Every day, I do meet her 
Beside the old fountain
As if two worlds seem to meet
Like the priestess and the mountain.
And then we have some fun chit chat
Which sounds mostly insane
But a tiny glimpse of her smiley face
Gives me the ordinance,
To challenge my life and fight against
All the odds that do come,
Just that lovely grin of her
Turns my heart so warm.
Her childish way of talking 
And her jolly way of life,
Sometimes teaches me a lot
With a passion, how to thrive.
She might be a little younger
But matured by wit she is
I feel lucky to be with her
I feel so happy and pleased.
And trust me I have never seen
So humble a person before
The owner of endless talents
Like a mermaid sitting ashore.
She never grudges, nor abuses
However hard the situation be
As if like an angel, she teaches me
How to be calm and free.
People might not understand her
But she is indeed a living gold
I always wish to sit by her
And listen to her stories untold.
But we all know that precious things
Come for only short durations
We can meet only for a few hours
And then back to our stations.
And then I keep waiting for one whole day
To meet her and find inner peace
Trust me if you would have known her
Then her presence would seem like a breeze
The breeze that clears all clogged heads
And instil some fresh oxygen
And makes the hardest things so easy
Be it coding or Blockchain.
I wish she too felt the same for me
But alas, I know it's not
Because she has someone else to love
And I am no accord.
But I can't afford to break her heart
And for that purpose, even if I need
I can hide my feelings in mind
And in silence, I will bleed.
But I know in my mind I can 
Still love, be it near or far
Only in real I have boundaries
Hence I can't tell her.

- Lucifer


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