In the land of mountains
Amidst the valley vast,
There lived a sweet soul
On the golden crust.
She was so unique
That I have never seen,
Such an asset of virtues
Even in my dreams.
All praises for her
Are hueless to her light,
She is a thousand fireflies
Amidst the darkest night.
A little was she unknown
And maybe a little shy,
But without her golden touch
Even the heavens run dry.
She was the elixir
Whom even Gods search,
She was the beaming beacon
Ahead the holy march.
She was like a sparkling gem 
Or a diamond on the earth,
I'm sure she must be proud
Of such a supreme birth.
In intelligence, she is unmatched
In fun, she is the top.
With the outlook of traditions
And a heart of hip-hop.
The best blend you can find my friend
Always ready, to live and laugh
With cuteness, she turns swords down
And with passion, she spreads love.
With the amazing power of visualization
She dreams a reality,
And could play on the screens of her mind
The story of every entity.
And then her polymath side comes up
As she pens and brushes on canvas,
She can bring life to everything
Even to the perplexed corpus.
Only she goes faceless
When a character appears to her,
But I know one day she would overcome
And develop her skills way far.
Juxtaposed with a logical hunger
She pins down art so well,
That even Vinci might feel ashamed
To know about her grace.
Where can you find such talent these days?
In the world of bits and bytes,
As you find a broad blue sky
Adorned with colourful kites.
Some might think she is weird
Some might praise her goods,
But for me, she is beyond all claims
Like the princess of life in the woods.
And I am lucky, to be born into a race
And be acquainted with such a girl,
Bestowed with talents and adorned with virtues
Like a throne with pearls.
And I can be sure and claim it to all
That she is the rarest few,
For, all I saw were just wax statues
Except, the fairy I knew.

- Lucifer Khusrao


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