One day he met a girl,
She smiled but was broken,
Grief was stuck in her heart
All alive but frozen.
He understood from her smile
Because it didn't seem true,
Although she refrained from expressing
But he certainly knew.
He smiled on, he supported
And supported all along,
Never was once he angry
Upon her tantrums.
One day, as she felt it easy
She spoke about her past,
He heard it and was so sad
That in heart he felt a thrust.
She used to love someone
Who is now not her anymore
He has set his sail 
In some other shore
But still they maintain a good bond
A bond that she rejoices
But somehow by some old emotions
She never lets her choices
A choice to be better
Just wishes to bear pain
But this state of mind
Has created a disdain
In the guy, who was trying 
To reduce her worries
Help her with emotions
And apex her with studies.
He understood and was ready
To take a challenge hard
To make her come out and become steady
From a broken piece into a nerd.
He made her laugh, he made her feel good
He thought for her all night and day
He strived to make her so independent
That she could now guide her own way
And fortunately, he was successful
To get her the path she deserved
And uphold her long suppressed power of self
A power that she had preserved
Gradually, she started to recover 
From her old wounds and fly
And strive her best to show the world
And now no more was she shy
To face challenges, and be broken by storms
Because the guy has made her mast
And her confidence has built, such a ship
That could sail along oceans vast.
But the maker in the making
Has fallen for the art
And has developed a different bond
A liking for her, a passion for love
Just as an effect of the magic wand
The wand that she had, empower by sweetness
And her friendly emotions with him
That now she has become his star in life
A star that never goes dim.
But the cruelty of fate has made his laugh
And a step gone against the tide
Of the guy who toiled day and night
And always kept up the fight.
He always hid his feelings
In the deepest of his heart
And has never let it out to her
He feared she might 
Feel it to be awkward
And might even drift off far
But by the time he was leaving
He asked her for her will
And expressed how much he loved
But alas, she never accept his proposal
And amongst his feelings, she shoved.
This broke the guy, once and for ever
His fate has made him loose
The asset which he cared, 
The gold which he mined
Has now let his affection ooze
Ooze like the blood 
From the chest of a soldier
A soldier hit by a thousand bullets.
Fell the boy, and fell his empire
Crushed and ground like millets.
After few years, the girl was married
And the boy, he took to the rope
How could someone with so deep a loss
Can muster the living hope?
And this is life, a cruel saga
A saga that always gives pain
Even if someone tries to help out
In return they are awarded pain
And thus ends the life
And the story of a guy
A guy who was so lovelorn
And a girl who had but unknowingly 
Pricked him with the same thorn.

--  Lucifer


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