Every dusk as the sun sets
Spreading out its orange blanket,
On the bedsheet of the azure wide
I could see her shadow.
On the top of the roof nearby
Gently strolling at her own pace
As grazes a peaceful sheep
Among the vast green meadows.
I could say from her silhouette
That she must be the owner
Of the most precious jewel,
That the world has ever seen.
I don't know who she actually is
Or what she indeed wants to be
But if beauty is an empire
Then she is its queen.
Like a cheerful butterfly
Like a fresh gust of wind
Like a spell of magic
She walks along the railings.
I swear had I been
The master of poets
I would have finished my ink
In the act of her praising.
Is she a fairy? , is she an angel?
Or is she a Goddess?
Who had alighted for us
Her presence on the terrace
Is just for a few minutes,
But my mind beholds her memory
For hours and hours.
Sometimes she glances,
Just for a few seconds
But those seconds slow down
Into ages in my heart,
I know time is cruel
But I can even request
To stop for a while for me
And let not the moment depart.
A moment so magical
That my pains vanish
And makes my day so bright and so good
That I forget the universe around
I forget who did me wrong
And who talked to me rude.
In dreams, she often visits
Speaks not but smiles
And then looks up
In the open dark sky
I wish at that moment
I could embrace her 
And claim her from the universe
Claim her to be mine
But life plays another way
Where it always disposes
What our hopeful mind
Has struggled to propose
And takes away the happiness
Snatching in a cruel way
Out of our hands
Just from under our nose.
Later I came to know
That the girl whom I saw
Was just a mere past
Not someone very true
I had got goosebumps
As my heart broke
And the very next day,
High fever took the suit.
The shadow was a mirage
Of my broken mind
A mirage of a soul
Who haunts that house
She was once thrown
From the same old terrace
Because she had one
Abusive crooked spouse
And lost her life, but not her roots
On the roof every evening she loves to pace
And most unluckily, I had fallen in love
In love with the girl
On the evening terrace.

- Lucifer


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