He was born in the City of Joy Although the times weren't that good, But none was aware of the revolution Of which, his birth was just the prelude. Brother of six sisters, the only male child Responsibilities rested on his shoulders, Perhaps the hardship that he faced in his childhood Built him and made him as strong as a boulder. As a student, he was brilliant As a human, so gentle Yet had the intelligence To uproot and dismantle, The traditional approaches That had bound the veterans And compel them to rethink On their own boasted theorems. In his first year of Bachelors, He had set such a record That glows in a golden hue And none could ever afford To surpass his wit, In the Mathematics paper He scored a hundred and ten And amazed the examiner. And with that, he rang the bells of glory A glory to shower fortune Because of his career, he made along For mankind, was no less than a boon. He started a family in his early twenties But his love was only in science His ai...