When your ship will depart from the dock,
And sail past the lighthouse rock
And be ready to be tossed by the mighty waves
Would you turn back and wave me goodbye?
Would you also have tears, as I do in my eyes?
Would you also feel the pain?
Thrusting your heart, choking your throat?
Would you also feel the urge?
To return to shore by boat?
Well, I know you wouldn't
And why should even you feel
To come back to your friend so old
And never break the deal?
A deal that we had made long ago
When you and I were children
To never depart, come what so may
But today, You have ridden
Yourself, from our memories
The golden times spent in the garden
When we had nothing to miss
Just the nature was our guardian.
The songs of frolic, the yells of joy
Still standing and waving ahoy!
We have indeed grown up
And have learnt to kill ourself
And replace the innocence of a child
With the maturity of age.
But what about our bond?
How can that grow so weak?
And be so rough and lifeless
And tossed in the air like a twig.
We fell together, we rose together
Together we ate and slept
Sometimes, we even laughed together
Sometimes, together we wept.
You knew me so well
And I knew you so good
So what has so changed
That you have turned so rude?
Well, I don't wanna make you sad
On your dawn of glory
Go ahead, safe and sound
And write a new story
Put in new characters
And make a new play
I know its time's verdict
And its a folly to dismay.
Arrange your life the way you want
Add colours, add flowers and bees
And live your life the way you want
And laugh and cheer in your glees.
I don't know how long
My breadth will support
And allow me to stand by the shore
Even if you don't find me when you return
Please do come in my last chores
And embrace my ashes, if not my mortals
And let me set myself free
Because I don't want to burden you
And force you to remember me.

- Lucifer


  1. It has deep meaning. I loved the way the poet potrayed this


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