He was born in the City of Joy
Although the times weren't that good,
But none was aware of the revolution
Of which, his birth was just the prelude.
Brother of six sisters, the only male child
Responsibilities rested on his shoulders,
Perhaps the hardship that he faced in his childhood
Built him and made him as strong as a boulder.
As a student, he was brilliant
As a human, so gentle
Yet had the intelligence
To uproot and dismantle,
The traditional approaches
That had bound the veterans
And compel them to rethink
On their own boasted theorems.
In his first year of Bachelors, 
He had set such a record
That glows in a golden hue
And none could ever afford
To surpass his wit, 
In the Mathematics paper
He scored a hundred and ten
And amazed the examiner.
And with that, he rang the bells of glory
A glory to shower fortune
Because of his career, he made along
For mankind, was no less than a boon.
He started a family in his early twenties
But his love was only in science
His aim his goal his passion as a whole
Were locked in the chests of time.
He dived with charges,
He worked with machines
But none could quench his thirst
Because he was so determined
To know the vast universe.
"Was it the mass, was it the charge
Or was it the nuclear story?"
Bose had no answers to all these questions
What his mind had, were only worries.
He worked harder and harder, all day and all night
Penning equations and solving them true
And venturing into the quantum well
To fetch some findings new
But there was a problem which he later discovered
Was actually causing him a loss
His logical theories contradicted
With many theories of the boss
His papers were stolen, and his ideas too
And sometimes even bullied for being right.
Because the truth was, in that India
Praises were reserved for the whites.
But as a cloud can never stop the shining sun
From enlightening the earth under
Once his luck just clicked in favour
And that caused all the wonder.
His letters and theorems reached the legend,
Whom the world admired
And those powerful papers even etched his hands
And Einstein could feel the fire.
The fire that India had long behold
In the diamonds and jewels of her brain
That became a pioneer for the man of light
And reignited the flame.
A whole new statistics, a whole new vision
A vision that shook Berlin from Dhaka
That all the eyes so puddled in ego
Now opened by the divine saga.
A new set of particles, a new state of matter
Were born from the magical equations
The dark man of Bengal has pioneered
The man of light in his missions.
But jealousy and critics did never end with him
Because Einstein's letter never reached
To the office of Dr S. N. Bose
On the way, it was trapped and breached.
And hence possibly, he lost his Noble
But a nobler life he had lead
And had gifted Physics with the God Particle
And this made his fame widespread.
Although our Government had honoured him
With the esteemed Padma Vibhusan
But what he achieved was even bigger, 
He was the father of Bosons.
An inspiration, he is for all
Such a man of brilliance and ethics,
That even a thousand suns seem weaker
Before the Godfather of Physics.

- Lucifer



  1. Awesome Poem. It describes so well!

  2. Tanay Sankar ChakrabortyJanuary 1, 2023 at 1:15 PM

    Darun. Khub e valo poem. A lyrical Tribute to this gem of Bharat.


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