bhaiya!! You...." And then the word was spread to the inner cabins where Rihana was waiting. She heard the name, "Ranveer Chowdhary". Mr. Singh, however, was quite doubtful. He had never seen this guy. He asked him, "Why should I believe you? You are a stranger. How will I trust you? Already a trusted person broke our trust...". Sid now walked up to his father and said, "Papa, I know Ranveer for many years. Even Shreya knows him. He is really a very good boy. I will explain everything, please let him proceed now. If the time elapses, then it will be very harmful to Didi. Please, Papa...". In the meanwhile, the Pandit Ji arrived and Sid handed over the horoscope of Ranveer to him. Pandit Ji scrutinized it and turned to Mr. Singh. He said, "This is the best bond you can ever find, Sir. Such a lucky bond comes one in a thousand. If the guy is eager, please let the marriage proceed. I, with a promise of "Agni" (The Hindu ritual to personify Fire as a sacred entity in weddings), suggest that there will be no better option for you now. Mr. Tripathi too joined them and said, "Yes Sir. I also know Ranveer. He is an honest citizen with no negative remarks but only positive words. We have met on a train once. I had accidentally forgotten my briefcase. Ranveer took the trouble to return it to me. He had to sacrifice his train but still, he never stepped back upon helping, even a stranger like me". Well, listening to all those statements and finding no other way, he had to agree to the marriage, at least to save the future of his daughters. The ceremonies and rituals were completed without any blockage. Rihana now looked at Ranveer. Yes, it was Ranveer. The same Ranveer who had always stayed with her in her good and bad times. Ranveer too had his eyes stuck at Rihana. His love. How much he longed to see this day in his life. Finally, their prayers were heard. Everyone seemed happy. However, Mr. Singh couldn't actually assimilate this bond. He still had doubts about Ranveer. He isn't of their caste, rather a caste lower. Although the reviews from his Police son and other eminent people were all in Ranveer's favor, yet he wasn't totally sure of it. Well, now nothing can be done. They are already married and now thinking for his daughter's good, Mr. Singh cannot pose any more objections. 


    On the other hand, Ranveer was found very very useful. He was an expert at household stuff. Have you ever seen sons-in-law, helping their mothers-in-law in the kitchen? Ranveer did. He had won the confidence of Rihana's mother right from the first day. There were some relatives in their house, who too were impressed by Ranveer's helpful, active, caring and fun-loving nature. He was able to mingle with them in just a few hours. Even Rihana was shocked to find Ranveer in this form. As per a marriage ritual, however, they were forbidden from facing each other for the day. But, apart from that, there was quite happiness and excitement in the air. Ranveer was not being looked at as an outsider but as a son of the family. Well, that day went well. The next day, there was the marriage reception ceremony, which was supposed to be held at Ranveer's house, as per customs. So, Mrs. Singh went to Ranveer and asked him about his parents. Ranveer became quiet. Rihana's father had a lot of doubts bubbling in his mind now. He turned to Mrs. Singh and said, "Now can you see? This boy is surely playing a prank on us. He is just a ruffian, who has no home or fortune and has come to get hold of our daughter. I had warned you but nobody listened. Now see...". "Please stop it, Ranveer will feel bad", said Mrs. Singh. But Mr. Singh was not in a mood to listen. He straight walked up to Ranveer and looking at him he charged Ranveer. "So, where are your parents? What are your intentions? Are you here to harm our daughter? Then listen, I won't let that happen...". "Papa, his parents are at his home. At Kolkata", said Rihana. Rihana came to protect him and she disclosed everything that had been happening for the last 12 - 13 years. Rihana had tears in her eyes. Ranveer was speechless, Mrs. Singh was awestruck and Mr. Singh was too shocked to react. Ranveer, meekly tried to convince saying, "Uncle, please forgive Rihana, she went hyper. It's all my fault. I will leave if that suits the best....". "Shut Up!!", cried Rihana to Ranveer. Everyone was shocked except Ranveer. He was used to these. Rihana continued, "Even Lord Shiva has no parents. Then Himalaya shouldn't have given his daughter, Parvati's hand in marriage." This is a hard point to deny. A theist's definition of life. Mr. Singh thought those words. Perhaps, he realized something. Ranveer was trying to stop Rihana but she was no way to be stopped. She continued to say, "If you think I have done something wrong, then we are both ready to leave..." Mr. Singh stopped her. He turned to Ranveer and with tears in his eyes, he hugged him. Ranveer to go emotional. The scenario again got joyous. Ranveer, Rihana, Mr. and Mrs. Singh, Sid, and Shreya all were finally happy. Yes! Ranveer was the ideal choice. And no one can at all turn away this guy. He was so generous and so good. That day, after lunch Rihana and Ranveer left for Los Angeles by the flight. Now, no one can ever separate them. Because they are not only Cyber Friends now. They are soulmates. They are life partners. Rihana has shown to everyone that day that she is the most eligible and capable life partner of Ranveer. Ranveer had his heart filled with only joy and joy. 


From Dubai, they had a video call with the family. Everyone was so happy for them. Finally, their flight to Los Angeles was announced. Boarding the flight, Rihana peacefully kept her head into Ranveer's chest and closed her eyes, as the flight took off to the sky of dreams.


The flight landed at Los Angeles International Airport. The same old highways, those same old houses, but nobody knows why everything was looking so new and so lovely for Ranveer and Rihana. They have nothing to hide now. Nothing to be afraid of. They are of each other. The skies have met the seas. The world is filled with love. A deep love.


     The cab stopped before the house. Ranveer and Rihana got down. Took off their luggage, and stepped inside their home. Rihana made a call back home. Ranveer was busy arranging the luggage and things. Rihana slyly stepped from behind him and jumped onto Ranveer's back and hugged him. Ranveer started to laugh. They have finally reached their goal. Rihana said to Ranveer in the same loving way, "Ranveer... You are the best friend and husband in the world, Ranveer. You are really the best. But how did you manage all those? Intercepting the marriage, getting in the compound in the white horse and all those...?"

Ranveer replied, "Okay, I will tell you. But before that please help me with this luggage." The duo got the luggage sorted, and finally, Ranveer returned to the sofa and found Rihana ready with dark coffee. "Rihana, have you taken some instructions from home? To serve husbands and all?" Rihana laughed, "No no! I just thought you might need some. Since we have entered the home, you are constantly working.". Ranveer smiled and said, "I can't hide from you, and you are taking advantage,.... haha". Rihana now asked Ranveer, "So tell me... how you managed all these". Ranveer replied, "Listen then...".


       "The night you disclosed the info and pic about Shailesh, I started to track his movements. He was an IIT-D graduate, son of a corrupt Merchant. I came to know from his social media that he used to launder his money. They lied to your father about his job. Shailesh was rusticated from his college for his bad company and addictions but his dad somehow got him completed the graduation with some money and resources. Even on the day when your marriage was organized, they went to a pub because they had a deal with some cocaine smuggler. I also contacted Mr Tripathi. He found my suspicions were correct. He called Sid and informed him of the matter. I then called Sid and asked him to act as if nothing had happened. I landed in India the day next to you and took a lodge close to your home. I did this intentionally so that I can keep you and your home under a watch. Sid acted as my eye there. Finally at 6 that day, some police stationed near the home of Chaturvedi found them heading towards Marshall street. Police followed them and I was getting ready because I knew Chaturvedi. I needed to protect you and your family. So I hurried to the marriage grounds. I saw everyone so tensed and so I did all these...". Rihana started clapping. "Congrats Ranvo!! You are just awesome." "Ranvo??", Ranveer asked in surprise. "Yes, the Indian edition of Rambo. Since it matches with Ranveer, I said, Ranvo, wasn't it good?" giggled Rihana and followed by the laughter of Ranveer.


    The next morning, "Rihu.... Where are you? Aren't you going to the office today?", cried Ranveer while brushing his teeth. Rihana came yawning and asked him "Why are you screaming at 7 o'clock on Sunday morning? " Ranveer looked towards the Calendar. "Oh yes! It is Sunday. My bad." Rihana looked at him and murmured, "Idiot. Spoiling my sleep". Ranveer apologized. Rihana comes to him half sleepy, catches hold of his collar, and drags him to the bedroom. She points towards the bed and says, "Can you see that? The bed? Go and sleep there. Always you are in hyper mode." and pushes Ranveer to the bed. It's the morning of a chilling December. Rihana spreads the blanket onto Ranveer and holding him tight restores him to sleep. Ranveer too. 


  Months passed this way. Rihana's parents once came to visit them in the month of June. They enjoyed it a lot. Mr. Singh and Ranveer had built a great bond by then and they enjoyed a morning walk on the lawn behind. After that, they had tea together. "Your house is so good, Ranveer", said Mrs. Singh. "All the credits go to Rihana. She has made this heaven.", replied Ranveer. Mr. Singh said, "But you can't clap single-handed, my boy! So I must praise you too, haha..." Ranveer blushed. Well, this phase went, followed by Ranveer's Birthday. Rihana planned some surprises for Ranveer. She arranged for a candlelight dinner that night. Ranveer was really surprised and pleased. Rihana cooked Biryani for them. But, she found Ranveer was not really happy. So, Rihana came close to Ranveer and held his hands. She found Ranveer was having goosebumps. She rubbed her hands past Ranveer's forearms and asked him, "What are you thinking, dear?". Ranveer replied, "Do you know Rihana, every birthday, Maa used to cook Biryani for me. Now it is 12 long years. I haven't kept any contact. I don't know how she is. I once want to meet them.", saying this Ranveer looked towards Rihana. Rihana looked at Ranveer. She said, "But why did you leave home?" Ranveer said, "I was madly in love with you. I didn't think of anything else then. But I had kept in contact with them till 2027 until I met you. Then I hid. I only had the last Whatsapp in 2027 July. On my birthday. Now it is 7 long years. Rihana, then I went to Hyderabad for my job but after that what I did was pure nonsense. I want to meet Maa and Baba. I want to apologize to them." Rihana thought for a moment. She said, "what if they don't accept me? See, you are a Bengali boy, I am a Rajput girl. I am not fluent in Bengali like you. How will your parents feel comfortable communicating with me? Also, I might be out of your tradition.". Ranveer said, "I was too for your family. They accepted me despite conservation. Why won't Maa and Baba? Surely they would." Rihana smiled back. "Then let us book our tickets?" Ranveer said, "No. If we visit now we won't be able to stay for long. I was planning to take you during the Puja holidays. In October. You had longed to be there, to watch the Puja celebrations, enjoy the Pani Puri, Roshogolla, Kolkata Biryani, walk across the Howrah Bridge, sit by the ghats of Ganga and much more...". Rihana almost shouted in joy. "Ranveer, love you so much!!! You are...", saying this she kissed him. On his cheeks. Ranveer experienced a current flowing down his nerves. He began laughing like a mad. Finally he turned to Rihana and said, "Okay! done."


        12th October 2034. Ranveer and Rihana landed at Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport, Dum Dum, Kolkata. They hired a cab and headed straight towards Ranveer's home. Ranveer and Rihana went up the elevator. Flat number 24, SkyLark Apartments. Ranveer rang the doorbell. The door opens. It was Ranveer's father. Ranveer almost jumped into him, crying "Baba......". Mr. Chowdhary was amazed, stunned, and seamlessly happy to see Ranveer after so many years. He then asked Ranveer in. Ranveer said, "Just a min, Baba." He called Rihana. For the first time, Rihana met Mr. Chowdhary, Ranveer's father. Mr. Chowdhary asked Ranveer about Rihana. Ranveer was quiet for a moment. Then, he replied, "She is my wife, Baba". In the meantime, Mrs. Chowdhary, Ranveer's mom to comes to the living room. Mr. Chowdhary questioned Ranveer, "How and when? And why didn't you tell us anything? Is she a Bengali? "etc...


    Ranveer could understand that Rihana must be feeling insulted. He requested his father to calm down a little but then his mom started. So to clear all, Ranveer explained everything. At first, Ranveer's parents were not in a mood to trust him. But the sweet behaviour of Rihana and their happiness convinced them that no questions can be made. Meanwhile, Rihana had learned to speak broken Bengali. Seeing her not very comfortable, Mrs Chowdhary asked her to converse in her mother tongue. Things were getting sorted slowly. The bubbles of confusion were slowly getting evaporated by lights of confidence on them. Really, Ranveer appeared so happy with Rihana. Rihana too was so happy with Ranveer. The family got closer.  After all, a kid's happiness is a parent's happiness.  One day, Ranveer's father suggested, "Why don't you take Rihana for a trip to Kolkata? She can enjoy this place." Ranveer agreed and they set out for their tour. Rihana was so amazed to see Kolkata. She smelled a fragrance of homeliness and love. Ranveer and Rihana enjoyed street food, walks across the Howrah Bridge, passed some quality time in the Maidan grounds. Ranveer searched and found that some good movies had hit the cinemas. He and Rihana went to see one. They had many fun activities together. Finally, they returned home packing some delicacies for their family. That night after dinner Ranveer and Rihana went to the terrace. Pointing towards the Moon, Ranveer said, "Rihana do you know, I used to look at this moon since we had a talk at the end of 2nd Sem, 2nd Year. Then, I never in my wildest imagination have ever thought that we two can ever be one." Rihana drew close and said. "Yes. But now that I am here, we won't ever depart. I love you, Ranveer."


    The next day, it was Saptami. The ceremonies of Durga Puja have started. Rihana, bathed and dressed in Saree, looked like an angel. "Our Ranveer too looks quite good by her side, isn't it?", asked Mr. Chowdhary to Mrs. Chowdhary. "May God always keeps them together and happy", was Ranveer's Maa's reply. Getting ready, they visited the Pandal. Rihana expressed the wish to light the earthen lamps like others. Ranveer said, "Please, carry on." Rihana asked, "Won't you come? Are you still an atheist?"

Ranveer didn't reply. Rihana was a little disgusted. She said, "Whatever! you stay here, I am gonna do my job." She hurried to the lampstand. She even lit a lamp. But due to wind, its flame began to flicker. Rihana was tense as it is considered a bad sign if the lamp gets off. Suddenly, came a pair of hands to protect the flames. Ranveer. He helped Rihana protect her wish, her prayers. More surprisingly, he turned towards the idol and folded his hands in prayer. Rihana was surprised when she turned to him. The atheist, who never folds his hands before the toughest struggles, now folds his hands. Rihana asked him, "Ranveer? What happened to you today? You were praying to God?" Ranveer replied to this in a beautiful way. He said, "You have left no stone unturned to think of my welfare. Why not me then? I have lost the war, Rihana. The war which I wanted to lose. Jai Durga Maa... ". And they lived happily ever after...



  1. This sounds so awesome. Wish this was true for everyone so dedicated!!

  2. This story was literally amazing. I expect there is a movie on this soon. It would be definitely better than Shiddat.

  3. Thanks a lot to everyone for your love and support. Really this motivates me a lot.


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