Drugs are very harmful to health. But, they are so addictive that people are crazy after them. And making use of this opportunity, many drug pedlars make a lot of money. Black money. Sometimes, even the administration is a part of the pedalling cycle and helps this unscrupulous thing to spread more and more in this society. But as and when the evil outshines and overshadows the empire of light, then and then light crusades to tear apart the black and relieve the world. Let's see how this happens as we follow the powder lines... 2035. Bengaluru. A mid-winter night. Rihana and Ranveer were watching some movie in their favourite cosy corner of the house. Rihana was cuddling in the arms of Ranveer and resting half on his chest and half on the pillow, like a cute kitten. That was the thing which Rihana liked the best. Ranveer's chest was the endpoint of all worries, the court of all justice and the safest pillow on which she could sleep away nights. Ranveer...