Adi went to bed very late that night. Luckily, the next day was Sunday. So he could peacefully sleep for a long time. But wait. You guys don't know what he had actually done. Neither did Adi himself know. Well, before jumping into his weirdest works, let me give you a brief heads up about this talented guy and his works of talent. Well, I am not making any sarcastic remarks here. Adi indeed was talented. After all, he was a student at the prestigious Cambridge University. A brilliant student with an exceptional brain in Quantum Computing. Legends claim that he was previously a hacker who used to hack around for noble causes. Like the deletion of thousands of vulgar content from the dark web, targeting and bankrupting paedophiles and transferring that money to welfare organizations and NGOs, being completely hidden. Although there has been no strong evidence to prove that but his daily lifestyle proves the claim. Adi is a typical nerd. He gets up late, rushes to his college, gets started with his customized laptop and keeps on doing his own set of research and developments. He doesn't pay heed to the class but always tops the class. Adi has literally no social life. Apart from Charlie, a British guy, Adi has no other friends. But that never seems to bother Adi. Perhaps, it bothers him from inside but he never expresses that. But one thing is for sure. Everyone keeps a safe distance from Adi. Because he is too stealthy for others to know. "Guys of his age are literally roaming around with girls, hitting the bar, enjoying holidays but look at him. He seems as if he is cut off from the entire world", commented Patrick, a guy in the class. "Hmm, you are right dude...", comments Selena too. People discuss him a lot but still, they fear approaching him. But that doesn't mean Adi is a bad guy or rather an arrogant one. He is introverted and prefers solitude. Well, there are several circumstances in the life of people which make them like that. But as a wise youngster, Adi doesn't brood over his shortcomings or his losses. He rather tries to make them his weapon and fight for the goal he has set. Well, Adi wasn't the same always. He was a cheerful young lad back in his childhood days. His father was a renowned scientist at the prestigious Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and his mother was a renowned Physics professor at the Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Kanpur. But life sometimes can't tolerate happy faces and put its cruel look on us. Adi was orphaned at a very young age. His parents died in a car accident when he was still in junior classes. His grandfather was a rich estate manager and he decided to send him for good education abroad. So was he sent to the UK and he has been continuing his education at a very junior level. Adi through his wit and self-control has built a place in life. Every day, he used to have a video call with his grandpa but suddenly, on one dark night, he received the darkest news of his life. His grandpa too had passed away due to failing health conditions. Adi couldn't even come back to his country to see his grandpa for the last time. He silently went inside his room, locked his doors and cried for some time. Then he went close to the window of his room and looked at the dark sky. He remembered once grandpa had told him that all those who leave their dear ones become stars. Adi knows that that wasn't true by then. But the human mind loves to believe stuff that seems to soothe the mind and give it hope, however fake it might look. So, for some years Adi used to come to his window every night and try to look amongst the constellations for his grandpa, his Mumma and his Papa. Unfortunately, none seemed to appear to him. But he didn't lose hope and kept trying till one day he came to realize that he was working in vain. Some guys were also jealous of him in his school and they tried several ways to get Adi in trouble. They committed mischievous activities and put the blame on Adi. Adi, a simple boy couldn't protest well and used to get punished for things he would have never done. Gradually, he grew up and he understood how mean the world around him was. His only friend Charlie was somewhat close to him. But Charlie alone wasn't enough to protect him or help him through life. So, Adi learnt from his life. He learnt to deal with the world, to tackle crooks in a crooked way and also be enough intelligent to understand people. But, he never lost his ethics. He used to remember how his grandpa used to tell him stories from Bhagvat Gita and instilled in him a sense of right and wrong from a very young age. So, whenever he used to do anything he always maintained a clear path of ethics behind his deeds. Well, Adi has now grown up into a handsome young man, just passed his 22nd birthday the previous day of his graduation. His only partner was Charlie but it was still a small beam of happiness for him. Adi however was the owner of approximately a million USD. Some of it came from his hierarchy. The rest was earned by him. Unlike the boys of his age, Adi used to invest his money, get good returns and keep growing it. He once said to Charlie, "I want to be very, very rich and make a way to meet my parents. They must be somewhere, although I can't see them". Charlie found that a bit weird. "Adi, a matured guy telling such things?", Charlie used to think. But he didn't want to break the heart of Adi. If a person is happy with some belief, however impractical it might sound, that becomes a tonic for happiness. 
    Well, Adi was researching something strange for a couple of weeks. Nobody knew what he was up to but he seemed to be much more engrossed than anytime before. Perhaps he wasn't just working on anything normal this time. The room in which Adi used to live was in a small apartment near the downtown lane. And in that, he had set up a whole quantum computing lab. A micro-lab is more apt. The blunder was, Adi had mistakenly established a connection with another universe. But unlike his other planned attempts, this event was unplanned and unnoticed by Adi himself. That night, when he was working on his models that he first came to notice the thing. A quantum signal was sent to an unidentified location which unlike others has taken a time of 6.5 hours and stopped out of a sudden. Now, this was strange. "No signal within the same universe can sustain more than 1.5 hours of ping. How can this signal sustain so long?", thought Adi. His hands chilled. He was both frightened and excited. He tried to analyze the network graphs and after analysing them for an hour, he came to the conclusion that the message was indeed sent to some other universe. Now, this meant two possibilities. A friendly bond or the death note. Adi thought for some time. He then decided to let the thing proceed as it was. But he was a little anxious about the outcomes. He didn't work anymore that night and silently went to his bed. But sleep wasn't in the mood to appear in his eyes. Adi had all sorts of weirdest imaginations and visualizations. He once thought that he might be attacked by an army of aliens. But wait. They might not be aliens but something else, perhaps Quantaliens. He also thought of something good. In case, there is no fear as there is no inhabitant in the place the waves have gone to. It was quite possible. The universe has an uncountable number of celestial bodies and there is yet a lot of space in between. Not anybody can reply or even interpret his messages. If it lands on a star then there is no point in it. But in reality, something happened that was neither of the two possibilities that Adi had imagined. 

    One fine morning. Princess Kyponia was dressing in her room. She was humming some song in her mind. Two little birds and a squirrel were watching her from the window and they too enjoyed the princess's company. All was going along in quite a steady way when a maid entered Kyponia's room. She bore the message that King Fartaunaz wants to meet Kyponia that afternoon. Now, Kyponia was known far and wide for her beauty and talents. Many princes from far and wide tried to get her in some way or the other and there was a constant battle going on along kingdoms for her. But Kyponia was unaware of such a thing. Since childhood, she was raised by her uncle as she too was orphaned in an accident when King Kypon and his Queen Denesia died due to some unknown cause. No one exactly knew how she died as the present King and uncle of Kyponia, Fartaunaz had strictly forbidden the discussion or investigation. He behaves something else to his people and something else with Kyponia. For Kyponia, he is like a God, who can never do anything wrong. This is because Fartaunaz always wears a mask of goodness and virtues in front of his niece Kyponia. But in reality, he is a cruel and spoilt monarch. The empire of Grosentraugh was engrossed in poverty, inflation, riots and illegal activities. The royal guards used to torture the civilians at the orders of their monarch. No one was happy in the kingdom but the castle had no news of it. Since childhood, Kyponia was surrounded by all sorts of luxuries and happiness and she was detached from the world outside of the castle. But luckily she had a magician named Agurosine who knew everything. But she too had a fear for her life and couldn't disclose all the truth to the Princess. However, she tried to tell her many stories about real life, moral stories and many more things that a Princess must know. Another guy named Opponas, who used to be the state general and a loyal follower of the ex-King Kypon, used to train the Princess in the art of war and politics. As a result, although Kyponia was never out of her castle, she grew as intelligent and wise as a state head should be.  But this was a threat to her uncle. Fartaunaz never wanted her niece to be able to cross-question him and overthrow him and become the Empress of Grosentraugh. So, he tried to always create a soft corner in her heart and had asked his men to keep a keen watch on the magician and the ex-General. In order to ensure that the conditions do not go out of hand, he has been quite busy arranging a wedding selection festival. At this festival, several princes from far and wide were invited and they started to crowd in. Agurosine asked Kyponia, "Princess, this is a trick that your uncle is playing on you. He will try to get you off his head so that he could continue ruling." Unfortunately, the princess opposed this. She said, "I can understand your concerns, Agurosine but my uncle is a nobleman. He can never do anything bad to me." Agurosine laughed. She then took a mirror and murmured some spells to it. Kyponia was watching in surprise. She knew it was the Truth-mirror of Agurosine and can never say a lie. And what she saw in it baffled her. She saw the real face of her uncle, whom she used to consider her God till then. Kyponia couldn't believe it in her eyes. She was yet not ready to believe what she saw. She started to quarrel with Agurosine. So to convince her, Agurosine took a risk of her life. She showed him how her uncle Fartaunaz killed her parents in a fire. And this was the unlucky moment when Fartaunaz himself entered the room. He quickly ordered to arrest of Agurosine and he turned towards Kyponia and looked with fiery red eyes. Kyponia was frightened but deep inside she realized that Agurosine was right. She requested Fartaunaz to release Agurosine but he grinned and in a cruel husky voice said, "Sorry Princess. Since you know the truth now, I cannot spare her anymore." And then he turned to Agurosine, pulled out his sword and in a moment everything was blooded. Kyponia was shocked by what she saw. Before she could assimilate what happened, Fartaunaz ordered her to be locked in her room till the evening falls and the festival starts. The guards obeyed the orders and Kyponia was alighted to reality. Out of fear she started to cry and could see the guards carrying away the corpse of Agurosine. Kyponia was feeling a deep sense of guilt in her. She sobbed and thought, "It was me who had sacrificed the life of Agurosine. Had I listened and believed her for the first time. then might be her life could have spared. But..." And tears started to roll down her cheeks and one drop fell on something on the ground and a weird thing happened. The room was enlightened with a bright green light and a pale face of a guy appeared and disappeared in a second. Kyponia found that it was the magical mirror of Agurosine which fell on the ground as she was caught in the trifle. Kyponia thought for a moment and quickly took it up. She could see something very strange and weird in it. At a small spot, almost the size of an air bubble a dark background with some lighted dots began to move. She looked closer and discovered that it looked somewhat similar to the night sky but it had multiple meshes covering the entire darkness. Although, she couldn't understand what was happening she kept watching it unless it faded away. Kyponia gradually felt sleepy and she lay on the floor and went to sleep. In her dream, she saw a guy almost her age or maybe a year or two elder holding her hand on a cliff. He was wearing a strange dress but she felt him promising. She didn't know who the guy was but she was developing some feelings for him. She just saw her face and suddenly her dream broke and she woke up. Kyponia took a minute or two to understand what was the disturbance about. She then heard someone opening the door of her room. She thought, it might be the guards or her uncle and she prepared herself to fight back. But luckily, it was old Opponas. He slid in unnoticed and whispered, "Princess, Emperor had asked the maids to come and fetch you to him. Before he or the maids could arrive, look down. I have prepared for your escape. Ride that white horse, take this sword (saying he handed over a silver sword to the Princess which once used to be of her father, King Kypon and said) run away as fast as you can towards the northeast. You will get to see a river and beyond that a valley. Cross it and you will be safe." Princess Kyponia who was confused by everything happening so fast and the request of Opponas asked, "But I have never been out of this castle. What if I get caught? What if I lose my way?" Opponas said, "Don't worry, take the mirror of Agurosine and you will be guided by it. Now get up quickly and run fast. They can be here any moment." The princess got ready and did as instructed. Before she left, she looked to Opponas for one last time and said, "Take care..." Opponas nodded and she rode off. It was obvious that there would be a search but luckily Opponas wasn't doubted. A troop set out in the forest to find the Princess but they weren't successful. On the other hand, the princess was too tired, hungry and confused. She rode into a cave in the valleys and fell asleep on her horse. On the other hand, the guards searched a lot but couldn't discover her. They went back to Fartaunjaz. When he came to know about it, he yelled at the guards. "You just had one job but you have failed to do it. What the hell were you all doing?" They were all quiet, including Opponas. Fartaunaz walked and stood in front of Opponas and muttered in a low rumbling and cruel voice, "Opponas, I want you to lead the search expedition and get hold of that girl, alive or dead." Then he yelled, "Did you understand what I said?" Opponas said, "Yes Sir!" Fartaunaz grinned with a lopsided smile and said, "Now go, get lost!" A troop set out in the search of Princess Kyponia. Opponas knew she must be in the northeast and he led his troop to the Southwest instead, so that even if Kyponia was still in that area, she could get adequate time to leave.     
    Kyponia woke up by the first light of the morning. She took some time to understand and process everything that had happened the previous day. She began to feel very lonely. For the first time, she was alone amidst the unknown world. She was feeling insecure and hungry. Kyponia put her hands inside the saddle pouch and found a few fruits which Opponas had packed for her. She took an apple from it and took a bite. She then looked into the mirror. It was showing her face in the dim light from the entrance of the cave. Her hairs were all untidy by virtue of the escape manoeuvre she did the day before. Finishing her food she stepped down from the horse to get knowledge about the surrounding area. She understood it was not safe to wander here and there like that. Neither did she have any way to make an escape. Stressed and confused from all sides she looked into the mirror sobbing. She began to think about her parents. Kyponia thought, "Had my father been alive today, I would have been in all comforts... Ohh my bad luck." But suddenly something strange happened as a teardrop rolled down her cheek and fell on the mirror. Kyponia looked in surprise as the mirror rims turned bright green and she saw a guy's image on the mirror screen. She couldn't recognize him at first but later she found it was the same guy who had come into her dreams the previous day. This time, Kyponia cast a clear look into the mirror. She tried to understand and study the information. The guy looked quite different from them. He was wearing a cloth which had a cap-like protruding thing on his head. The guy was sitting on a throne-like chair and working on something in front of a device that looked like a thin box. Kyponia had no idea who it was or what was he working on but she found that he was working with a lot of concentration. Then suddenly the guy turns towards the mirror and Kyponia could see him properly. A fair guy with a good beard and moustache, kind eyes and stylish hair with a brownish tinge. The guy had black eyes unlike Kyponia, who had the rarest of the rarest, blue eyes. And once she had seen him in full scape the mirror turned back to a  normal one. Now it was evident that the guy had invaded the empire of Kyponia's mind. She hadn't developed any feelings but she was thinking about that guy, almost all the time. Well, what else can she do? Just run away with the horse, find shelter, gather some fruit and keep thinking. Out of her many thoughts, she found that whenever she had the image of the guy floating to her mind, she found new hope and felt better but she didn't know why. 

    For seven to eight days now, Adi has been lucid dreaming. He couldn't understand what he was seeing and he tried to focus more on his research. But there was something that was preventing him from concentrating. As if someone direly needed to tell something to him. Well, Adi was an atheist and he didn't believe in Gods or gimmicks. But still, there were certain phenomena of which he had no idea. People thought he was schizophrenic but he was actually getting visuals. Anyways, Adi kept up with this daily work and schedule until the ninth night when he saw the same dream. The next morning, Adi was much disturbed. He woke up and decided to put an end to this or solve the mystery which was knocking on him for so long. He put himself in the Brain-Sim device to picturise what his thoughts meant and analyze the quantum stats behind the thoughts. He did so. A plate of the data record was processed. And exactly after 75 minutes, the result was shocking. Adi found that the signals he had sent were being received by some other universe and it had hacked a device there. As a result, the user or the owner of the device would always see the visuals of Adi working or doing anything within the Tesla distance of his workspace. Now, this was a risk for Adi. It was a two-way hack or you can think of it as a data wormhole. It was transferring data to and fro from each universe to the other. Now Adi thought of a plan. He tweaked the software and designed a quantum fetcher. This fetcher worked as a universal dimension streaming API and reverse engineer the device of the Quantalien who had mistakenly received his quanta-link messages. In a way, this was like a quantum phishing attack to get the visuals from the other end. And when he made his first fetch, Adi received the most powerful shock of his life. He was so shocked that he was brought back to his senses by the hissing noise of the pressure cooker in his room. The visuals on his screen were nothing but his dream on a screen! Whatever was unclear as a dream was clearly visible on his screen. Well, once Adi recovered from the shock he started to analyse the dream and combine the transmission logs and all the unforged metadata, he found an entire story that has got linked up to his single signal. Now, this turned out to be interesting for Adi. He had simulated Godliness in his quantum computer. This pleased Adi. By that time he was also ensured that the beings on which he was keeping a watch on aren't a threat to Earth by any chance. They appeared to be in the medieval ages. But there was something strange to be noticed. The inhabitants of the other universe had a peculiar dressing sense. Although they resembled the earth in every aspect including the solar system there but none of them followed any such practices as any communities on the earth. They wore strange dresses. "Strange...!", thought Adi. But little did he know that this universe was going to change his life forever. That night when Adi went to sleep, he had a strange dream which made him feel bad. A girl was seeking his help. Adi woke up. Then he checked the clock. The time was 3:45 AM. The time when the multiverses align and the wormholes have the shortest distance and weakest boundary constraints. Adi understood that somehow the beings from the other universe have successfully established communication with Adi. He jumped to his computer and what he saw made him go berserk.

    Some of the soldiers and royal guards found a white horse standing in front of a cave. They rushed and found Princess Kyponia asleep on a rock bed. The commander ordered his guards to capture her. Fortunately, the horse neighed and Kyponia woke up. She became alert and frightened. She took the mirror and ran as fast as she could through a narrow tunnel inside the cave. The guards followed her. Kyponia was running the fastest her legs could carry her but the guards were chasing her from all sides. Running and escaping she came to a standpoint from where there was no escape. She closed her eyes and tried to murmur something holding the mirror tightly to her. The guards rushed and when they were just a few feet from catching her, the mirror had a sudden out-blast of a superbright blue light. The light was so blinding that no one can even see the other one standing just next to him, leave alone notice the Princess. This bright light kept glowing for almost a minute and then surprising everyone the Princess and the mirror vanished in the air. The guards were shocked. They looked here and there and yelled out the name of the Princess but she was nowhere to be seen. No one could believe their eyes. More dangerous than that was when they thought about their condition if Emperor comes to know about all this. Finding no other way, the troops had to retreat empty-handed. One of the guards said to the other, "The white horse gave me hope about hikes. No, I think we will all receive the spikes". The others agreed and they continued to march back.

    Adi suddenly saw a figure pop out from Quantum Indigo (Integrator Disintegrator Operator) device and before he could move it fell on him, with them fell the chair and they both with the chair fell on the floor. In the noise and the vibration, Adi's cat, Mayonnaise ran away and hid under a chair. Adi lying facing upside, the figure lying on him facing down with a very less distance between each other. They were at a standstill for about a minute unless an indicator started sounding. The figure got up from over Adi and stepped back. Adi turned on the lights and the figure tried to run but again they crashed into each other and they fell. Adi knew who it was but he a shiver of pulse run through his body when he saw that in real. It was like indeed a dream come true in the literal senses. Princess Kyponia was the figure who had jumped on Adi from the device. But it was more shocking for Kyponia when she saw that the dream that she had existed in tangible form in real life. She knew she wasn't dreaming and this realization was much more shocking. "Oh my goodness, it is the same guy whom I saw in my dream and then in the mirror and now in front of my eyes", thought Kyponia. She got up and tried to say something to Adi and Adi too tried to apologize, both in their own languages. But neither of them was able to understand the other. And how could they? They belonged to not only different planets but also different universes. A language barrier was bound to be present. So, Adi thought of a plan. He searched his desk and took two hairband-like tools. One, he gave to Kyponia and the other he took to himself. Adi then requested Kyponia through sign language to wear them on the head. At first, she refused but then she agreed. Those were translator devices which could be used for communication through brain signals. Luckily Adi had recently installed the QTT (Quantum Thought Transceiver) adapter in it. Now they could communicate in any language they need without even speaking a single word. Well, this problem was solved in some way but this gave rise to a lot of other problems now. Kyponia was very confused about the place where she was. She was a little frightened too. Gadgets and everything around looked magical to her. Adi too was finding it difficult to strike up communication with her. After all, she was a Quantalien. (A quantum alien). Still, Adi mustered some courage and asked Kyponia, "Are you okay?.. umm, I mean to say can I help you with anything?" Kyponia found it quite interesting. Neither Adi nor she spoke anything yet they could communicate. Kyponia, in her mind, asked Adi about the place. Adi explained to her, "You are on planet earth in a 3D universe. We are in a galaxy named the Milky Way and so on..." They started to have some conversation at around 4 o'clock in the morning and it continued till morning 7:30 when Kyponia had a basic understanding of the surroundings, about her origin and her travel. But what was more difficult was to adapt to the new surroundings at least till they find a way to return. Now Adi knew everything about the advent of Kyponia but Kyponia knew nothing about Adi. Although she said everything to Adi about the weird dreams. Although she even found that Adi was trustworthy, she couldn't be assured that she won't be harmed. But she knew that the mirror of Agurosine could never be wrong. At least she won't ever doubt it again. "Ohh yes... the mirror!", thought Kyponia and she looked here and there. She found the mirror but it was broken. Kyponia was heartbroken. She thought her last ray of hope to return home was also lost. But anyways, she felt the earth was safer. There, on her planet her uncle Fartaunaz must be searching for her to get hold of her and put her to death or get married where life would be more hectic for her. So, Kyponia decided to live there. Adi had to get ready for his college. Now he had a problem. He asked Kyponia, "Hey, I have to go to college. Would you mind staying alone at home till I return?" But Kyponia had developed a trauma. She started to refuse. Adi was now in utter confusion. Well after some trials Adi was finally able to convince Kyponia to stay back. But Kyponia had another set of insecurities in her mind. She began to pray to God. Adi saw but he ignored that and he went to college. However, he made sure that Kyponia doesn't fall into trouble. The QTT device was enough to keep them connected. Still, Adi was having anxiety. However, he rushed home early that day and brought some tasty food and clothes back home. Although he had kept plenty of resources for Kyponia she might still be not suited to anything. When he reached home, he felt sad. Adi saw Kyponia sitting on the bed and crying. Adi put down the food, gently locked the door and quietly sat beside Kyponia. He asked her, "What happened, Princess?" Kyponia raised her face. She said, "You know Adi, I was feeling so low all day. Although almost everything matches so well with my planet yet I miss my lands. When my Papa was alive, he used to love and care for me so much. My Mumma was so kind. After they passed away, although I never felt the lack of anything I was never really happy. I began to lose everyone from my life and today, I even lost my home." Adi sat quietly. He hesitantly held her hand and said, "Don't worry Kyponia, I am here to help you. Everything will be alright." Kyponia smiled. She got up and stood close to Adi and looked into the eyes of Adi. She then turned her head and sat down. Adi took his bag and extended the gifts that he had bought for Kyponia. She was shy to accept anything but Adi pleaded with her to take those. Kyponia was really so happy to see the feminine attire of Earth. She really had no idea that there were so many beautiful things out there on the planet. She literally loved the top and the jeans. She changed into the new dress, had the food and listened to the Earthly music for the first time and she absolutely loved them. For the first time, Adi saw a smile on Kyponia's face. He too felt happy that he could at least be useful to her. Adi considered the sending of signals and everything as his mistake and so he was bent upon rectifying it by helping Kyponia. Well, they had some talk and then it was time to bed. But the problem was there was just one bed in the single room. Now Adi knew that it is in no way good to share the bed. After all, Kyponia was a stranger. So, he thought of something clever. He went out and brought some pieces of cardboard, wood and iron bars and sat down to make a bed for himself. Kyponia was curious about what Adi was doing. When she asked, Adi said that he was making a bed for him and he would leave his own for Kyponia. He also pointed at the new bed sheet and pillows and pillow covers to convey that he would make a brand new unused bed for Kyponia and ensure comfort. After all, she was a Princess of some land and deserved a respectful stay. Kyponia understood how much Adi respects her dignity. Kyponia was very beautiful and charming and it is alluring for any boy of about her age to wrongly take an opportunity. But look at this guy. He is so well-behaved. Slowly, all of Kyponia's suspicions were being converted into understanding and goodwill for Adi. She was impressed by his personality, respectful attitude and caringness. She thought that she too must extend her help to Adi. Kyponia offered to help Adi. At first, he was shy to ask it. He said, "Thank you, but I can do it alone. You are my guest, a guest for all of us. I cannot make you work for this. But Kyponia wanted to help him. She didn't say anything regarding helping but started to strike up a conversation with Adi and gradually started making small help. Kyponia knew, that if one can engage the other in talks, then he might not notice the other activities. And she was indeed right. Gradually, working together they finished making the cot in half the time. It was a good bed, but not very strong. Well, it didn't seem to take any action but as soon as they went to bed and Adi lay on his bed, the cot broke. Luckily Adi didn't get hurt. But this noise startled Kyponia. She saw and found the strange thing. Adi was stuck and his bed was broken. At first, she was controlling her laughter but when Adi himself started to laugh, even Kyponia couldn't stop laughing. She quickly came out of bed and helped Adi come out of the mess. She saw Adi in utter confusion as his bed was broken and it was too cold to sleep on the floor and that too of ground floor. She came to Adi and said, "Don't worry, Adi. We can both sleep on your bed." Adi was taken aback and he refused. He said, "No Kyponia, I can't do that. You are a Princess and on top of that my guest... also you are a girl..." Kyponia saw that Adi was too polite and if she didn't make any move then he would spend nights sleeping on a chair, uncomfortably. She quickly held Adi's hand firmly and dragged him to the bed. She then said, "Come on, get up and pull the blanket." Adi started refusing. Kyponia looked at him angrily and said, "Do it, Adi. It is my order. If you think I am the Princess then do what I command." Adi said, "But that might harm your dignity if anyone comes to know we both slept..." Kyponia yelled, "Just shut up! I know no one who will bother about doing it. And if you are concerned about your dignity then you sleep alone and I will sit on the chair." Adi found no other option but to obey what Kyponia said. Kyponia smiled. She said, "Good boy! No sleep in peace. I won't snore and disturb you" Adi was turning red in embarrassment but he had no other option. He turned the other side and Kyponia turned the other. Well, this was good for some hours but as midnight arrived and the temperature dropped down, Kyponia began to feel cold. She unknowingly started to come close to Adi and ended up cuddling with him. Adi was in his deep sleep by then and didn't know what was happening. The next morning, Adi woke up and he felt as if something was gripping him. At first, he didn't realize but then he saw Kyponia clinging to him. Adi turned red in shame but he didn't want to call her and ask her to move away. So Adi tried to move her hands away a little and make a way. But Kyponia must be dreaming badly and she clung more tightly to Adi. Now Adi was in genuine trouble. He was feeling ashamed but he could do nothing in that case. He tried to do that in vain again but his trial of moving away from Kyponia didn't work. He once thought to call her but he couldn't muster enough courage as he thought Kyponia might get irritated and get angry at him. But, to his misfortune, he couldn't stop a sudden sneeze and it was loud enough to wake her up. Kyponia at first, couldn't understand what was happening and then she herself felt embarrassed about what she had been doing for the last few hours. She quickly withdrew her hands and sat on the bed, followed by Adi. Both of them were looking at each other in a shy manner. Kyponia couldn't bear up and she left for the washroom. Well, that day started in an awkward way. After college when Adi returned home, he saw Kyponia was watching his computer in rapt attention. Adi realized that Kyponia must be feeling bored all day. He decided to talk to her about that. But before that Kyponia asked him pointing to his computer, "What is this Adi?" Adi smiled and said, "This is a machine. We call it computer" Kyponia was listening in awe. She asked, "What can we do with it?" Adi started to explain to her. He saw that Kyponia has many questions to make and her curiosity was never-ending. Adi thought of a plan. He said, "I am going to admit you to a school. There you can learn many things and clear all your doubts." Kyponia looked angrily. She said, "Oh hello... Mister. I am educated. I don't need to be in your school. Although our system of education was a bit different. You studied in schools and colleges and I took home tuition because I was a princess doesn't mean I'm illiterate." Adi said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to say it that way... well, okay. I have a better plan. Why not let's go for an outing?" Kyponia said, "You and outing? Don't tell impossible things". Adi was now seriously confused. He said, "But, how do you know that I am an introvert to the outside world?" Kyponia smiled and said, "So what have you thought? Only you know every technology and I am an idiot? Well, we might not have so a glamorous planet but all inhabitants of our planet have incredible power. We can transfer thoughts and information that our brain processes, just by making a contact with our forehead for about an hour." Adi was shocked. Kyponia continued, "Last night, accidentally our foreheads were in touch for about an hour or so and I have known everything about you. But Adi, I am seriously so sorry for being so rude. I didn't know that you too were orphaned at such a young age... I am really so sorry to know the painful struggles in your life, dear." Adi was quiet for a moment. He slowly walked up to his table and pulled out a picture frame from a cabinet. He showed Kyponia, his parents. Kyponia held the photo frame and said, "Do you know something, Adi? What I felt is although are from different universes, practice different cultures, and have everything so different, but yet we are so common with each other. Isn't it?" Adi nodded. Kyponia continued, "And this kind of similarity is so rare. I am lucky to have you in my life as a friend. I have never had one since my childhood. I was not allowed to mingle. It is really hard to be of royal blood. You seem to be at the apex but in reality, are bound by so many restrictions." Adi agreed. Kyponia said, "I used to think that life is so beautiful when you have plenty of things. I thought myself blessed to be born in a royal lineage but the last few days in my life have taught me that real happiness is found in friendship, not in palaces. But Adi, I have a question to make. You are the only heir of your family and you have also made a lot of money through your hacking or whatsoever. Then why do you still live in this small place? I mean you could have easily shifted to a palace" Adi smiled and said, "Kyponia, I have been in this room for almost a decade now. I have developed a different bond with it. I cannot easily leave it. And I am seldom alone. Now Charlie too had gone home to meet his grandparents and won't be back for a week. So, what's the use of wasting money? If I make more money, I would rather invest or make it useful for people. I am pretty happy with the place and situation I am in". Kyponia frowned. She said, "No, you are not. Come on don't lie to me. You know that we are linked by a special bond... what do you say it Quan... Quant....", "Quantum Entanglement?" asked Adi. "Yes yes... that thing. I am your quantum counterpart, Adi. Even if you try to hide something from me, I will know it. Same for you too. So buddy, let's be honest with each other. I know what you long for and you know what I am living for. Isn't it, Mr Adinath Sarkar?" Adi agreed. He smiled and said, "You are right Kyponia. And thanks for spelling out my name correctly." Kyponia shyly smiled. She said, "Every universe had started with Om and Sanskrit was the first language. Just you have made a different set of sequences and we made a different one. But we all are created by one God". Adi was now a bit pissed off. Kyponia smiled. "Oops.. sorry, Mr Atheist.. hehe". Adi could do nothing but laugh. And what could anyone do? Kyponia is so cute. She sometimes accepts this. "Yes, I know I am cute, cuter than the cutest being on earth. And smart too... hehe hehe..." Adi found her very friendly and lively. Their friendship started to grow. Gradually Adi made her habituated to the world, to the systems and procedures of the planet and the universe. Time passed, and Adi graduated and is working for a company in London. Kyponia and Adi had shifted to an apartment by then. Gradually their friendship took a turn to romance and now they enjoyed the company of each other. With the advent of Kyponia, Adi was able to come out of his traumas. Kyponia was able to forget her past and found a wholesome partner in Adi and in the same way years passed. One day, Kyponia demanded to visit the native of Adi. Kolkata. Adi at first was hesitating to go. He said, "But Kyponia, we have everything up here. And I have come out of those old memories after a lot of struggle and I don't want to visit that place again." Kyponia was disheartened. But she tried to convince Adi. She said, "Don't worry Adi. I am with you forever. You won't be feeling hollow again. In my land, when a couple marries, they take blessings from their parents and stay in their in-law's home for a week. But neither we were traditionally married, nor have we ever been to the lands of my in-laws. So, I had this wish. Well if you feel hurt, please don't go. I won't force you." Adi well understood that Kyponia won't be happy. But he too has a trauma back there. All the childhood memories will force him if he tries to return home. So, Adi took some time to think. The next day, Kyponia was surprised. Adi booked two tickets to India. He and Kyponia would fly to their native. Kyponia was super excited and the day arrived soon. 

    Kolkata. Morning 7:35 AM. Air India Express Flight AI158 landed at Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport, Dumdum. Durga Puja, Kolkata's greatest festival was around the corner. There were decorations everywhere. With a trolly, came out Adi and his fiance, Kyponia. They booked a cab and booked a hotel nearby. Kyponia wanted to know about their ancestral home. Adi said, "Even if it is there, we must go through many legal procedures to reclaim it. For that. we would need a lawyer. I will have to file a case and a lot more. We have only come here for a few days and we will return as soon as the Puja ends. What's the use in going into all those dramas?" Kyponia said, "Because it is your empire, Adi. You have a right to it. If it is unclaimed, then it would be a loss of your ancestors." Adi said, "I have already lost my ancestors. Of what value is that house to me anymore?" Kyponia got angry. She said, "Idiot. Ancestors are lost. They couldn't live forever but their memories dwell in the house." Adi said, "Yeah, maybe you are right but it is next to impossible to reclaim properties. There are political holds, lobbying and illegal sources to hunt down. It is not like you take an army and recapture your native lands." Kyponia was now pissed off. She said, "Oh please! It is not an easy job to reclaim territories too. Especially when you are outnumbered by your enemies. You still have a government to take care of." Adi smiled, "These are no governments. They are hoaxes. They are completely useless. Every court is sold and even if not, no one pays heed to them. So it's better to enjoy the time we are here and then get back to London." Kyponia wasn't satisfied. She made a clever demand. "Okay then, you don't need to reclaim it. But can we at least go to see it?" Adi said, "For sure, provided it is still present there and not handed over to any contractor for some illegal constructions. Because I am the only heir and I am alive and by law, it should be mine." Kyponia said, "Exactly!! This is what I am saying. Just let's go and survey how it is". Adi and Kyponia set out after lunch. They reached Adi's ancestral home in Behala. It was a bungalow pattern house. Luckily it was present there. Adi had an uncle who used to live away and seldom used to visit there, even when Adi was a kid. But after his grandfather had passed away even he too never visits the place. But Kailashnath Sarkar, the grandfather of Adi was a respected and influential person. So his house was intact but the only resident there was a caretaker, Ramcharan. Adi opened the gate and walked up the portico to the main entrance and rang the calling bell. An old man came along and opened the door. Adi presented his identity and said that he was the grandson of Kailashnath Sarkar. But the caretaker couldn't recognize him. And how can anyone even? Several people had tried a lot to get hold of the property. They all claimed to be the grandson of Kailashnath Sarkar and brought several uncanny proofs. But Ramcharan knew none was the true one. He was so fed up with this process that he even had doubts about Adi. Adi too knew the process won't be that easy. He presented all the proofs but Ramcharan was in no way convinced. Adi and Kyponia had to return empty-handed. But Adi decided that he would go and talk to a lawyer. Kyponia supported him. The next day they entered the chamber of Dr Utpal Lahiri, a renowned lawyer and old friend of his father, the late Baidyanath Sarkar. At first, Dr Utpal was not convinced but when he showed the proof with the signature of his grandfather Dr Utpal was shocked. He said, "Everyone was convinced that you died. Do you know how many rumours went in your name? Some said you died in a flight disaster, some said this, some that... Luckily by God's grace, you are safe here. Don't worry son, enjoy your stay and we will manage everything legally once the Puja festivities end." Adi thanked him and they left for their hotel. As they were on the way, Adi had a strange feeling. He quickly ran down the road almost dragging Kyponia with him. A berserk car passed very close to them and sped away in a very fast pace. Adi asked Kyponia if she was alright. She nodded in acceptance. Adi was now feeling unsafe. He said, "Someone or the other must be following us. I think they don't want us to get the house." Kyponia rebuked Adi. "You are overthinking Adi. I don't feel people on earth are so rude." Adi replied, "Assholes are everywhere. Come along with me". Kyponia followed him. He called a cab and asked the driver to follow the car. They did. A Tata Sumo, of bottle green colour was driving ahead of them. The car which almost would have smashed them if they weren't aware. Adi tried to note the number plate of the car. He was finally able to do that and then he asked the cab driver to reach their hotel. Adi requested Kyponia to go to the room while he visits the nearest police station and lodge a complaint. She did as was instructed. Adi registered a complaint regarding the rash driving car and all the essential details to trace it. The police said that they would surely look into that. The next day, Adi received a call from the police station. They said, "Sorry sir, but no such car is registered in Kolkata or any of its neighbouring areas or states. We have just checked with the RTO. Are you sure that you have noted down the correct number from the number plate?" Adi confirmed, "Yes, officer. I have noted it down correctly. I have shown you the photo of the number plate, not a handwritten number. That cannot be wrong, isn't it?" They agreed and they promised to look further. Adi said, "Kyponia, I think there is something really fishy going on here. You see, I have gone to the house and showed all my proofs. Ramcharan Kaka should have recognized me. He too failed to do so. And when we just left the lawyer's chamber, we were about to meet with an accident." Kyponia said, "So, are you suspecting someone?" Adi said, "I suspect almost everyone here. First, I have doubts about Ramcharan Kaka. Is he the real guy or some hoax? I am saying this because I haven't met him for about twenty long years. I don't even remember his face. I also have some doubts about Utpal  Lahiri." Kyponia asked, "Why so?" Adi said, "Because you have seen the mansion right? It is alluring for anyone with money to obtain it by hook or by crook. On top of that, he is a lawyer. He can tweak things with the law easily. The only standing proof that I have with me is the Will Paper given to me by my grandpa. But the thing is, it is Dr Utpal Lahiri who made the arrangements for the Will. Now he can have every chance to tweak it. But I need solid proof to justify myself." Kyponia listened. She said, "So, what should we do now?" Adi said, "I don't know. I have to think" saying which he got up and lay on the hotel bed. Kyponia said, "Okay, we will look into that later. First, let us enjoy the Puja." Adi just smiled but he wasn't happy. Kyponia said, "What happened, Adi? Why are you so tense? I know you are thinking about Will and the accident but don't worry now. We have very less days to enjoy and if we spend them worrying, then life wouldn't be sufficient to live." Adi said, "That's why I had said you to leave it. But you have insisted on me so much. Now if I can't fulfil this small wish of yours, I would feel guilty." Kyponia came close and hug him. She took his head in her lap and gently run her fingers through Adi's hair. She said, "Even if you don't get the house due to complex legal procedures, I won't mind a bit. I just wanted to return to you what you deserved. Who can understand the pain of losing a house, more than me?" Adi said, "You are right. I should keep trying. Surely there must be a way. But for today, let's visit the College Square Lightings". When I was a kid, I heard that it is one of the most famous Puja pandals. You would definitely love it." Kyponia smiled. She asked, "What about you? Don't you love it?" Adi said, "Nope. I have no feelings for these. I feel these are just a waste of money". Kyponia frowned at him and looked lopsidedly. She said, "You are a working worm. Can't you think about enjoying life a bit? Look at me. I shamelessly enjoy other places. I love to explore and discover life." Adi smiled and said, "Good for you!" Kyponia was a bit angry. She said, "Why only me? Why not you? What makes you so especially repulsive to enjoyment?" Adi said, "Leave it. It's nothing." Kyponia wasn't satisfied with the answer. She held his hand tightly and went close to him and said, "Tell me, Adi. Don't hide. See, I can know the old stories from your mind but cannot understand deep-rooted causes and decisions. Since I am your girlfriend now, I want to know it. You may call me possessive, rude etc whatever you like but I don't care. I want to know what you hide?" Adi sighed. He said, "Situations made me an introvert, Kyponia. I was a lively kid back in my childhood. But separations, bullies and insults turned out to be that way. You can understand this. We all are not the same and we all can't be the same. I had many complaints against what you call God. I never saw him or her or whatever it is. It never came to help me. All that I am today is from my own hard work. Not anyone stood beside me. And today, I honestly don't feel anything. I knew I had a home back in Behala. But I never thought of going and asking for it. I simply hate to get back to old traumas. You were a princess, you won't understand. Sorry if I sound rude but this is all I have to say". Saying this Adi got up and frustratedly went and sat on a chair facing the window. Kyponia noticed that even his eyes were wet. She felt bad. But she didn't like unhappy people around her. So she tried to soothe him. She stood next to him and gently started to pat his shoulders and massage his forehead. Adi didn't say anything. Kyponia said, "I'm sorry Adi. I didn't know it would hurt you so much...". "It's okay!" said Adi in a deep and melancholic tone. Kyponia had to think of something to cheer him up. Now at this point, you might think that Kyponia was selfish. But she was actually doing all this so that Adi can make a fresh start in his home. Well, things caught pace when Adi received a letter. It wasn't a letter but a warning notice. "Asking the police for help won't help. If you love your life then get lost from where you have come!" Adi was furious. He took the note and rushed to the police station. The OC, Mr Paul saw the note but didn't pay any heed to it. He said, "Sir, there must be some pranks. Forget about this sir. Just enjoy the Puja holidays.. haha. Adi said in a more serious tone, "But sir, despite of police why is someone sending such threats? I want a proper investigation on this sir." OC Paul got up from his chair and shouted, "If you have so much concern then go and check it out yourself. Please don't bother us." Adi thought for a moment. He said, "Are you sure?" The OC took his words lightly and said, "Yeah go and do whatever you like. Don't disturb me I am very busy." Adi quietly went out and posted the audio of the OC's statement to the Police Complaint Portal. The very next day, there was a call from there which asked for the details of the incident. Adi explained everything in detail. That same day, the OC himself came rushing to Adi for an apology. Adi however behaved very well with him. He made him sit in the hotel room and offered water and food. He then said, "Sir, I can understand you are handling a lot of pressure. But the thing is we look forward to you for the service. We are civilized and cannot take up the law in our own hands. So, please help us." OC Paul was pleased the way Adi treated him. He almost had tears in his eyes. He said, "Thank you, sir, I have realized my mistake. I would take every step to help you out the best way I can. Just please ensure that I don't lose my job, sir. I have a family to feed." Adi assured that he would do it. That very day the police interrogated every crew member of the hotel and made a sketch of the guy who had sent that note. From the very next day, they got into action. Within 6 hours, they promptly caught the culprit and took him into custody. That night Adi received shocking news. He couldn't believe his ears. He rushed to the police station. OC, Mr Paul said that he culprit has confessed the name of Dr Utpal Lahiri. Adi asked, "Are you sure, Sir?" He said, "Yes. You can come with me and ask him". Adi said, "No thanks. I got it." Adi came out. He had several questions revolving around his head. He suddenly found Kyponia waiting for him outside. Adi asked, "Why are you here, dear? I was coming soon". Kyponia said, "What did Paul say?" Adi disclosed everything that he had come to know. But he said I don't think he is the culprit. Someone or the other is definitely wrong. "The police will supposedly interrogate him and find the truth. Don't worry. Just come over" Adi went back but was not at all convinced of the thing. He had just one question in his mind. "What is his interest in my property? He already has a big sprawling bungalow, works with the judiciary, and has so many powers and my house is nothing in front of his palace-like house. Moreover, he would be paid for the Will. Why would he do such a thing?" Now the entire thing was to be cleared in court within a few days. Till then he wasn't allowed to meet with Dr Lahiri. Finally, the day arrived. Everyone, including Adi and Kyponia, went to the court. Charges of an attempt to murder and steal rights were imposed on Dr Lahiri. The court proceeded with the accused but it was lunch break before the verdict. Adi and Kyponia went out to lunch but suddenly Adi noticed something in the back alley. He silently went and saw that OC, Paul and the culprit whom he caught were exchanging money. Adi lost no time in capturing the scene on his mobile camera. But before he could put it into his pocket, he was hit hard from behind. Luckily it missed his head and struck his shoulder. For a moment he was shocked but in the last moment, he regained control and thrust a spin kick in the back. This alerted everyone. Kyponia was following him and Adi tossed his phone to her and indicated her to run to the Judge. And then Adi came to his wildest form. Putting his martial art skills to work, he successfully beat down the crooks. But OC, Mr Paul had a gun. He chased Adi and shot bullets. Luckily the back alley was full of obstructions and rarely any bullet had hit him. He ran and ran and just entered the courtroom with Kyponia just before the court was ready to commence after the break. Everyone was stunned. A couple ran into the courtroom. The security tried to stop him but Adi and Kyponia pleaded to let them in as they had proof. Adi rushed to the desk of Justice. Mr Paul too followed behind and shouted, "Your Lord, this is fake." However justice Chatterjee was an experienced person. He asked the video to be played and it showed that Mr Paul was giving money to the culprit. Now, Paul claimed that it was fake but Kyponia demanded to check the CCTV footage from the corner of the lane of the building just behind. It was brought and checked and was found to match. The entire game changed. As evidence, Adi spoke for Dr. Lahiri and said everything that had happened in chronological order.  He added, "I had a doubt that how could a culprit captured by the police so easily state things and police find him without the sketch?" Everyone was stunned? Justice Chatterjee said, "Without the sketch? What do you mean?" Adi took something from his pocket and showed presented it to the justice. He said, "This is the sketch of the culprit. I found it in the dustbin of the hotel reception. If the police would have made a sketch, they must be using it to find the criminal. But it showed that they knew the criminal beforehand." Now everything was crystal clear. Justice Chatterjee looked sternly at the OC, Mr Paul and said, "Ashamed of you! For unscrupulous people like you, the entire department is defamed. Also, I have got a bunch of complaints against you, Mr Paul. I will have to take stern action now". Mr Paul started to plead but he wasn't mercied. Dr Lahiri was proven innocent and released the same day. He met Adi and Kyponia outside the court. He was almost in tears. He said, "I am ever grateful to you child. I cannot pay back your help throughout my life. They had a grudge against me because I once had caught Mr Paul red-handed in a bribery case. But son, you have not only saved my reputation but also done a big favour for an old man." Adi held his hand firmly and said, "Please don't make us feel ashamed, sir. You are just like my father. And it is not just the duty of a lawyer to bring justice for his client but also my duty as a common man to stand against crime by the rules of law. And by the way, sir, since our parents are no more, we need you to arrange a registry lawyer for us to get married successfully!" Dr Lahiri laughed and said, "Sure, my boy. I would gladly do it. Your Will is ready and you will get legal access to your house by tomorrow morning. And then, leave your wedding tensions on me. I will make sure to arrange it in the best way. Actually, I too don't have any children. So it would be a pleasure for me to feel like a parent for you!" Everyone smiled. As said, Adi and Kyponia stepped into their own house, the in-laws of Kyponia and the ancestral home of Adinath Sarkar. The marriage was fixed and completed on a suitable day. While blessing them, Dr Lahiri said, "You too look so good and graceful as a couple. Hope you have a blessedly long and happy life. I would like to bless Kyponia as my daughter-in-law and give her a name. For me, you are Katyayani. You suitably fit beside Adinath, the lord of the universe as his wife, Katyayani the supreme form of nature and power. Kyponia was very happy with the name she received. She was almost in tears as she thanked them. Adi and Kyponia or Kat were now legal couples. Adi shifted his office to the work-from-home mode for a month and then joined the Kolkata branch of the same office in a managerial post. And Katyayani, aka Kyponia, opened a business of cakes and pastries and earned a lot of profit. Thus they were happy and peaceful. Really, the struggle was so long that they had hardly any time to enjoy themselves. And hence they enjoyed Diwali with full pomp and show, celebrating the victory of good over evil.

    One dark night. On a distant planet in some other dimension, a cyborg was born.

To be continued...                                            



  1. Great story. Waiting for the next part!!

  2. Wow Lucifer. Your stories always amaze me!! This time you have put a really great and unique concept. I loved the story!! Waiting for part 2 to come soon :)

  3. Great story lucifer. I loved the concept.

  4. This is a cool new concept. Quantum Entanglement and Contemporary Civilization. Wow man!! Haha... this is amazing. Great work, Author. This is gonna be interesting...

  5. Praiseworthy story, this was entertaining!!

  6. I absolutely loved this story. The concept is really unique. The detective touch of Adinath in the last part was also mind-blowing. Sorry for the spoiler but this was a great story.

    1. Thanks bhai. But aise spoilers matt dala kar yaar ;)

  7. Areey sirji. What a story! Yaar dil khus hogya. Great work bhai


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