10th February


It was a bright winter day, 
Exciting and cool
I bought a little teddy bear, 
From the shop near the school.
For someone special, obviously
But I won't tell her name,
Perhaps she might read it someday
And might not feel the same.
I reached school a little early that day
To keep the surprise ready
And when I hear her footsteps near,
I would pop up the teddy
And tell her what I had on my mind
How deep my feelings were
And I would never leave her alone
In her sweet name, I swear.
I had to act and hide a lot,
From my teachers and my friends
A tiny mistake in the plan
Can cause the thing to end.
Finally, she arrived at school, 
It might be a little late
The assembly bell had already rung
And guards were closing the gate
I quickly rushed to class
And hid it inside my bag
I thought I would hand it over to her
When I would come back.
But the whole day passed that way
Waiting for the perfect time
My school had too many students
Like a lot of seeds in lime.
Finally before the dismissal,
I got some time free
I rushed to her classroom and
Stood out in the balcony.
But as soon as she came out
And stood smiling before me
My hands started to tremble 
As I kept holding the teddy
I was so so nervous
To talk my heart to her
That I began to fumble
Like a foolish jerk.
I somehow managed to hand it over
And wish you a "Happy Teddy Day"
She smiled and thanked me and took the gift
And waved me in a cute way
Then she sat in her pool car
In which she used to go home,
And looked at me and smiled once more
And then she was gone
I could never tell her how much,
I loved and felt for her
I fell in her love three years back
On 14th November.
She wore such a pretty dress that day
Like a princess did she look
In the hall amongst all students, 
She was the fishing hook
Perhaps many felt like me
And many had lost their hearts
But what I had was a true love 
And the first love for me so far.
But time is cruel and bitter for me
It always made me sad
That day was our last meet
After which something happened so bad
My own best friend abused her,
Faking it in my name
And then there was so much chaos
And I was the one to be blamed.
And so much she hated me after that
That she didn't even see my face.
Never did she try to listen to me
And help the truth to trace.
Time will pass as it passes
It heals all wounds so fast
But my wound has bled my sky
That none can repair, it's so vast
I had tried to forget all and
I walked so long in so hurry
But no one ever in my life
Could make me forget
10th February!

--- Lucifer


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