After long days in the valley
I have seen the leaves smile,
The birds sing, the bees hum
And glee on the face of time.
The battle with winter is over
And we have mediated in peace
As the ice has molten into water
By the sunray's first kiss.
As if the grey-white canvas of nature
Has been touched by a colour brush
Maybe from the heavens above
Or maybe, from the season's rush.
The part of the cold play is over by now
So the new characters have stepped in
And instilled in us a sense of pleasure
A wish that was long unseen.
The bright light has bathed horizons
And adorned nature with gold
More precious than what Midas had
That frolic can behold.
The air is slightly warm by now
With ice nowhere to be seen
Just the touch of happiness
On the velvet of the meadows green
Butterflies carry the letter from future
A future with fun etched in
The bright blue skies with white soft clouds
Look down and perhaps, grin.
The big oak tree, who stood so weak
Has now flexed its branches,
The tiny goldfish in the big blue pond
In cheer has taken plunges.
The cherry blossoms have blushed in pink
And lavenders have turned fragrant
The nectar of bliss that dwindles all sorrows
Has scored a hundred per cent
And engrossed me and all around
In its potion of grace
A potion I swear can steal all sadness
And in bitter wars bring solace.
I know the summer will follow along
With the scorching heat, hard to thrive
And then the other seasons take the suit
And in winter again they hide.
But as spring comes, it symbolizes joy
The joy enough to revive
A half-dead earth from the time's harsh clutches
And mark the onset of life.

- Lucifer 


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