Amidst the darkness of British Rule,
Amongst the silent pawns,
Appears the monarch of the revolution
In Cuttack, he was born.
The ninth child of Prabhabati Devi,
The brave son of the nation
Had big dreams of a free India
And bigger was his determination.
A brilliant student of Calcutta University
An ICS star of Bengal
Left his job of pleasure and treasure,
And became the man of all.
The plight of his people, the fights against the whites
Had swayed him from all his desires,
He chose to adorn himself with the scars of the struggle
For his nation, he embraced the fires.
As a Congress leader, he worked for the people
But he questioned the Gandhian doctrine
"Why should I help those ditchers and cheaters
And sacrifice my life and time?
"Why should I help, my enemy in war?
Why should I extend my cheeks?
Just to let them slap me again and again
But that's not a fair deal."
Although he had point, the party was blind
They believed in peace like fools
So Bose quit his support for them along
He chose the radical tools.
British arrested him, and Gandhi was quiet
But the people of this nation roared,
And such pressure was then created
That even the British lowered their swords.
Subhash was under the British watch
As they feared to let him go,
House arrested in his residence
At the 4A Elgin Road.
But jackals can never trap a lion
However smart they try,
Bose managed to escape their trap
On the 16th of January's night.
And he never looked back nor did he stop
From Gomoh to Peshawar, he travelled to seek help,
And then to the Russian embassy, he went
But found them as Allied elfs.
To seek help from friends of the enemies
Is worse to face the enemy himself,
So, he paved the axis way far west
From Italy to the Fuhrer's nest.
 He met Hitler and grew good bonds
And with ideas to help his nation,
He travelled to Japan to seek arms and armies
In a submarine under observations.
Japan shared the ideology, 
To free the land of Buddha,
Enemies against enemies strong
With the support of the Fuhrer
Subhash succeeded Rash Behari
And reformed INA so well,
That even the British throne in London shook
And the crown from the queen's head fell.
 He stormed Rangoon, freed Indians
And kept moving till the east,
He wished to recapture Bengal's ports
And force the British to retreat.
But Alas! the situation turned sour
And Hitler committed suicide,
And the very axis of the AXIS broke
As Mussolini and Japan were in line.
The Bella Ciao of Italy or the Samurai of Japan
Couldn't hold the war for long,
A final nail in the coffin was put
As Nagasaki was suddenly bombed.
INA was shattered, and reinforcements were dead
Everything was getting darker,
In a last attempt, Subhash tried his best
But then he was not found further.
Headlines were published that his plane has crashed
No one knows how far that was true,
But the loss of the leader had bewildered the men
And the Britisher's days were few.
Revolt in the Royal Navy, revolts in armies
Revolts in offices and schools,
Every man of the Indian blood
Had blinding anger in attitudes.
So berserk they went by the news
Those boundaries dissolved in no time,
What be the Elites, what be the workers
Forgot the dogmas of crime.
For the first time, India forgot its stains
And as a lion, the whole nation roared,
Britishers had no options but to flee naked
With whatever they could gather ashore.
Even today, the name of the great man
Echos amongst the chambers of hearts,
The one man who changed the course of history
That one man had the guts.
The lightning thunder, the real warrior
Whom even the Britishers feared,
Just his voice aired over the AIR
Was like the predator breathing near.
Subhash showed how to protest for the right
And never settle for the wrong,
His life is a lesson for the nation and for all
He showed how alone we are strong.
He pioneered not a nation, but an ideology,
To live and proceed like a Lord
I pay my utmost homage to such a  great soul,
In praises of the Lion with the Torch.

-- Lucifer


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