--- Lucifer

    Once someone rightly said, "If you want something from the very bottom of your heart, you will definitely get it someday. Maybe later, but for sure." Love too follows the rule. Separations can come, and hearts might get broken due to certain scenarios. But if you stick to your faith in love, you will find it one day.

     As Perman was leaving for the Bird planet, Pako was waving goodbye, along with her colleagues, Payan and Booby. But little did she know that the departures would be so painful. That night, when Pako sat on her bed, removed her Perman set, and turned into herself, into Sumire Hoshino, she began to feel a queer pain down her heart. She felt as if something was missing. She took her Perman badge and was about to make Perman a call. But then she remembered what Birdman had said. "You cannot use it for personal purposes. You will need to use it only when you are in an emergency and need backup." So she refrained from using it. It is a peculiar nature of the human mind. When everything is near you, you will never feel the urge to have it. But you understand the hard value of it when it is far from being accessible. Sumire was feeling upset. She took her robot from the shelf and sat on her bed with it. The robot turned into Sumire within seconds and then Sumire expressed her feelings about her present situation. Her robot understood everything. She had no other option but to console her. She said, "Don't worry, Perman will surely come back one day. Now you are only 11 years old. You have many years ahead. You have to graduate, to achieve your dreams of being a singer and one of the post-popular actresses on Asahi TV.  Think how many people count on you! Your fame as Sumire Hoshino and also as Pako is known far and wide. If you get upset for Mitsuo now, how can you continue with the life ahead?" Pako looked at her with tears in her eyes, "What if he never comes back?" Her robot was taken aback. She said, "But... what makes you think this dude? He loves you and he knows your secret now. Why won't he come back? He is just in the training of being the next Birdman. He hasn't left you. Perhaps, Mitsuo too thinks the same for you. He too might be missing you there". Sumire agrees. She then gets up from her bed and silently stands by the balcony. Staring at the star she tries to imagine Perman. Her tears could no longer be constrained to her eyes and she blast out. Her robot rushes and confronts her. Finally, she goes to sleep but with an aching heart. Now, another thing that was not mentioned was the missing of Mitsuo from his house. Birdman did a clever thing there. He had put Mistuo's robot and sealed his nose which was a button. Now even by accident, no one could actually convert him back to a robot, otherwise, it would have been a danger. Mitsuo would be completely missing and on enquiring his truth might have come in-front-of everyone which the entire Birdman team has been trying to hide for so many years. But Pako and Sumire know that he isn't Mitsuo actually and so she never feels the same for him. Robots, too have nothing called feelings as such, I mean the feeling of love unless it is some bullshit by T-Series or Bollywood.    
    After a few weeks, Birdman noticed that Pako, the most diligent Perman member was neglecting her duties. He scolded her a few times but Pako continued to repeat her mistakes. She appeared as if she wasn't doing it wholeheartedly. Birdman noticed this and once he came to have a talk regarding the issue. Pako told her everything. She even asked about Perman. Birdman replied that Perman is alright and that he is in training but he could understand Pako's deep feelings for Mitsuo. Even he remembers how he once madly loved Birdwoman, his ex. He used to think that feelings were temporary for Pako as she was too young but it was also a fact that she was going to enter her teenage. Already puberty had hit her and her hormones have started revolting around the scenarios. Birdman understood everything. He asked for the Perman set and her robot from Pako. She readily gave it up and returned home as Sumire. That night, Payan and Booby came to visit her. They asked her why she gave up on being Pako. Sumire explained everything. Booby and Payan were very upset. Within the next week, they too surrendered their duties and there was no Perman anywhere.  People were upset in Kawasaki but they didn't know why and how all the Perman members disappeared. The TV show was eventually closed now as a new show was brought into the limelight. Doraemon. It had a new hype. Some people claimed that Doraemon was a raccoon robot made by Birdman, but those were just myths. 

    Time passed on. Sumire Hoshino was now a popular actress and singer. But despite her fame, she was extremely lonely. She even lost contact with friends as soon as she had left her Perman duties and not even by coincidence did she ever meet with Payan, Booby, or Mistuo's robot. Her stardom had given her peak but her life has given her pains. Whenever no one was near and Sumire was stressed, she would cry for Mitsuo. She used to say, "Please come back soon... I cannot live without you!" Years rolled by, and all the kids are now grown up. But here the time freezes. Fujiko F Fujio passes away in 1996. Sumire then was 20 years old. After that, she never appeared on TV but only resided in the hearts of fans.

    After many long years. In Bangalore, India. Ranveer and Rihana came back from the US and joined some private firms there. They had all of their relatives here so there was no point in staying far away. Rihana was watching the last episode of Perman on YouTube when Ranveer came home. He saw Rihana was engrossed in something and so silently came and stood behind her. Rihana who was calmly sitting on the sofa didn't notice Ranveer. So, Ranveer thought of doing some mischief. He took his mouth near her ears and shouted, "Boo....". Rihana was surprised and her mobile fell from her hands. But luckily it fell on the sofa and it was not damaged. Now, Rihana was pissed off. She turned towards Ranveer angrily and chased him with a cushion and they ran throughout the house. Rihana was madly yelling at Ranveer. "You dumbo, you headless.  How dare you frighten me like that. Just come near my hands once and I will reply to you properly. You idiot, asshole". Ranveer was running and laughing. He was saying, "No way ma'am. I know you will break my bones if I get caught." But, finally Rihana got hold of Ranveer and dragged him by his tie. Then she banged him with the cushion and kicked him and threw him on the sofa. Ranveer immediately held her hand and pulled her towards him. Rihana couldn't balance and fell straight onto Ranveer. They were now staring at each other in close vicinity. They were lost for some time and the silence was broken by Rihana when Ranveer came too close. She laughed and said, "Go and get refreshed, Idiot. I have the dinner ready for you." Ranveer got up and went towards his room. But on the way, he recalled that Rihana was watching Perman with gross attention. "Strange", thought Ranveer. However, he forgot about the thing and had his dinner after refreshments. In the bed, Rihana cuddled. She hid her face in Ranveer's arms. Ranveer knew that she was requiring some attention. So he kept his mobile aside and turned towards her and asked, "What happened dear?" Rihana replied, "Ranveer tell me something, how would you feel if I go away and never return?" Ranveer was shocked. He asked, "What is wrong with you, Rihu? Why are you asking such stupid questions? Why would you go away from me or I go away from you? What on earth happened, please tell me. Did you see anything unusual?" Rihana showed Ranveer the last episode and revealed him the story of Perman. Ranveer saw everything but he said, "Come on Rihu, these are but simple Manga stories. Why are you taking them so seriously? They are just for the purpose of entertainment, and that too for kids." Rihana was quiet but she was not in a mood to understand. She held Ranveer's hands firmly. "Ranveer, do you remember that you once told me about the concept of the universe. That how a universe is not just the big black empty space that is filled with planets, stars, and celestial bodies but is actually a big database of incidents that happen in and around us?" Ranveer agreed. Rihana continued, "So, even Perman is in a universe, although a man-made but one that is really really realistic." Ranveer watched Rihana for some time. He then said, "So our dreams are also present in a dream-verse. But do we think a lot about them? No, right. They are bound to come because of our nervous activities, our thinking, and their remainders as charged qubits. If we go to change every dream then we will live our entire life with Schizophrenia. We will slowly reject reality and get used to what our brain devices. But that's not gonna work right? You know it better." Rihana rebutted Ranveer's point. "Ranveer I am not saying to change a dream. Dreams are very personal. They have different implications and the implications can keep changing with time for the same person. But this is not a dream. This is a reality. A comic that is widely known and many people share similar emotions. And everyone wants to know if Perman had ever returned or what had happened to Sumire after that? She is very lonely, Ranveer. We must help her!" Ranveer exclaimed, "Help her?!!! Have you gone mad? Perman is a Manga written by Fujiko F Fujio. He has the right to put life in it, to mold the thing in the way he wants and we are neither authorized nor can we stand to any justified base to derive any sequel. I know and I can understand what you feel Rihana. Even I am a huge fan of Perman. I always searched for a girl who was like Pako for my life partner and I luckily have you today. But these are just fantasies, my dear. Nothing is real here." Rihana thought for a second and said, "Ranveer, tell me one thing. We are trying to modulate virtuality into reality, these days. In my office, a team is working on VR technology. They say that by using it we can bring games and virtual worlds into reality. So, why don't we try it here too?". Ranveer was numb. Rihana continued, "Imagine if we can talk with Perman and Pako and actually work towards meeting them up, wouldn't that be a great idea? I mean, perhaps this might sound childish to you but this can actually make millions happy. If fans find Perman reunited they will get back the urge to see it again and Fujiko will not mind if his Manga is revived in such an awesome way. We just need to work with reinforcement learning to bring things into reality. And now we have the power of quantum gates too. We can simulate and live the life which we wish. Your and my wishes will act as instructions towards working on an all-new Manga." Ranveer found strength in the point. He said, "That's a great idea but I have a doubt. You see, different people think in different ways right? So, they will all wish to make customized stories of their own and this will lead to nothing but fan-made versions. But since you are so much willing to do this, I will need to think of something for it. Let me see, how can technology work out to quench your thirst for fantasy." No sooner Ranveer had finished speaking this, Rihana jumped onto him and hugged him tightly. Then she kept him kissing unless Ranveer had to tap her to leave. Rihana was overwhelmed by the thing. She said, "Do you know Ranveer, I am so so happy that you have kept this request. I was really feeling restless for a week since I continued watching the Perman series. At first, just childhood nostalgia hit me but later on, I begin to feel things too personally. I even imagined myself in the place of Sumire and I could feel her pain. Maybe this is just childishness or foolishness to many but I cannot explain how much this had taken my attention. I was upset for over a week." Ranveer smiled. He said, "I noticed everything. I was observing you since the last week and saw that something was actually bothering you. But I didn't want to poke you. Might be you have something deep in mind and would probably speak it up someday you feel. I didn't want to force you to tell. I can understand. But I too was not feeling good but your upset face. And yesterday you assumed so many things and scolded me, haha..." Rihana frowned, "Oh come on Mr., I have also apologized to you for that. And so I cooked your favorite curry too, hehe... just to better your mood. Just like Pako does(she said in a childish tone). Ranveer pulled her leg. He said, "Yeah, my dear. But you are different from Pako. She is so intelligent and has superpowers, but you are not." And then he started to laugh. Rihana looked in surprise and then in anger, "Haww, how creep you are. Wait I will beat you up nicely tonight." And then she started to playfully fight with Ranveer until they fell asleep.

    The next morning, Ranveer woke up and made a blueprint of the ideas that Rihana had shared with him the previous night. He made a system design for the teleport-reality model using VR. Rihana promised to work on the reinforcement learning and runtime game deciding features. They were getting things ready. Ranveer went to the office and discussed his plans with the department of Gaming and got the necessary resources. He came home that day and began to lay down the quantum circuitry. He said to Rihana, "We will need ourselves to be teleported to the dimension to be able to interact their way. We are 3D beings and they are 2D. We cannot directly interact with them like normal people. They will never find us that way." Rihana agreed and the step-down modeling began. This took months. Nights after night Ranveer and Rihana worked very hard. After their jobs, they were busy working. Once Ranveer had even lost motivation when a circuit didn't work out. But Rihana supported him and got things back to normal. On the other hand, Ranveer came to know that there were special discounts on NFTs on the 25th anniversary of Blockchain being held in their office. Satoshi Nakamoto was the chief guest who was invited there. This was the opportunity that Ranveer was actually looking for.  Satoshi and Fujiko had good connections. Ranveer had come to know this from a Japanese journal that he had once found in the Tech Park at his US office. After a fortnight, the day finally arrived. After the meeting, Ranveer and Satoshi had a brief discussion on the idea of the Teleported Reality. Satoshi was really impressed by the idea and the dedication of Ranveer. He later said to Ranveer that "If Fujiko would have been alive, I would have said to him that if I had a project partner like Ranveer-san during my college days, I would have made the earth the Bird planet." Well, the seeds are sown and the first leaf of hope was seen by an email that had come to Ranveer from the Fujiko studio, Japan. Ranveer and Rihana were overjoyed. The VISA s were done and they were all set to leave for their destination to fulfill a dream. 
    March 15th, Tokyo International Airport, Japan. The couple lands and are taken to Hotel Imperial, Tokyo. There they are met by the manager, Takahashi. Ranveer and Rihana had a meeting with him. From there they explain everything. The Fujiko team was overwhelmed by such an amazing idea. Mr. Takahashi shook hands with Ranveer and said, "Really Ranveer-san. We are very much impressed that our telecasts had made such a great fanbase in our friend nation, India. And I am particularly amazed by your and your wife, Mrs. Rihana-chan's efforts to get it a kickstart again. But unfortunately, we have Fujiko sir no more with us. So, how can you go with the story?" Ranveer said, "Don't worry sir. We have used reinforcement learning here. The reactions of the other characters in the show will be in accordance with our reactions as human beings. You just try to make up a story about the Bird Planet. The rest will easily fall in place." Mr. Takahashi agreed. The scripting team was sent to work at the fastest. Ranveer and Rihana were required to wait for about a month unless the stories are built up, animated, and reintroduced into the database. Ranveer thought that was too much time. He requested to speed up the work but there was no faster alternative. So, Rihana and Ranveer decided to train the model which was present on the known databases until the rest is being created by the team. 

    They went back to their guest house provided by the Fujiko studios. Rihana had set up her devices and Ranveer checked with the algorithms. The very fast trials were started on the birthday of Mitsuo Suwa. 20th March. Rihana started the VR set and Ranveer entered the Mangaverse as Metaveer. And it was a successful experiment. But yet something seemed missing. The plan. Rihana called Ranveer back and they sat and made a plan. They needed to execute them as it is when they enter the Mangaverse. A recorder was also set to record possible actions. Rihana tried to jump into her attire too. "Oh damn! You are looking like an anime", mentioned Ranveer. Rihana giggled. "Call me Metarina", she said. Ranveer agreed. Now Ranveer dressed into his attire too. He was looking like a hacker. Rihana was very pleased with his new look. She said, "Ranveer, you really look so awesome as a hacker." Ranveer grinned. He said, "Because, I am." They started making preparations to enter the Mangaverse but suddenly, there was a system error. The quantum circuitry in their suit of Rihana got pre-activated and she got pulled into the Mangaverse, leaving Ranveer behind. Ranveer was shocked. He cried, "Rihana, where are you? Rihana...." Then suddenly, he heard a voice in his headset. Rihana was calling him. "Ranveer, I am trapped here. Look into the circular screen." Ranveer looked at the Main circular screen and found Rihana trapped as Metarina inside. He extended his hand in a normal reflex to pull out but unfortunately, it didn't work. He was puzzled and frightened about the thing. Rihana was confused too. Ranveer kept her asking about the booting steps that brought her there. But Rihana couldn't remember. "It was an accident, Ranveer! I can't come out now." Ranveer became very upset. He tried to go through the logs and check where the error was. He couldn't find the bug there. He once thought of resetting the system but then he refrained from doing it. "Resetting might end this session forever and the hashes will be changed and this might take approximately 22 thousand years to crack the hash and rescue Rihana.", Ranveer thought to himself. But suddenly he heard Rihana scream. When he watched the circular screen, he found Rihana was going red. Her face was getting swollen. Ranveer understood that it was the curse of dimensionality. He addressed Rihana to use the dimensionality reduction cheat code but she had forgotten the PCA needed to start it. Now there was only one option left. Ranveer saw the health timer and found that if it continues in this manner then Rihana might have just 10 seconds to live and after that, she might get killed by dimensional pressure. That doesn't even guarantee that the game could stop and she could be brought back and even if she manages to teleport back, she would be no better than dead in this dimension. Ranveer put on his helmet and started his circuit. 10... 9... 8... and a sudden flash was seen with a giant electric buzz and Ranveer was thrown in through a digital wormhole. Rihana had almost lost her hopes of survival and was counting her last breath, 3... 2... 1... and suddenly Ranveer popped in and started the PCA. Within seconds, the curse of dimensionality was seen reducing, and finally, they were trapped in Mangaverse but were out of danger. Rihana was now Metarina and Ranveer was now Metaveer. It took them approximately 20 more seconds to wait until their NFTs were booted with the universe and they received their compressed 2D powers. Rihana now looked at Ranveer and said, "How would we come out of this now?" Ranveer said, there is no way out. We have to finish the game. Only then we can come out". "And what is the goal of the game?", asked Rihana. "To re-unite Mitsuo and Sumire", said Ranveer. Rihana was frightened. She hugged Ranveer tightly and began to howl. "Oh Ranveer, how much we would need to wait now. When can we get out of this world? I want to go home... Yeah, I... I accept that it was my wish and all my fault but now I wanna come out of this. What can we do now?" Ranveer found Rihana really helpless. But what he found more astonishing was Rihana confessing and understanding her own faults for the first time. Whenever there is any problem and the cause is Rihana, she would never takes the blame. She would never accept that she was wrong; thus, Ranveer was scolded every time. But this time she accepted her faulty wish. "Well, there is no time to sit back and think over this now", thought Ranveer and he held Rihana. He said, "Rihu, don't cry. We will surely find out a way. There is no problem in the universe that cannot be solved. You know that right? And we are here for a purpose. To help Sumire and Mitsuo. Not to repent why we have dropped here by mistake or by will". Rihana wiped her eyes. She agreed. Ranveer gave her a gentle hug. He said, "do you have the plans?" Rihana nodded in negation. Ranveer smiled. He said, "Don't worry. This game is made using reinforcement learning. So it will follow the general laws of Karma as is in our own world. So, we just need to live as common people here. See, around us. We are stuck in some forest. First, we will need to come out of it." Then they started to find a way out from the place and attempt to head towards the city or any form of habitation nearby. They continued to walk for some hours and reached a place of little undergrowth. Suddenly, they heard a noise. Something was moving behind the bushes. Ranveer searched here and there and found that a chimpanzee was trapped between two trees and was facing a big grizzly bear. Rihana was very much frightened. She said, "Ranveer... what will happen now?" Ranveer thought for a moment. He came forward, closed his eyes, and chanted something, and then was a miracle. The bear, who was about to jump on the chimpanzee froze in mid-air. The chimpanzee who had almost lost its hope of survival was fear-stricken and it closed its eyes. But when it opened its eyes after a few minutes, he found that he was alive and the big bear was hanging in the mid-air. I couldn't believe what was happening. The chimpanzee looked here and there. Ranveer slowly advanced toward the anime creature. He put away his mask. The chimpanzee at first was frightened but later was looking at Ranveer in awe. To break the silence, Ranveer spoke. "Booby! what are you doing here?", asked Ranveer. At first, the chimp didn't reply. Ranveer thought, might be he hasn't turned on the Japanese translator. He switched it on but the chimp was still looking stunned. Then suddenly it said something. Ranveer understood. He called Rihana near. Now he saw the chimpanzee was feeling comfortable. Ranveer sat down before it in the traditional Japanese manner. He said something and the chimpanzee was seen so delighted. Rihana couldn't understand a thing. She poked Ranveer and asked him, "What are you both conversing about?" Ranveer turned towards her and said, "Couldn't you recognize Booby? He was the 2nd Perman and friend of Mitsuo, Payan, and Sumire." Rihana looked properly. "Yes!!!" she exclaimed with joy and looked into the lovely and deep eyes of Booby. Ranveer conveyed to Booby that he and his companion were fans of Perman's team and they have come from a different universe. They are basically time travellers who have come to meet them in the form of a game. Booby was listening to them with rapt attention and finally, they became friends. He was so happy, that he decided to take them to his house. Rihana and Ranveer found it a good option. They were hungry too and it was a golden opportunity to mingle with the population too so that they could actually end their mission fast and return to their own universe. On their way to Booby's home, the pedestrians were looking at them with rapt attention. The fact was there was a difference in the level of animation between 1966 and 2032. The graphics of Ranveer and Rihana were so improved, so perfect that they appeared to the people as some kind of Angels. Also, due to dimension compression, Ranveer and Rihana had got some additional powers that corresponded to the 8 Siddhis mentioned in Vedas. Anima(power to reduce size), Mahima(power to increase size), Garima(power to gain a lot of mass), Laghima(power to become lighter than air),  Prapti(Gain anything they want), Praakamyam(Desire to take any form), Ishitvam(exert Lordship) and Vashitvam(hypnotize the population). Well, all thanks to Rihana and her knowledge of Sanskrit that those libraries were imported into the game and the gain of these powers was effortless for them. Some even noticed that they radiate a halo wherever they go. Anyways, they reached their house of Booby. Needless to say that Booby's grandparents too were shocked initially but after Booby explained everything to them, they were happy to find such guests visiting their place. In conversation, once he asked Ranveer and Rihana their names. Rihana was about to tell her own when Ranveer stopped her and said, "My name is Metaveer. Her name is Metarina". Well, if you visit a Japanese house, hospitality is something that is bound to be the best. Ranveer and Rihana were very happy and thanked them a lot. Next Booby requested them to come to his room upstairs. They followed him. Booby's room was small and cute. It had a lot of bananas hanging here and there and was giving the impression of a mannered chimp's room. Booby was also very excited about his new guests. Rihana was much excited to visit such a place. She sat on the wooden floor and asked Booby about the story after the last episode. Booby explained everything and Ranveer had to understand and translate for Rihana. From the statements of Booby, what they came to know was Sumire was very sad after Mitsuo left for the Bird Planet and after that, the Perman empire was on the fall. Rihana came to know all that had happened in the back story. Ranveer asked Booby, "Do you know where we can find Payan and Sumire. Also, can you take us to Mitsuo's robot once so that we can meet with everyone?" Booby happily agreed. They all went after tea to their destinations and Rihana was overjoyed in meeting each of her favorite anime characters in real, interact with them, and learn about their lifestyles. Sumire was reported to be staying at a different location and so they planned to visit her the next day. So as planned they set out in their 2D train for Yokohama, where they thought Miss Sumire should be present then. On the way, Rihana asked Payan, "Aren't there any disturbances in your city after you stopped working as Perman?" Payan said, "No, because after that we don't know how but everything came to a standstill. Only a few days back we were revived back to our living state and the time must have been frozen. In fact, I would have never had the idea that 66 years have passed since we all were together and the last day was spent." Rihana looked towards Ranveer and they both giggled. Payan said, "Do you know Metarina, we used to be the best of friends before we all were time-locked for long years. But now I feel that the world has changed so much in just 66 years. You are so many futuristic beings and you know so much about the world now. We feel dumb in front of you and your intelligence appears to overpower the collective intelligence of our entire population". Rihana smiled. She said, "That's not completely true Payan, we are just anime like you and all here. The difference is that we are a little better in graphics, I mean, the looks you may say. But we all can be good... sorry, the best friends". Payan liked that. Well in chit-chats, the destination arrived. All four (Metaveer, Metarina, Booby, and Payan) deboarded the train and were about to leave the station when Metaveer had an unusual feeling. He turned back and through his senses detected that there was a crack in the rails about a kilometer ahead. The train too just started to leave the station and gain some speed. Metaveer wasted not a moment. He turned back and ran immediately. He couldn't believe what he had done. First Metaveer ran faster than sound causing a sonic boom which everyone heard. Next, he stepped on the rails and started to hold back the train, and applied his full force to stop it. The train eventually stopped and then it saved the life of a lot of animes. The station master and all other officials ran to the site. They inspected the situation. Next, they turned towards Metaveer and thanked him. Mr. Kawasaki, the station manager said, "Thanks a lot Metaveer-san. When Perman's left their duties we were very upset and tensed as to the protection of people. But luckily, you came. You have filled the place of Perman for us..." Metaveer just smile and he left the place and joined Metarina and team. They however didn't get the news of any happening. Metarina however asked Metaveer once, "where have you been?" to which he just replied "To help people" and he continued walking. They reached the mansion of Sumire Hoshino. Payan knocked at the door. Sumire's assistant opened it. Payan asked about Sumire, but the assistant said that she had left an hour ago. "Miss Sumire said that she had some important work and would be back by the evening." Metarina was now upset. She said, "So do we have to wait till the evening?" Booby said, "No, I know where she is. Come with me..." Everyone followed Booby. Miss Sumire was sitting by the canal side and was staring at the sky. Booby came and sat beside her. She notice him and wiped her tears. Booby said something to her, following which she stood up and turned. She saw Payan and two other anime were waiting for her. She came and near and Payan introduced them to her. Metarina came ahead and hugged her. Sumire felt a little uncomfortable at first but Metarina whispered something into her ears after which she looked amazed. Sumire was staring at Metarina in awe. Metarina understood her mind and she nodded gently as if to approve the thoughts of Sumire. When Sumire realized, she smiled with joy and literally broke into tears. She said, "Metarina, I cannot explain to you how happy I feel now. I was waiting for so long for Mitsuo and used to feel so lonely. I had no way to meet him. Birdman too had stopped coming to this planet and I have not got a single piece of news about Perman there. And then I don't know what happened and one day we all were time locked. I couldn't believe that 66 years have passed and you guys have come to meet us. I am overjoyed!!! But I'm happier because you guys have come with such an offer."

    That evening, all were having dinner at Sumire's house. Sumire said, "I was not at all happy. My career had given me all the name and fame but my heart resides in Mitsuo. He is the best friend of my life." Metarina smiled back. She said, "I can understand that. Even Metaveer is also my best friend and now, my husband."  Sumire was happy. She said, "That's great! I wish I too was enough lucky to get things that way in my life!" Metarina said, "You deserve it. And we will make sure you have it." Sumire was excited. She also demanded to know the story of Metaveer and Metarina. Metarina looked towards Metaveer. Metaveer signalled her with a yes. So, she continued her story and how two completely unknown people named Ranveer and Rihana became the best of friends. But Metarina made them (Sumire, Payan, and Booby) promise to keep their identities secret under the name of Metaveer and Metarina. All of them agreed. Gradually, they became good friends and later the best of friends. Metarina and Sumire would often used to go shopping and brought so many exotic products. However, there was a problem with online payment and UPI. So Ranveer had to apply a cheat code. This rained cash on Rihana's account and she became the Goddess of wealth in the Mangaverse. Even Sumire was shocked by the superpowers of Metaveer and Metarina. Slowly they were advancing the dates of the part when the Bird Planet part would start. To check the status, Ranveer used to send contact signals to Fujiko studio each night and they would reply with a shooting star. Ranveer used to zoom the shooting star and read the messages inscribed in their tails. And finally, one night when Metaveer and Metarina were sitting on the field beside the canal, the eternal message was received. "Bird Planet Activated". Metarina conveyed this message to Sumire that they can now begin their search for Perman or Mitsuo in the Bird Planet. Sumire was overjoyed. She readily agreed to work with them. So one night after dinner, they sat and made a long plan. Since no one had their Perman set with them so, it was not possible for Meta-couple to take everyone to the Bird planet. So everyone agreed that Sumire, Metarina, and Metaveer would be going to the Bird Planet to complete their mission and bring back Mitsuo to earth. When everything was planned and set, Metaveer named the operation Mission Hayabusa. In the Bird Planet, a Hayabusa (Peregrine Falcon in Japanese) is the boss of all birds and rightfully a name to behold the most significance. The mission was supposed to begin soon when Sumire received a film contract. She was now puzzled. Metarina spoke with her. "Sumire, you must now know to decide. You have to understand the difference. Throughout you have done everything just to entertain. Now do it for your own." Sumire was lit up with the words of Metarina. She held her hand firmly and said, "I was born as a single child and I have spent all my life mostly alone. After my grandma passed away, there was really no one to talk to me. My parents lived in the far US and I hardly had anyone to speak my heart to. You guys are really so so good. You have not only come to make me feel better but also are trying to help me so much. You are really more than a sister to me!" Metarina felt shy. She said, "This is nothing much dear Sumire. You can't imagine how depressed and heavy I was feeling when I came to know about the last episode. I couldn't literally breathe for a second with my heavy heart. I immediately requested Metaveer to do something and after some tries, we are here. This makes me glad that I can at least help you with whatever I can."  Metaveer has summoned some powers in him. He called Sumire and Metarina and asked them to hold his hands as he prepares for the launch. They do as said. Rihana starts the process. She closes her eyes and concentrates on the BirdPlanet. Metaveer too. Sumire too. And within a minute they were in the air. Metaveer suggested everyone keep their eyes closed, especially Sumire since she no more has the Perman suit and might get frightened by the space through which they travel. The travel thus continued for approximately 30 minutes after which Sumire could experience their speed getting low. Metaveer said to hold strong and fold the legs as they were about to land. And within a few seconds, they jumped and touched the soil of the Bird Planet. From here, the next part of the adventure begins.

    Bird Planet. Surrounded by hi-tech gadgets and systems. The soil was bluish-green in colour in some places and purple in other areas. Perhaps the chemical composition was a bit weird.  Also, the planet appeared so deserted. Sumire asked Metarina, "Are you guys sure we are in the right place? I mean this place looks so empty, where is the population here?" Metarina too had the same questions but she had no answer to them. Metaveer was walking silently. He just said, "Always stick to me, team. This place is largely unknown and I have no idea how things are going to be here." Everyone obeyed. After walking for a few minutes, they came past a huge tower that was throwing plasma into the atmosphere. Metarina and Sumire were stunned. Metaveer said, "Don't worry. These are gas plasmas. They are released to maintain the atmosphere density artificially since this planet has no innate atmosphere of its own. They kept walking for some more time after which they came to a place that was like the Dubai Mall of the planet. It had everything one can imagine to experience and shop. "Perhaps this is the supermarket of the Bird Planetians", said Metarina. The trio continued to walk past several monuments and structures. One monument looked exactly like Birdman. But suddenly everything got changed as a plasma ball from somewhere came flying towards them. Metaveer notices that and he pulls his teammates by his side and the plasma ball misses them. Sumire gets frightened. She said, "This planet is too dangerous for intruders. I can't imagine in what state Mitsuo would be." Metaveer said, "Don't worry Sumire. Nothing would happen to him. After all, Birdman has brought him here and he is a member of this planet. He must be immune to all these. Metarina however had some other doubts. She came close to Metaveer and whispered in his ears, "What if they have brain-washed Mitsuo and he opposes to wish to come back to earth?" Metaveer said, "I wish it wouldn't be so. He is here just for training. And moreover, he cannot resist the wish to get back to earth once he finds Sumire here." So this continued for some time unless Sumire gave up walking. She panted and said, "Guys, I want some rest. I have to sit a bit." All of them agreed. Metaveer and Metarina too accompanied Sumire and sat by a bench that they found nearby. But unfortunately, they were noticed by a native who called his gang and captured them. They were caught and thrown into a vehicle and taken to some prison. The prison was not like any normal captivity. It had many amenities that a common prison can never have. It was well-lit, the temperature was comfortable and it was neat and clean. Metaveer and Metarina were amazed but the amazement couldn't continue long. Two tall black figures came and stood in front of them. Then from between them, came a young male figure. He gave a stern look at the prisoners and asked in a deep angry voice, "Who are you? What made you come here?" Sumire was very much frightened. Metaveer tried to guess the figure from his silhouette. The person was wearing a mask that had a pointed nose, and a pair of ear guards with pointy edges. Apart from that, the guy was also wearing a robe like a superhero. When he came close, Metaveer got up. Metarina and Sumire also stood straight. Metarina was frightened that Metaveer might begin a fight. But it was not so. Metaveer and the guy had a short conversation in which the guy said, "Do you know the punishment of trespassing into Bird Planet?" Metaveer just grinned and replied, "I don't bother. I have come for a purpose. Not to harm anyone." This pissed off the guy. He ordered his men to catch hold of him and drag him along. But before they could take, Sumire came forward. She asked a question to the guy, "Do you know where is Perman? I have come in search of him. He didn't return to earth as he said he would. I just want to know what happened to him and how is he now?" The guy just looked at her and signalled her to keep quiet by putting a finger on his lips. Metarina controlled her. She said, "Sumire, we are outnumbered here. We cannot fight head-on. We just need to wait for the opportunity. If we start to display our powers then the Bird Planet might get harmed and many innocents can be affected. So wait a bit". But Sumire started to cry. She said, "Metarina... why does this always happen to me? I have never harmed people, never been so selfish. I just tried to do all the good that I could. Now, why is it that I am suffering the worst of the incidents?" Metarina consoled her. She then said, "Sumire, good things take time. Wait, I will tell you something that happened to me. You will feel motivated after it. " Sumire was feeling restless yet she listened to Metarina. Metarina told her the story of how she and Ranveer (Metaveer) met and how they have overcome several obstacles to become the best of friends together. Sumire was listening to her in rapt attention. When Metarina finished how Ranveer and Rihana finally became together, Sumire was in tears. She started to cry and hugged Metarina. Metarina consoled her and said her to be strong. "If you lose strength, then how will we find Mitsuo?". Alone it is impossible for me or Metaveer to do anything. It is teamwork." 

    On the other end. Metaveer was brought into a dim room. The guy who was leading the gang started to interrogate Metaveer. The others held him tight and at intervals were beating him. Suddenly, the guy received a call through his badge. Metaveer heard the badge making the familiar Perman sound. He looked up at the guy but before he could interact, he said. "I have to leave. Birdman is calling." And then he left. Now one of the interrogators tried to ask Metaveer something and raised his hand to strike him but this time was the last. Metaveer had enough of their shit. He shook his body and gave a huge thrust and as result, all the aliens holding him were thrown apart. Now, it was the turn of Metaveer. He held one of the guys who was beating him by his head and bounced him against the floor of the room. The guy fell with force and bounced back like a basketball and then laid still. The others charged him but Metaveer started off with his show. The first kick knocked two of the guys and the second punch knocked one. The third and fourth manoeuvres overthrew the others who tried to catch him. Then Metaveer ran towards a wall and flipped back throwing some four more on the floor. This fighting continued unless he had successfully finished off the entire fortification there. He then rushed out of the room and tried to identify the direction of the cellar from where he was brought there. Metarina and Sumire must have been there. So Metaveer speeded up and reached a speed faster than sound. He moved like a shadow, beating up people who tried to stop him and making his way until he reaches the cellar where Metarina and Sumire were. He reached the room, broke the gate, and rescued his teammates. Metaveer said, "Team! I found Perman no.1, Mitsuo" It was the same guy who had brought us here. I think I can trace him with the hash-tracking method. Follow me." Sumire and Metarina were overjoyed. They readily started following Metaveer. Hiding and sliding through various nooks and corners, they were making their way to the tower where Mitsuo could be found. Finally, after much run and chase, they reached a tower, disguised as commoner aliens. Metaveer saw that there was a strong guard at the gate. A group of no less than fifteen to twenty armed soldiers was protecting the building. At times they were also throwing scanning signals all around to check if there was any form of trespassing. "Metaveer! In this way, we will never be able to reach Mitsuo or get inside this fortified castle", exclaimed Sumire. Metaveer signalled her to wait. He then stealthily went behind one of the guards who have come far. Captured him and snatched his dress. Metarina followed and she too did the same thing. Finally, Metaveer beat two more guards and snatched their dresses. One he gave to Sumire and the other one he took with him. They securely passed the first level of security with little obstruction but just one interrogation and moved on to the next. The second level was hard on them as they entered the main building. They needed a fingerprint which Metaveer and Metarina successfully distorted and entered but one of the guards had a suspect on Sumire. However, Metaveer managed the situation by saying that he was a new recruit, pointing towards Sumire in costume. But the third level had the show to begin where a group of soldiers suspected three of them and tried to capture them. But Metaveer beat them up. But all these disturbances however was no more hidden from the headquarters. As Metaveer was fighting the soldiers, an arrow was shot toward him. The arrow was coming at a supersonic speed but unfortunately, Metaveer didn't notice it. As it was about to touch him, Metarina intercepted the arrow. She held it in her hands and threw it down. When she turned up, she saw three men standing with bows. She turned back and saw Metaveer was already dealing with five other soldiers. She closed her eyes and chanted something. When she opened her eyes, she was holding a bow and a bunch of arrows was tied around her shoulder in a sling bag. Metarina came to action to protect her love and her team. She started to combat the shooters from the other end. Gradually the number of shooters on the opponent side increased from three to seven but Metarina kept up the fight. She was a great shooter. Metaveer was a great fighter. But still, they were finding it difficult to cope up with the number. Taking advantage of this situation, some soldiers or gang men tried to kidnap Sumire. Metarina saw that and she shot three arrows at the people who were trying to harm Sumire. The three arrows killed the three kidnappers. Metaveer was tolerating the attack for a long time but finally, he lost his cool. He summoned some power and gave a thunderbolt blast and the entire army was thrown up in the air and all landed unconscious by the power of the massive blow. Suddenly, they heard someone laughing. When they turned around, they were surprised. It was none but Birdman. Sumire at first was stunned but she lost her cool the next moment and not thinking about anything run to pounce on him. But Birdman applied his powers and froze her. Metaveer roared at Birdman to free her. But he didn't pay heed to Metaveer or Metarina or their demands. He said in a deep metallic voice, "You fools, you don't know my power. I can immediately turn you into ashes. Saying that he threw Sumire so hard that almost crashed into Metarina. Metarina helped her get stabilized. When Sumire was fine, she stood up and cursed Birdman. "She said, we used to think of you as our guardian. I followed and obeyed each and every instruction. And you have betrayed all of us. Now return Mitsuo to us." Birdman laughed and said, "Never... You can ask him if he is willing to come back". Then he called Perman 1. A figure arrives out of the dark. It was the same person who had captured them some time ago. Sumire was shocked. Perman was elder now. He was a full-grown guy of approximately 20 to 21 years of age. He looked at Sumire and Sumire was lost in him. Sumire cried and tried to rush to him. But Perman prevented her to come to him. He yelled, "Get back to earth. Don't stay here anymore. I have left earth forever." Everyone looked surprised. Sumire broke into tears and said, "Mitsuo... I was waiting for you for so long, I never had any other friend in life apart from you. You have always been so special to me and you know that. I have each and every second of my life thinking about you. You are residing in my mind, my soul and my everything. I cannot explain to you how much I have missed you and longed to be with you. I know at times we quarrelled. At times we got angry at each other but in the end, we were all together. Booby, Payan, your Robot, and Michiko all miss you so much. Even your parents don't know that you are not with them. Please come back Mitsuo. I need you. The world needs you. Who will help if Permans are no more? Please return Mitsuo, please..." Listening to Sumire, Mitsuo turned about. Birdman said, "Have you seen now? He is no longer interested to return to earth anymore. What would he do on the earth by the way? He is now much more powerful than he used to be there. Now you better budge off and never return here." Metarina spoke up, "Birdman I request you to let Mitsuo and Sumire have a talk separately." Birdman yelled, "NO! YOU DUMBASS PETTY PEOPLE. THIS IS BIRD PLANET AND EVERYTHING HAPPENS WITH MY WISH HERE". Metarina still said, "Please Birdman, we understand that you are busy, and have a lot of work to deal with but please let them speak for themselves. After all, Mitsuo belongs to Earth. He couldn't be always happy here. Please listen to us." Birdman got pissed off. He order, "Bird army, catch hold of them and put them to death. They don't understand the threats. Kill them and hang them out". As soon as he ordered that,  Metaveer, Metarina and Sumire were surrounded by thousands of soldiers. Sumire was much frightened. She began to cry. Even Metarina was taken aback by the size of the army. She exclaimed that "No one can defeat such a big army. They are so fierce and they are outnumbering us several times. We have no escape". When all lost hope, Metaveer removed his mask, his armour and his costume. He was so furious and shivering with anger that his body was generating a glow. He started a transformation. He first grew in size of about a ten-storeyed building and built up a bulk of muscles. His head transformed into a lion's head and his anger was glowing down from his eyes like fireballs. He roared an ultra-loud road which shivered the entire planet. Then he raised his hands towards the sky and brought a bright blue Katana. He took a step back, dragged out the Katana from the scabbard and made a powerful cutting move and half the Bird Army was washed away in a slash of a second. The other half was waiting when Birdman supplied them with superhuman powers. Metaveer too was no less. He came into his Ranveer Avatar and started the death show. With the slashes of his Katana and cleaver manoeuvre, he cut down approximately ten thousand soldiers. Metarina jumped into her Rihana Avatar and started to fire arrows of thunder, fire and poison at the enemies. Sumire in the meantime rushed to Perman. She started to beg him to return. But Birdman found that and he caught hold of Sumire and was about to throw her off the big tower on which He, Mistuo and Sumire were standing. But before he could do that, there was a loud roar. A blow came flying onto him and Birdman fell to the ground. To Sumire's greatest surprise, it was none other than Perman. On one hand, Ranveer and Rihana had jointly almost ended the army and on the other hand, Perman was now fighting for Sumire. The blow was now heavy on Birdman. So Birdman took his guy and shot an animal maker bullet at Perman. But Sumire jumped in the way and she took the bullet. She fell down instantly and fainted but was not converted into any animal. Birdman was shocked. But he shot the next round at Perman and he too was down. There were Rihana and Ranveer to deal with now and he shot each a bullet. A "fire" bullet at Rihana but she dodged it. But the greatest mistake of Birdman was when he fired the captivity and teleportation bullet at Ranveer. Ranveer received the bullet. And nothing happened. Birdman was furious. He shot the entire magazine at Ranveer. Nothing happened. Ranveer started to move slowly towards Birdman. He had a fierce glow in his eyes. His muscles flexed like iron. Ranveer threw his Katana and was walking in full attitude. He held the neck of Birdman and flung him in the air. He then jumped up and held his leg and crashed him down on the floor. His gun fell from his hand and broke. This revived Perman and Sumire back to life. Ranveer wasn't satisfied by the blood hunt till then. He has transformed from the God of War to the God of Destruction. Ranveer was unstoppable then. He became mad. He began to break the Bird Planet. A single blow of Ranveer on the soil of the Bird Planet created craters. He bounced Birdman several times unless the creature was no more able to move. He even raised his leg to crush Birdman but then the sky started to glow in rainbow colours and a voice asked, "Ranveer-san. Please stop. If you kill Birdman then further episodes won't be able to be conducted. Permans cannot get back their power. Only Birdman can make them Perman. Rihana rushed to Ranveer and held his hands and dragged him behind. She had to pacify Ranveer a lot unless his bright blue colour slowly turned to red and finally the glow from the body finally vanished. Ranveer converted himself back to Metaveer. Rihana came back to Metarina form or else dimensions would collapse and the Mangaverse might be harmed. Birdman got up after some tries. He was limping. Metaveer was however kind enough to extend him a hand of support. Meanwhile, Mitsuo and Sumire too joined them. The five sat for some important conversations. Metarina started. "Birdman, we are sorry for the harm that we have caused to your empire and we will restore everything before we go. But before that let me tell you something. We all are human beings. Although we are all working for a good cause and are driven largely by logic we have a factor of emotion in our hearts. Please try to understand that Perman and his team are made only for the earth and their people. They cannot service here for long". Birdman agreed. He said, "But why Mitsuo didn't tell me that he was not willing?" Metarina said, "Because he couldn't. He respects you so much that he cannot express his personal feelings before your orders. He sacrificed his emotions, his wishes and his promises just to obey you. He could have easily betrayed you but he was bound by ethics." Mitsuo nodded. Metarina continued, "The separation was really painful for both Mitsuo and Sumire. We were deeply moved by the sorrows and pains and came to know how time froze after the stopping of Fujiko telecasts. But that made the equations unbalanced. So to make Mitsuo and Sumire meet and to complete their promise, we alighted here from a 3D world via a game. We collected every information about here and soared here like a Hayabusa in the Bird Planet. Now our mission is over and we are here to take back Mitsuo." Birdman was sad. But he agreed. Metaveer requested Birdman, "Please restore them the powers to be Perman again. The world is missing them." Birdman agreed. Now, Mitsuo became Perman, Sumire became Pako and she was happier than ever. Before they were leaving, Metaveer stopped and turned back. He asked Birdman to turn back. He did so and there was more shock than before. Birdwoman was waiting for him. His crush, his love. Birdman was reunited with his love, Perman with his, and all because of these two lovers. Ranveer and Rihana. Birdman came running to Perman and said, "I am sorry for what I did. I sincerely ask your pardon and want to thank you." Metaveer smiled and he hugged Birdman. Birdman asked, "Are you a Jedi or a God?" Metaveer looked at Metarina and smiled back at Birdman. He replied, "Aham Brahmasmi Tvam Cha (Yes I am the God)".  Birdman understood it through the translator. Sanskrit to Japanese. In reply, he smiled and said, "Sionara... Metaveer-san, and Metarina-chan". The next moment, Metaveer, Metarina, Perman, and Pako landed on earth in Japan. They were overjoyed now. Mitsuo invited everyone to his house that day. Mr. and Mrs. Suwa were overjoyed to see Metaveer and Metarina. "We have heard a lot about you Metaveer-san and Metarina-chan. Please make us honoured with your presence." Metarina said, "Aunty, we need to make preparations for the marriage of Mitsuo." Mrs. Suwa agreed and said, "yes, he is grown up now and we need some good girl for him to get settled." Metarina said, "I think you do not need to take the trouble to find one. We have Sumire-chan as your daughter-in-law." Sumire and Mitsuo blushed. Gankochan who was watching all this said, "yes Mamma, get them married. Only then my brother will get mindful and stop being lazy" Mitsuo yelled, "Ganko... you tiny devil...", and everyone had hearty laughter. 
    The very next day all the preparations began. Mr. and Mirs. Hoshino arrived from the US and gave hearty consent for the function. Metarina planned things. She said, "I have a request. Let's arrange the marriage ceremony in the traditional Indian style and then they both can be married again in the traditional Japanese style too.  All agreed because they have never seen a traditional Indian marriage ceremony before. Metarina made all the preparations. Mehendi, Sangeet, Sagan, Haldi, Roka, and all the ceremonies till Vidaai. There was a lot of fun during Mooh Dikhai in Mistuo's home. All the guests and the relative were so happy. Everyone praised the decorations and the management made by Metarina. After the Indian traditional wedding ceremonies were over, they continued with their one-day-long Japanese traditional wedding too. Metaveer and Metarina were gifted two Kimonos to be worn at the ceremony. Finally, Mitsuo was Sumire's and Sumire was Mitsuo's forever together. That was perhaps the most significant event in Manga history where two traditions got intermingled and the enjoyment was doubled. "All credit to our fans who came as our Gods", commented Mitsuo. Sumire agreed, "Yes, hadn't they been with us we would have never reached this good place and would have been time-locked forever. That day everyone was invited. Booby and Payan happily attended the festival. They had received their Perman sets too. And after the entire festival, all flew into the sky to celebrate their freedom and friendship regenerated. But now, Metaveer and Metarina needed to return back to their world. Although none had the mind to do so. So one night after dinner, Sumire Mitsuo Metarina and Metaveer were sitting together when the Meta-couples revealed that they need to depart then. Sumire was sad. Mitsuo too. But they knew they had to leave them. But before Metarina and Metaveer could start on their procedures to return, Sumire ran indoors. She came out with a plate. It had two Rakhis and some sweets. She said, "I have also come to know a lot about your festivals Ranveer and Rihana. Now it's our final token of friendship and remembrance." Saying so she asked Ranveer to extend his arm. Sumire tied Rakhi to Ranveer. Rihana tied Rakhi to Mitsuo. On the auspicious occasion, all shared an unbreakable bond. They hugged each other before Ranveer and Rihana started their procedures. Mitsuo said, "We will miss you very much. How can we meet if you want to?" Ranveer said, "We have made a forked version private to us. If you want to meet you can directly video call or send us a ping using the Perman badge that you have. We will drop in when we are free." Mitsuo agreed.  The Meta-couples waved goodbye and vanished from the Mangaverse.

    Next day morning. Ranveer woke up and found Rihana waiting with tea for him and her. Ranveer said, "Thanks, darling. So how was your experience?" Rihana replied, "Lovelier than I can imagine, more exciting than I have dreamed, and much more satisfying and accomplished when the mission ends with a smile on each face. Really you will be blessed by many. Particularly by me. *chuckles*". Ranveer looked and said, "You will bless me... wait" and then he chased Rihana and the two were indulged in the fun. After some time, they were refreshed and ready for the day. They went to meet Mr. Takahashi and he was overjoyed to find them back. He said, "Did you know Mr. Ranveersan, we were so worried about you when we found you and Rihanachan lying still in front of the circular screen? Our Doctor found you two were in a coma-like state." Ranveer laughed. He said, Don't worry sir, we were alright. It was due to in-situ teleportation. Now we are back". "Arigato gozaimasu, Ranveersan." Mr. Takahashi said and left." Ranveer and Rihana had to leave for India the next day. So they did. The 12:30 AM flight from Tokyo to Kolkata. They landed around 2:30 PM. That night they halted at the home of Ranveer and left for Hyderabad the next morning. After a few months, Perman's new episodes were telecasted by Fujiko Studios. All the Perman fans were overjoyed. Twitter was flooded with thanks and wishes from people all over the world. Well, the rainbow voice in the climax who stopped Ranveer was none but Mr. Takahashi himself. He has now added the feature of narration being inspired by the game built by Ranveer and Rihana. Although the new episodes never telecasted or disclosed the picture of Metaveer or Metarina there were a few mentions of them in the show. The forked version of the game story using which Ranveer and Rihana had gone into the Mangaverse is still preserved in a secret vault, only to be accessed by three people. Ranveer, Rihana, and Mr. Takahashi. Even once Satoshi Nakamoto found it very interesting and on a special permit he too appeared as a legend in one of the episodes of the new Perman. The Perman episodes are a lot more modernized yet hold back the authentic essence of Japan. This provides the users with a good blend of the old and the new so that the GenZ kids can relate it to the present and thus the views increase. After the mission of Hayabusa and the telecast of the new episodes, the popularity of Perman has increased so much now that it had grown twice of Doraemon. Ranveer and Rihana enjoyed the new shows whenever they had time. Their efforts have really borne sweet fruits. 

    Six months later... 

Ranveer receives a notification in his multiverse device. It was from Perman. It read, "Please come to celebrate the new year with us!" Ranveer looked at Rihana who too received a similar message from Pako. Rihana looked back at Ranveer. 

They grinned. "TIME TO GET INTO OUR SUITS!!!!.... Woo Hoo...."




  1. This story was really awesome. I couldn't believe even this was possible. A manga and a novel. Wow!! awesome combination!

  2. Awesome work Lucifer! This makes me follow your blogs.

  3. Awesome story! It made my day!

  4. Hey Lucifer! I have read this nice story and I think this is your second big project. I have liked some areas and have some suggestions for improvement too. Although the overall plot and it's sci-fi environment was awesome. I think this would turn out better if filmed or made an anime.

  5. Awesome blog. Love the way you combined a Manga story with a real-life one

  6. Great work Lucifer. I loved your story!!


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