Drugs are very harmful to health. But, they are so addictive that people are crazy after them. And making use of this opportunity, many drug pedlars make a lot of money. Black money. Sometimes, even the administration is a part of the pedalling cycle and helps this unscrupulous thing to spread more and more in this society. But as and when the evil outshines and overshadows the empire of light, then and then light crusades to tear apart the black and relieve the world. Let's see how this happens as we follow the powder lines...

    2035. Bengaluru. A mid-winter night. Rihana and Ranveer were watching some movie in their favourite cosy corner of the house. Rihana was cuddling in the arms of Ranveer and resting half on his chest and half on the pillow, like a cute kitten. That was the thing which Rihana liked the best. Ranveer's chest was the endpoint of all worries, the court of all justice and the safest pillow on which she could sleep away nights. Ranveer too liked the way she cuddled and loved Ranveer. At times, he used to run his fingers through her silky hair and pat her shoulders. Rihana would at times give a glance or take her face and rub against Ranveer's. Ranveer smiled back and Rihana used to giggle. That day too, there was nothing different. And what else could be more romantic than that? Comfort in all senses. However, the movie that they were watching came to an end. Rihana liked the movie. She thanked Ranveer. "Really, Boss! Your suggestions are the best." Rihana expressed with joy. Ranveer smiled and said, "Thank you, your highness". Rihana nodded in a way to approve his compliment. She added, "You must always need to admire my choice. You see, I have chosen you means I really have some meaning. My choice is never less than best". Ranveer gave a questioning funny look. "Okay!!" He exclaimed. Rihana said "Yes" and both started to laugh. Finally, it was time to sleep. Although the Christmas holidays are starting from the very next day, Ranveer's eyes were dropping. But Rihana had some mischief going on in her head. She ticked Ranveer in his ears and was having fun. Ranveer turned to her and said in a sleepy voice, "Now what's wrong with you Rihu?" Rihana replied, "Ranveer did you wonder how nice would it be to meet with Santa Claus?  Although I know he is not real, still. How nice would it be if he was really real?" Ranveer said, "Hmm... you are right. Now sleep and don't talk like a kid". Rihana was annoyed. She said, "Did you call me a kid? Go I won't talk with you!" Ranveer didn't reply as he was fast asleep. Rihana was more annoyed. So she counted sheep unless she was fast asleep. The next morning, Rihana woke up and made breakfast and called Ranveer. He was feeding birds on the balcony. He went and they sat down for the breakfast. While having breakfast Rihana said," Ranveer can I ask you something?" Ranveer said, "Gone on". Rihana thought for a moment and said, "I have never got a gift from Santa and I know you too haven't. But do you know I really really want to be a part of this and give gifts." Ranveer said, "Nice idea! Let's buy some gifts and distribute to the poor children in the Church area" Rihana said, "No, I didn't mean that. Like yeah, we do it every year, but for long I wanted to tell you something", saying which she holds Ranveer's hands and looks into his eyes. Ranveer looked at her and asked, "What happened?" Rihana replied, "Ranveer, I want a baby" The spoon dropped from Ranveer's hands as he gazed surprisingly at Rihana. She was smiling at Ranveer and holding his hand tightly. Ranveer felt very uncomfortable at this. But he couldn't speak a word. Rihana took her silence as approval and pulled him close. Ranveer too couldn't resist and the show went on. Rihana was very happy. 

    Two months later, Ranveer and Rihana went to the gynaecologist, Dr Sethi. She observed her and smiled. She said, "Congratulations Mr and Mrs Chowdhury. You are gonna be parents soon". Ranveer and Rihana were very happy. Dr Sethi prescribed some medicines and explained everything about the dosage and directions to Ranveer and Rihana. They thanked her and left. Ranveer collected the medicines from the shop and took Rihana home. After that, Rihana saw a new phase of Ranveer. She couldn't even imagine in her wildest dreams that Ranveer could be so much caring. He was a lot more caring before but when he heard the good news, some untold duties got installed in his sense of ethics. He cared for and treated Rihana in a way as if Rihana was the child of Ranveer. Rihana was feeling so good. And which wife wouldn't feel good if her husband cares that much. Food was made by the cook and all households were done by Ranveer himself. Rihana got her maternity leave. Ranveer too took special care. Every day after returning from the office, Ranveer went to Rihana, talked to her, and gently moved his hands on her head to soothe her. Rihana insisted Ranveer put his head on her belly and listen. Ranveer laughed. He said, "Come on, don't be so stereotypical. The serials have really washed your brain." But Rihana still insisted and Ranveer had to do the nonsense stuff. Sometimes he used to mutter, "Rihu thinks as if I am some Arjun and my child will learn to enter the Charkravyuh in his pre-birth state if I talk to her. Someone, please make her understand that the child doesn't understand a single thing from here. Its organs aren't developed yet." Well, this continued for some weeks, with regular Checkups with Dr Sethi and medications and care." But the life of everyone is not so smooth and when it comes to the case of Cyber-couples, smoothness tends to zero at times. The next morning, 2nd March. Ranveer enters his office and he finds someone else has parked a car in the parking space for his. He called security and asked about this nuisance. The security came rushing and said, "This is of the new Manager, sir. She had recently moved into this office and she didn't know that she was parking in your space. Before we could say anything she went." Ranveer said reluctantly, "Okay! My bad luck". He entered his office and went to his room. He kept his bag and was glancing at the photo of Rihana on his desk when he heard a knock at the door. He casually said, "Please come in", as he was booting his laptop. A girl, about the age of 26-27 entered the room. Ranveer looked up and smiled and said, "Please have a seat. I have come to know about you before meeting you." The girl was surprised. She asked, "But how sir?". Ranveer told him about the parking lot incident and he smiled. He said, "Don't worry, I didn't mind". The girl heaved a sigh of relief. Ranveer noticed that she was still standing. He asked her, "Take a sit, miss". She sat and extended her portfolio to Ranveer. Ranveer glanced through it. He said, "Maya Jagnani.., nice to meet you. I hope this office would provide you with a good environment as you work as a Manager for the best tech team in Blockchain" Maya smiled and said, "Sure sir, I would try to do my 100% (silently) and impress you..." Ranveer said, "Great, I hope Harry has already explained the duties to you. Now go real quick and get started." Maya left but she gave a long glance at Ranveer. Ranveer who was busy with his work suddenly looked up and felt awkward. He asked, "What?..." And Maya left hurriedly. Ranveer nodded his head and put himself back to work. Days passed. The fame of Maya began to grow more and more unless one day she became the employee of the month. On the other hand, Ranveer and Rihana were waiting impatiently to see the face of their first child. Maya on the other hand tried to pull Ranveer to her side and cause him to break away from Rihana. She even tried to send indications, wear revealing dresses and does all dirty things to get Ranveer. But Ranveer was a most loyal and trustworthy husband and moreover, he had feelings for just one girl, Rihana. Rihana was his world, his heart and his brain and without Rihana, Ranveer was none. Maya tried many ways to cause a break but Ranveer rebutted every time with efficiency. Once Maya had said to Ranveer out of desperation, "What do you get in Rihana, handsome? Look at me, I am so young and tender. I can loot any heart and all I need is you!" Ranveer laughed and said, "I'm sorry miss, I can understand your desires but these are nothing but lust. Moreover, my bonds with Rihana are so strong that even the power of the universe can't separate us." This burnt her heart. Ranveer said, "I can understand you. See there are many great gentlemen, desperate and single. You may approach them. Harry and Nikhil are really good boys!" But Maya was bent on her demands. Ranveer pulls down his laptop screen. He makes eye contact with Maya and says in a stern voice, "Listen Ms Maya. This is getting extremely unprofessional and disturbing for me. If you cannot understand my good suggestions then I would have to take matters to the higher authorities or probably need to give it a legal dimension. I hope you are smart enough to understand that it is a professional space and not a flirting zone. Now please don't disturb me and let me do my work!" Saying so he restored back to work." But these words of Ranveer displeased Maya. She planned to take revenge. While leaving home from the office Ranveer found Maya talking to someone secretly in the garage. Ranveer began to doubt her. The next day, a few of the stocks failed and there was a black cloud of loss. When Ranveer came to the office, he was furious to get the news. He immediately called for Maya and set up an inquiry commission. Maya was found guilty of leaking secret information about the company. She was sacked. That created an aura of fire around Maya in her mind. She swore to Destroy Ranveer and his family. Ranveer was feeling the danger knock. He never trusted Maya but he had nothing to do in front of the office hierarchies and he cannot accuse anyone without proof. Ranveer was feeling very upset. Firstly, he was the reason someone lost a job and respect and he got cursed. But Ranveer had no other options. He had to choose a path. He cannot let the entire company die in fear of ethics. And also, ethically he wasn't wrong. Rihana found Ranveer much absent-minded that day and asked him about the matter. Ranveer thought, "Rihana mustn't take any stress at this level and I know what a great overthinker she is. It could harm her and the baby and I shouldn't tell anything about Maya and her behaviour. I can tell her later." So he smiled and said, "Nothing Rihu, just some office stress. Don't know how the stocks came down. We would work to restore it..." Rihana pulled him closer and said, "Ranveer... why do you always keep taking so much stress? You don't need to worry. It would work out fine. Do you know darling, at times, bad things can happen. Not because you are bad but to test how you hold on to your ethics and principles. And I am pretty sure God would never let anything bad happen to you or the people close to you. You have always stayed right, so why are you afraid of the consequences?" Ranveer smiled, "You are right, Rihana. I must be too much emersed in nothing." He asked, "Have you taken the medicines?" Rihana nodded. Ranveer kissed her forehead. "Good girl", he said. Rihana hugged Ranveer and said, "Best hubby!" Ranveer laughed, "Your choice!" Rihana laughed. 

    The next morning Ranveer woke up and got ready for the office. He fed Rihana and had his own breakfast waved her goodbye, and left for his work. The day was hectic but somehow Ranveer couldn't focus. Something was pricking his mind. He left the office early and drove home. He called Rihana but she didn't answer. "Must be sleeping", he thought. He went rang the doorbell but no one was opening the door. Ranveer called the all-time maid, but her phone too was switched off. Beads of perspiration had begun to gather on his forehead. He called his neighbour and after a long number of tries when they were about to break the door, the maid came and opened it. She was holding her forehead. Ranveer jumped in and rushed to Rihana's room and his nightmare and fear came true. He was shivering in fear. He asked the maid in a trembling voice, "Wh...where is Rihana? Tell me where is she?" The maid said, "Sir it was not my fault sir. A madam came to see Rihana. She said that she was Rihana's childhood friend and she got the news that she was expecting. So she came to visit her. She had some presents and was wearing a black dress. She went into ma'am's room before I could stop her and I saw that she was having a nice talk with ma'am. I thought good for her as she was getting bored here all the time. But after an hour, I heard the cries of Rihana ma'am. She was having pain in her stomach and so her friend suggested she take her to the hospital. I was about to call you when something suddenly happened as if someone had hit me hard from behind and I lost consciousness. After that, I remember nothing, sir." Ranveer made a quick call to Dr Sethi but she denied the presence of Rihana there. Hearing this Ranveer lost his cool. He was already shivering in anger and fear and now he roared. "Where are you, Rihana? I am coming to you!", saying which he was about to leap out when he was stopped by his neighbour. He said, "Sir please don't get excited. We need to lodge a complaint against abduction." Ranveer at first refused to agree to anything but somehow he agreed at last. He went to lodge the complaint. Police asked him for his list of suspects. Ranveer couldn't pinpoint. But suddenly his doubts rested upon Maya. He reported about Maya. The police searched their records but couldn't find a person with that name. "Sir, no person named Maya Jagnani exists", said a constable. Ranveer said, "but how is that possible? She was an ex-employee of the office. I have myself fired her a few days ago for her misbehaviour and company threats." Ranveer even showed them a photo of Maya from the official website. Police recognized her as something else. They said, "She is Yamini Mathews. An infamous drug pedlar and illegal racket head. She had been at the top list of police hunt but was always under the protection of her fiance, Mr Balthazar Shinde, a Member of Parliament. Hence despite having so much information, we cannot do anything". Ranveer was mad. He said, "Sir, but I can't understand how can she have any connections to my wife. As you know we are very sober and civilian people and have no connections in such areas. And I know my wife had a very limited number of friends. I have many doubts about the entire thing." The police could only say one thing in reply and that is common and well-known. "We will look into it, sir". Ranveer understood that there is nothing more left there and he left for home in his car. His neighbour Jayesh accompanied him. The police had registered the complaint but everyone knew how much it would be effective. Ranveer entered his room in fury. He looked at the mirror and banged it hard and broke it. He had uncontrolled anger. He went close to the bed where Rihana was resting and touched it. Tears rolled down his eyes. He couldn't imagine what had happened to him in just 24 hours. But then he pledged in himself that he would do anything to bring back Rihana and their baby, safe and sound. Even at the cost of his life. He planned all night and set out the next day. 

    The same day, several dimensions away. "Mitsuo... get up for work. How long would you sleep?" And guess what, Mistuo gets up happy and fresh. Because it was not the call of his mother, Mrs Suwa but it was another Mrs Suwa. Yes! Mrs Sumire Hoshina Suwa, the wife of Mitsuo. Mitsuo and Sumire live in a new house which she was gifted by her studios on the occasion of her marriage. This was the dream home of Sumire and Mitsuo. They lived and did their jobs happily and whenever there was a need, they popped in their costumes as Perman and Pako and together with Booby and Payan would save Manga-Japan from disasters. But Mitsuo was mischievous. He thought to play a trick with Sumire. So, he pretends to keep sleeping when Sumire finally enters the room and calls him again. Mitsuo opens one of his eyes and sees Sumire and closes it but he didn't notice that Sumire had noticed that too. She came closer to Mitsuo and pulled away the blanket started to tickle him. Mitsuo was shocked and he opened his eyes. Sumire gives an angry look and says," So you were pretending with me? Don't you know I am also an actress and you can't cheat me?" Mitsuo said, "Sorry!" But Sumire hugged him and said, "Get ready dear, we need to go to work". In the next hour, they were ready and went to work. Like every day, Mitsuo entered his office and started to work but after some time he began to feel uneasy. As if something was beaconing him. He checked the emails. All were fine. He called Sumire but she too confirmed that there was nothing to worry about. So he continued working by ignoring them. But quantum entanglement never allows that to happen. Mitsuo suddenly had an idea. He looked into his inter-dimensional device and found that his health of Ranveer was getting very low. He even found that Rihana too was demonstrating the same phenomenon with Rihana but she had an extra heart icon on her profile. Now, Mitsuo was confused by what that meant. It could mean that Rihana had cheated on Ranveer and now both are feeling low for it. Or else... Mitsuo immediately left the office. He straight away called Sumire and told her the entire thing and displayed the device to her. Sumire too was shocked. She said, "Mitsuo, I think Ranveer and Rihana are surely in some danger. We must help them." Mitsuo, who was already confused from before now asked, "But how? Ranveer and Rihana had developed an inter-dimensional method to traverse to MangaVerse but we at MangaVerse Japan have no idea how to do the reverse." Sumire thought for a moment. She said, "Why not ask Birdman about it?" Mitsuo agreed. So, they put on their Perman suits and flew straight of to the Bird Planet.     
    Birdman was having a gala time with his love, Bird-woman. Mitsuo as always popped in the wrong time in between their romance and Birdman was furious at him. Perman was about to ask for forgiveness when Pako too popped in. They requested Birdman listen to them and then punish them for whatever he liked. He agreed and Birdman and Birdwoman keenly listened to the entire incident. Birdwoman even checked the inter-dimensional device and she inferred something as follows. "Ranveer, whom they all knew as Metaveer has risked himself on a near-impossible mission to find out where Rihana has been and how to recover her. Rihana is pregnant. The extra heart signifies the presence of a human-like life in her body and that she too is feeling low for the same. But the problem is, both of them are too far from their inter-dimensional devices and can in no way seek their help. So, it is up to Perman and Pako to find out and help them if they wanted. Perman jumped into action and said, "It is more than our duty to help them. Ranveer is my friend and my elder brother, and Rihana is my elder sister. If I can't help them then what's the use of being a Perman." Saying this he sat down on an edge of the building. Sumire consoled him. She came to Birdwoman and said, "Ma'am, please tell us a way to help them." Birdwoman looked towards Birdman. He was in deep thought. On the other side, Perman was behaving in a childish manner. He was about to cry out loud. He is emotionally weak. But he cannot help himself. So, he relies on Pako. Birdman too was deep in his thoughts to figure out a way. Finally, he came up with a solution. He called Perman and Pako and discussed something with them. Pako was a little worried but Perman was jumping with joy. You know he is that childish. However, it was time to execute that plan. And so, they went on it without further delay.

    It was night 2 o'clock. A man broke into the house of Mr Shinde, the politician. His guards came running but they could find no one there. Even the watchdogs weren't able to get any clue. But Mr Shinde claimed that he had heard the noise of a window being broken. When inspected they found it was for real. So, all the security personnel were deployed to find out the trespasser. Mr Shinde returned to his room where he was doing drugs with a few of his close people, and it included Yamini. She got up and asked, "What happened darling? What makes you so tensed?" Balthazar explained all the scenario that was going on downstairs. Yamini was frightened. Balthazar turned to Yamini and asked her to send men to look out for the new prey in the labs. Yamini did as was instructed. Balthazar went to use the washroom and something strange happened. He was kicked out of the washroom and he came flying over and landed on the couch. Then the guy who had thrown him now pulled him by the collar and dragged him into the main suite and started to kick him. Hearing the noise, many security personnel quickly entered the room and caught the intruder and one of them opened his mask. Yamini was shocked. Those fiery red eyes were the first to glance at her and the look was enough to chill her spine. She barely could mutter something and said, "Ra...Ran... Ranveer...." The next moment, Ranveer roared and with a sudden blow he knocked down six of the bouncers who were holding him and he turned to Balthazar. He jumped over him and held his throat with such strength that he was unable to move. He shouted, "WHERE IS MY WIFE? WHERE IS RIHANA?.... TELL ME OR ELSE I WILL PUT YOU TO DEATH?" But before Balthazar could tell anything or Ranveer could react, he felt a sharp object piercing his skin. Yamini had pushed a dagger into Ranveer's shoulder. Ranveer shouted in agony but he was not able to react. In the next moment, he felt a needle near his neck and he lost his senses. The bouncers of Balthazar dragged the senseless body of Ranveer and went out of the bungalow from the back gate. They put him in a 4x4 Jeep and took him into a dirty dingy room and locked it. 
    The next day, there was a breaking news that a person had attacked the house of Minister of Health, Mr Balthazar Shinde and had caused minor injuries to him. But his identity couldn't be discovered. The unknown guy had intensions of severe harm but he was caught. Nothing has got stolen from the house and so the chances of theft can be easily turned down. Anish read the headlines. He said, "Shila, I think there is something fishy. Why I don't know but my mind is saying that this might be the work of Ranveer". Shila laughed and said, "Anish, come on dude. Ranveer isn't any action-man that he would break into the home of a minister and cause a nuisance. And what for would he do it? Just, think about one thing. A Minister has a Z-class security. And it is no child's play to break in being an outsider completely unknown and that too, into the house of a first category Minister." Anish listened but his mind didn't support him. He made a call to Ranveer but the phone was switched off. He tried to ring Rihana and the same thing happened. Anish was worried. He said that to Shila who said, "Anish, it is a Sunday morning. And look... look at the clock, it is just 7:30 AM. They might be deep in sleep. You know Ranveer works so late in the night, till 2 or 3. How can they wake up so early?" Anish became quiet but his worries weren't put off. He thought he would try to ring them up by 10 AM but unfortunately, due to some family needs, he completely forgot about it. On the other hand, Ranveer's mother called him and the same thing happened which again caused a trail of tension to run through her. However, Ranveer's father consoled her somehow and tried to call his other friends. But when the same response was getting repeated and Ranveer's mom came to know that both Ranveer and Rihana were missing, this made the situation serious. Ranveer's dad had no option other than lodging an FIR. The missing of Rihana had caused a trail of events and this has now involved many people in it. 
    As the sun became perpendicular, a beam of sunlight fell on the face of Ranveer who was lying asleep in the dark dingy warehouse. It woke him up and Ranveer was feebly trying to open his eyes. Although, he could get an idea about the environment. A dingy stuffy room with the smell of rats and spiders. A cool temperature even in midday. He slowly opened his eyes. A dark room with just one ray of the sun penetrating through a hole in the roof. From the dim light that was coming in Ranveer could figure out that it looked somewhat like an outhouse. He tried to rise up but he felt his hands were tied to his back. He tried his best and dragged himself in that same manner to a sharp foil of metal and began to rub the rope. After a few tries, he successfully untied himself. He ran his palms on his face and felt that he had a cut on his forehead. His left shoulder was swollen. As if something was injected into him. He was also feeling drowsy but he knew he couldn't sit up like that. Ranveer was so tired that he was planning to give up but then he suddenly heard a voice. He looked here and there but he couldn't find a single soul. The voice again repeated, "Get up Ranveer and hide behind the door". This time he didn't question anything. He did as the voice kept commanding. He clung to this and whatever he found near himself and rose up. He once tried to ask in a feeble voice, "Who are you and why are you asking me to do things?" But the voice just said, "Please do as I say if you wish to live". Suddenly he heard the door being opened. He quickly ran and hid behind some of the packing boxes. He then saw, the door being opened, and at least 12 to 15 hefty men with sharp arms entered the room and went straight to the spot where they had left Ranveer. Probably they had orders to kill him. But Ranveer took a clever step. He came out of the door silently and closed it from outside so silently that none could get the idea of the thing happening as they were busy searching Ranveer. But obviously, Ranveer couldn't lock the door. He had to run quick and he did so. He hid inside the hatch of a jeep, that was used to bring him there. Luckily he wasn't found. But what he found inside was a lot of sources to backfire on Shinde. Yes, there were bags of cocaine and all sorts of banned drugs. Balthazar and his men used to trade with these. The Jeeps were used to supply and forge these drugs overseas through the Goa route. And that was the reason for the rise in crimes, peddling, money laundering and such severe issues across the nation. Suddenly, Ranveer found something to vibrate and the car started. The voice said, "Don't worry Ranveer, just follow the powder lines". Ranveer did and sat quietly. The vehicle was taking those drugs somewhere. But Ranveer wasn't interested in them at that moment. He wished to reach Rihana and bring her back, safe and sound.  But he had no option other than waiting and religiously following the voice. If he tried to jump out then he could have been discovered and the enemies might possess firearms which would add up to the danger. So decided to wait and watch. Ranveer was somewhere sure that these vehicles would take him to a place which could indirectly trace to Rihana. He was sure about her being alive because he had overheard Shinde last night talk about a pregnant woman who was in a lab. But Ranveer was having a lot of bad thoughts about the state of Rihana. After an hour or so, the car reached a warehouse. It was much bigger than where Ranveer was kept last night. He was assured that this place would be the garage but he was still doubtful about what to do next. "If this is not where they have kept Rihana then I need some more sources to know where she is. But for that I need to device some plans..." Ranveer was thinking when suddenly, he heard someone crying near. Ranveer was at first much frightened and worried but he decided to keep quiet. He saw that the bags of cocaine were being unloaded and he was waiting for his turn now. As soon as the bags were cleared enough, Ranveer jumped out and kicked the man who was unloading. He turned right and found two guards with SMGs. Ranveer raised his hands and slowly advanced but as soon as he reached a hands vicinity he snatched the SMGs, forced a scissor kick and in moments brought down the guards. He then shot each one a bullet and looked up only to discover other guards about to fire. He rushed with his full might and dodged the bullets as far as he could and then backfired. His aims were great and this killed almost all the guards firing. The rest rushed away. Ranveer discovered that all rounds were fire and so he decided to keep the SMGs and rush in. He crossed several barriers, fought with many more guards and finally reached the place which he recognized as the lab of which Balthazar was speaking the previous night. Ranveer found the lab was a big hall with a glass door and few scientists were working there. He started to find ways to get into the hall.

    Afternoon 2PM. Balthazar and Yamini were having lunch at their house. Suddenly, a few guards of Balthazar enter the room and they report everything that has happened in the warehouse. Ranveer was missing. Balthazar was furious. He started to shout at his men. "What the hell were you doing all the time? Do I pay you for this? Can you imagine how dangerous it could be if Ranveer leaks any information to the media? The election is at the doorstep. And what are you here for then?" All of Balthazar's men were looking down. He became impatient. He took his rifle and yelled for the Jeeps to be made ready. All his men rushed. Balthazar now turned to Yamini and said, "Come with me. And bring your 9MM pistol". Yamini did as was instructed. She and Balthazar went into the Porche of Balthazar and were followed by a Swarm of his men. "But where would you find him?" asked Yamini. Balthazar said "I suspect he is in the Hill Labs. Had he been on this campus, he should have been caught because I have made all such arrangements. He is definitely not in the 1 km vicinity of us. And he was wounded and tired and couldn't have run so far crossing so many strong security checks. He must have made it to the Hill Labs. I don't trust him". The convoy followed the way to the Hill Labs of Balthazar. 

    On the other hand, Ranveer has finally found a way to get in. Through the chimneys from the back alley. But he noticed one thing. The voice that was assisting him was no more functional. Ranveer found it strange but thanked it from his heart because of that voice he was still alive and safe. But he has a long struggle to overcome. Ranveer had to find Rihana in the labs. If he gets her, he would have to find a way to leave. He thought, "Balthazar must have surely known about me. He must be following me here. I have to do it quickly and stealthily." He started to climb the ladder to the outlet of the chimney. Then he had to crawl in through the narrow passage of the chimney. The chimney came to an end after some time. Ranveer looked down and found that there was a flat wide basement, approximately twenty feet below him. From the top, he could see that there were a team of scientists who were working there and half a dozen of security personnel. Ranveer knew that whatever he would do would alert the guards and they could start to fire. He could find nothing to actually disguise himself. As he was thinking about it, an idea suddenly struck him. He found that he had a few pellets in his pocket. He took a handful and threw them in the rear end of the chimney. The room was so silent that even a breath made a noise. And the sound of something hitting the chimney vent would surely be heard loud. He did so and his plan was successful. The guards looked towards the end where the noise came from the chimney. Ranveer was having fun. He tried to thrice more and this was enough to dispatch at least 3 of the six guards to go there and inspect. Taking this opportunity he made his jump and landed straight on the back of a guard. He blindly kicked to his left and then punched his right and luckily three were down. As soon as this happened, all eyes were on Ranveer. He took up the semi-automatic AK47 and started firing blindly at the other three guards who started to approach him. Three of them were wounded. Ranveer didn't take a risk. He shot the other three not to kill them but just wound them enough that they won't disturb his work. He then stood up and looked at the scientists. He approached one and asked about Rihana by providing a brief description of her. None wanted to speak. Ranveer raised the gun and one of them came ahead and pointed towards a room. Ranveer thanked him and rushed. He entered a glass-walled room where he found at least seven to eight pregnant ladies lying on hospital beds and there was a special serum transfer going on. Ranveer rushed and was stunned. He couldn't understand what was the purpose of that. He went to search for Rihana and was lucky this time. Ranveer found her on the fourth bed from the left. He rushed to Rihana and tried to wake her up but she didn't respond to Ranveer. Suddenly he heard someone coming and he got steady. Ranveer raised a gun and roared, "If you dare to come close, I will shoot the shit out of you!" The person stopped. He raised his hands and started to laugh. "Oh dear Ranveer! Nice to meet you for the first time in my life. I hope you won't recognize me but I know you and Rihana both. How can I forget you? You were the one who snatched her right out of my hands. I heard... I heard that you were so happily married that you became soulmates." Ranveer interrupted and asked, "Tell me your name... And how do you know us?" The guy smiled creepily. He said, "Wow wow! I didn't know that you have such a poor memory. Perhaps you should focus less on work and more on relations. Let me remind you, our college is in Ghaziabad, and your college is in Chennai. Rihana had fights with you because of me. You taught her Data Science. Did you remember?" Ranveer was losing his cool. He was about to raise his gun but just before that he heard the same creepy laughter. "You are an idiot, young man. If you raise the gun, how would you get to know the story?" Ranveer murmured in anger, and in a deep angry voice said, "Tell me how can I bring Rihana back to normal. She is pregnant. If you have any revenge, talk to me about it but don't dare touch her". "But I have already touched her", said the guy. Ranveer was boiling in anger. He was about the load his bullets when the voice said, "I was the ex-boyfriend of Rihana before you took her." Ranveer was shocked. He exclaimed, "Hardik Gupta!!!" The guy came very close and said, "Yes my boy! I am Hardik Gupta. The one who was boiling to take revenge for the past ten years." Ranveer said, "But I knew that you had already broken up. You were in fact married to some other girl". "Yes... Yes... and then due to my bad habits, I went bankrupt. And then I understood it was my mistake to give up on Rihana and then when I found out all about her, I came to know you have replaced me." Ranveer said, "Don't make stories. Had she been with you, then also you would have gone bankrupt. You were a drug addict. And an addict never changes." Hardik said, "Yes, you are right. But now, I want my revenge on you both. So I planned the deal with Balthazar. I gave him the sources to collect cocaine for a cheaper rate and he included me as his member. And see the laughter of beloved luck. I am here with my ex." Ranveer shouted, "Shut up! you scoundrel. Budge off from here." Saying this he went to Rihana but before he could touch Rihana, he was shot in his shoulder. Ranveer turned back and this time he did no mercy. He raised his gun and fired straight onto the forehead of Hardik ending his part from life." He stood next and said, "Once a scoundrel, always a scoundrel." While he was breathing his last, Hardik said, "You cannot escape from here, Balthazar would be on his way." Ranveer said, "I don't care" and he shot another bullet and muted Hardik forever. "Assholes...", Ranveer muttered. He then came close to Rihana. Ranveer noticed that there were a few scientists in the room. He just looked at them and they hurriedly unplugged all machinery and pushed an injection to Rihana. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Ranveer. Ranveer took her in his lap and was about to leave when he heard bullets being fired. Rihana was frightened. Ranveer signalled her to wait. Within minutes, the men of Balthazar captured the lab and pointed guns at Ranveer and Rihana. Rihana held Ranveer tightly. Balthazar came in. Followed by Yamini. Balthazar laughed. He said, "Oh dear meek and feeble lovers. You thought you would be free from our hands and we would never come to know. Have you lost your senses? I am Minister Balthazar Shinde. No one has ever escaped from my fangs." All his men and he started to laugh creepily. Rihana was looking at Ranveer. Ranveer was trying to console her.  Ranveer moved up. He said, "Balthazar, I didn't know you were so weak to harm pregnant women nowadays. If you are a real man, kill me. Leave Rihana." Balthazar laughed again in the same devilish way. He said, "Do you think me a fool that I will kidnap people for nothing?" Rihana was trying to pull Ranveer back but he was in no mood to listen. Balthazar continued, "I inject 

Lysergic acid diethylamide treated serum in pregnant women to generate stem cells that make more people addicted. This serum is pumped into any person who would be so addicted that he or she cannot live without drugs. Now imagine people going to rehab and getting more addicted... Hahahaha...." laughed Balthazar. He said, "I will have a never-ending customer base for costly drugs and my business will soar. This is business". Ranveer was furious. Balthazar said, "Do you want to join in, Ranveer? I would provide you with a good share for it... Hahaha...." Ranveer was about to raise his gun but Rihana stopped him. She muttered, "Ranveer have you gone mad? He has at least fifty to sixty men with loaded guns and you can do nothing with it." Finally, Balthazar said. "Okay boys, enough of the comedy. Now let's have some tragedy. Point your guns at Mr Ranveer Chowdhury and Mrs Rihana Singh Chowdhury. It's time to say them goodbye." No sooner Balthazar had finished his words, than he was interrupted by an unknown voice saying, "But it is not so early, Balthazar"  And with this, some sort of storm blew in and within a fraction of seconds all of Balthazar's men were lying down on the ground. Ranveer was shocked, Rihana was frightened, Yamini was nowhere to be seen and Balthazar was spellbound. He thought, "Now what's this??" But before everyone could come back to reality, another such thing happened and Ranveer and Rihana could clearly see someone or two people were fighting with the men of Balthazar. Ranveer got a moment and he too jumped in. In the midst of the fight, Ranveer could vaguely see a Japanese lad and a girl fighting with full spree. After the fight came to an end, Ranveer was panting. So were the other two who were on Ranveer's side. Ranveer looked at them. A Japanese boy (or maybe from the northeast, Ranveer wasn't sure) and a girl from the same place. He was unable to recognize them when the boy came ahead and placed his hand on Ranveer's shoulder and said, "Ranveer Dada! Couldn't you recognize me?" Ranveer saw and found the girl was also smiling at Ranveer. She then saw Rihana was resting and she rushed to her. Ranveer was about to go there when the boy stopped him. He said, "I am Mitsuo, and she is Sumire". Ranveer turned back. He couldn't believe his ears. He frowned at Mitsuo and said, "But they belong to Mangaverse. How can they drop in here? I mean Manga to Man?" Mitsuo smiled and said, "Dimensions are bidirectional Ranveer Dada. With the help of Birdman and Satoshi Grandpa, we were brought into holographic reality. We will explain it later, first, let's take away Rihana Didi to the hospital" Ranveer agreed and they rushed. In the meantime, one of Balthazar's men shot a bullet at Mitsuo but astonishingly, it passed through Mitsuo! But Mitsuo wasn't unaware of this and he raised a broken beam and threw it at the guy who had shot. And the result was evident. When Mitsuo and Ranveer reached Rihana, Sumire was already nursing Rihana. She had almost cured her small wounds and was ready to take her to the hospital. But wait. There were more actions to happen. At least ten trucks of armed men poured in and surrounded the four people. Balthazar's men. But Ranveer, Mitsuo and Sumire were ready for the action. And there goes a bullet! There goes a cement slab! The lab was diminished into ruins within minutes. No bullet could touch either Ranveer or Rihana and the fight was blockbusting. Ranveer dragged two machine guns and operated them with both his hands. Mitsuo was using his Nanchaku and Sumire was demonstrating her expertise in using Katana. The battle was too hard but at last, they won. Balthazar who was lying in one corner, hurt in his leg somehow got up in the meantime and tried to shoot Ranveer. Sumire and Mitsuo both noticed it but they were too far to stop Balthazar. But as soon as he pulled the trigger and the Bullet left the gun Balthazar, another bullet hit his hands and his pistol fell down. The 9MM pistol that he had asked Yamini to carry and later took from her. Everyone was stunned thinking about who had shot the bullet. Ranveer turned and saw Rihana tossing the gun on her fingers and giving a pro look to everyone. Ranveer couldn't stop laughing watching Rihana and so did Sumire and Mitsuo. Within minutes the police too arrived and guess what. The girl who came from them was none by Yamini. She was in IPS uniform and said, "Hey guys, I am Inspector Parineeti Dubey. Thanks to you all and congratulations on this amazing battle." She turned to the police and ordered them to arrest Balthazar. Balthazar was shocked but he understood where he was messed up. All his men were arrested. Rihana was taken to the hospital. Ranveer recovered his phone and Mitsuo and Sumire were happy to come to help. In the meanwhile, Ranveer's and Rihana's parents to have reached Bangalore and luckily everything was ok. After a few days, Rihana became the mother of a cute baby girl. Ranveer, for the first time in their life, experienced the pleasure of being called the father. Rihana's father came and gently patted their shoulder of Ranveer. When Ranveer turned he hugged him. Ranveer became emotional. He too had a bullet mark on his shoulder but that was mostly cured then. Luckily the bullet couldn't penetrate but just tangentially touched and went away. Ranveer's father asked him, "But how did all these happen?" before Ranveer could open his mouth,  Inspector Parineeti entered. She gradually disclosed everything. "Mr Balthazar Shinde was the Minister of Health of Karnataka district. Making misuse of his power, he was able to monitor the production of all sorts of drugs. He mostly used it for illegal purposes. Balthazar even funded illegal drug dealers and made way for the easy transportation of illegal drugs. There were many suspects and complaints and so the NCB had to come to action. Balthazar went a step further where he was paying for the R&D of such drugs from the stem cells of pregnant women which would be used to create such medicine which severely affects human CNS. As a result, those who were going to rehab to get medical treatment were actually being pushed into more and more addiction. This way he made more and more money because apart from the rehab visitors, he had also mixed such medicines in the bloodstream of innocent citizens who went on vaccinated or even used infected needles in blood donation camps. This was causing a great strain on the mental health of the people. I was very shocked when I came to know that they were planning to attack Ranveer and his family. So, I disguised as Maya and then joined Balthazar as Yamini. I even planned to relocate to Rihana but I couldn't do it successfully. Anyways, I am glad that she isn't harmed. But I should praise the bravery of Ranveer and Rihana. The best part is Rihana raised the gun to protect Ranveer. This kind of gesture is so unique and rare these days. So, congrats again on being an effective member of the operation of Margdarshan. Now many people would be able to leave drugs and find a purpose in life and you would be the inspiration for all". Ranveer smiled and said, "So, you were the person who was directing me the way?" Inspector Parineeti smiled. "Yes Ranveer. Did you remember the injection that I had injected when you attacked Balthazar? It was a nanochip audio transmitter. What you were listening to was coming from my headset but you didn't require any medium. I knew they would search you and so it would be very difficult to track and help you." Ranveer smiled, "Thank you so much, Ma'am. I am really grateful to you for all this." Parineeti smiled, "Needless, Ranveer!" Mr and Mrs Singh came to Ranveer and said, "Thank you so much Beta, now we feel how lucky we are to get a son-in-law like you." Ranveer blushed. He said, "Nothing like that, Papaji. Rihana is my asset and it is my sole duty to protect her at all costs. After all, she is my better half." Mrs Chowdhury, who was constantly attending to Rihana now came and said, "Good work, Babu. But you have really tensed me for a few days. Anyways, all will be ok." Mr Chowdhury went to see his granddaughter and he said, "Rihana Beti, you have sincerely played your role as a responsible wife for my son. I can never thank you enough for this". Rihana sat up in her bed and said, "Please don't say like this Baba.The way Ranveer pampers me, it is nothing that I have done in the comparison for him". Now he took his granddaughter in his arms and said, "You are the bright lamp of my dynasty. So, I name you Diya". And thus, Ranveer and Rihana named their cute little princess, "Diya". In the night, Mitsuo and Sumire came to meet them. They were so happy. Rihana said to Diya, "They are your Mitsuo uncle and Sumire aunty". Sumire felt so emotional that tears of happiness rolled down her eyes. She said, "One day, Diya will grow up and be as brave as her parents and always fight for the right". Diya just made a squeaking sound and smiled innocently. That night, Sumire and Mitsuo left for Mangaverse. Before they left, Ranveer and Rihana thanked them. They said, "We will never forget your help. You have taken so much of trouble to get into our universe." Sumire said, "No Rihana Didi, it was our gratitude and duty to help you. But the best part is we too have designed a way to travel to your universe and we can do it whenever we want." Ranveer said to Mitsuo, "Now I have a small kid but she too needs a friend like her. So, your turn now Mitsuo and Sumire. Mitsuo blushed. Sumire had something mischievous in her mind. She said, "Don't worry, Ranveer Dada. We will make sure to keep your wish", and they left for Mangaverse.

    After a week, Ranveer asked Rihana, "Why didn't the Perman couples use their flying power here?" Rihana replied, "Arey buddhu, dimensional crunch..." and they all laughed, including little Diya.

    Thus, comes to the end of the series of The Cyber Friend beginning from college days to the taste of life, with the message that "If there is true love, and if you are dedicated to maintaining it's bliss, then no power in this universe can separate you!"

                                                - Signing off. 

Your Lucifer


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