Since I breathed first
I was taken to the war,
To combat situations
And expand home far.
I lived in struggles
And was brought up in pain,
In a crisis, I slept
In all disdain.
When something was good
I was dismissed,
When something went wrong
I was summoned.
Never was I asked
What I actually need
Only to fulfil duties
I was called
When I was passing
Through all traumas in life
None came beside me
To stand and provide
The patting that I needed
To be live again and powered
I was being bullied
By my fate so coward
Yet I smiled
I had let things go
Just to reinforce
The armies in snow
When people drowned in pressure
I was the valve who saved
Instilled confidence in them
Picked up and raged
But I have borne 
All the thorn
And with tears and a smile
Stood like a lovelorn
Every day I expected
To live life better
Seldom it went good
But often it scattered
And with time the difficulties
Kept on increasing
And a day such came
That fireball came blazing
And hit me on head
And threw me apart
I tried to stand up
But the chain tied me hard
And that day I realized
It was all but my flaw
To be brave in wars
And to raise my claw
To protect my men
Who were never indeed mine
All were volatile sands
Who vaporized in time.
All I was fighting
Was of no use
Whom horses I considered
Were none more than mules.
And in the end
By the laws of war
I have the empire
But no life, but no love
Hanging like vampire
And that day, I pledge to me
That any divine lore
Can never make me raise my sword
And I won't fight anymore.

-- Lucifer


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