Someone once said, if you want something to happen, you will need to practise a lot. Some crackheads take them too seriously. And later, land up causing a mess. But sometimes, angels are sent to help them out if they are lucky. I remember one such experience where a similar thing had once happened. I will narrate it here.

    In my life, I have come across several kinds of emotions in people during my system training. Some great. Some crackhead. But Ronak was a great crackhead. Educationally brilliant but yes, had some screws in his brain. I remember that night of 4th April. Ronak decided to do something crazy for the first time in his life. He decided to elope. Not with anyone normal, but with the daughter of the HOD of the CSE department in the college. They had a good affair and had long talks in the night. And one day, they decided to remove the technology between them and rely on the touch. After Dinner, Ronak went to the backyard of the hostel and waited for the watchmen to fall asleep. I remember waiting with him for almost two and a half hours. And then he silently crept out from the hiding place. Taking the alley of the bushes, we slowly advanced through the way. He was in general a gentle guy but that day he was a bit desperate. He crashed me through the bushes and some thorny branches of shrubs almost hit my screen. Idiot Guy! Anyways we crept all the way to the house of the HOD. Suhana was ready with her LV bag and Gucci shoes. She had also managed to steal one of her dad's ATM cards and was ready to jump out. Ronak was ready to receive her. But, just before everything could happen, Brutus, the filthy Doberman of the HOD barked. This alerted its owner, the HOD. Suhana was a chubby girl. Being frightened by the sound of her dad's approaching footsteps, she tried to slide out of the window but unluckily got stuck in it. Thanks to the time that she didn't jump. Else she would have not only broken the window but also the roof of the ground floor garage or outhouse, whatever it was. But by mistake, her LV bag slid down and Ronak caught it. Unfortunately, two of the guards were on a round and they caught Ronak. And the rest is a story. First, Suhana was taken out. Then the bag was recovered. And then both of them were searched at the midnight in the HOD'S office. The HOD, Mr K Rathore was a very angry, conserved and strict kind of person. But Ronak was a master of fooling. At first, Rathore slapped him and his daughter Suhana. But Ronak always had better plans. He had asked Suhana to carry the previous year's question papers in her bag so that if they are caught or searched, no one could find anything. The bags were searched. A teddy doggy, a pencil box, a bundle of old question papers and some toffies were the only thing discovered. But I was thinking about where the hell she had hidden the ATM cards. Later I came to know that she had taken metro passes with her in place of ATM cards. Crackhead number two here. Literally, how do they study in IITs I have no idea. Such dumb shit. Ronak was searched and nothing but his mobile was recovered. That too had just simple chats with Suhana demanding previous year's question papers. Now Rathore started to interrogate them. "Ronak Singh Babbar and Suhana Rathore, I will rusticate both of you from the college!!!... Do you know what you were almost up to? Scoundrels!!!" Ronak said, "Sorry sir... I was just asking her question papers from her. I needed those for a junior sir." Rathore said, "Which junior?" Ronak remembered the name of Akhil who had once asked him a question paper a month ago. He said, "Sir Akh... Akhil. Akhil Gulati had asked me. But I didn't get the time. Now he says that he is having a test in the next week. So I requested Suhana." Mr Rathore wasn't convinced. He said, then what brings you here? You could have asked me to give it to you. I had many in my office. Or asked some other classmate of yours. What about Varun, Vabhna, Danish??" Ronak said, "Sir, Varun is at home, Vabhna had a breakup recently and she is not in good mood. And Danish is high...". "What do you mean by high? And have you thought this is any kind of joking class here?? Do I look a fool??" screamed Rathore. To make the situation worse, Ronak's phone rang with the ringtone... "Yes Sir... Yes Sir..." Ronak quickly switched it off. Rathore was almost ready to expel them when Suhana started to cry. She cried like a donkey, "Papa... I won't do it again...". To stop her from spreading noise further, Rathore had to refrain from his decision. But he suspended Ronak from the college for a week. Ronak was relieved. The suspension was still better than expulsion. Because he knew his dad would not leave him. He would literally tie him with the tractors and use him as a plough. Anyways, Ronak was suspended and so he decided to return home for a week's holiday. He packed his bags, waved to his roommates and went along. Not to his hometown though, but up to some other mischief. Ronak planned a trip to Goa with his buddy, a useless hippie named Ramesh. Ramesh was the booze of the campus. The entire IIT Delhi knew him as a dealer of wine. There was hardly any kind of alcohol which his tongue hadn't tasted. He had spent his night in lockup twice due to underage drinking. Thankfully, he didn't know driving. Else no one could have saved him from imprisonment. Ramesh Kushwaha was a UP-based guy, thug by style, drug by smiles. As a  student of Chemical Engineering, he had an unlimited number of test tubes. But all were filled with different percentages of alcohol. He used to brag about his collection and claimed to open a big bar in Gurgaon, once he graduates. Ramesh had little interest in girls but more interest in bottles. He accompanied Ronak just for the unlimited supply of alcohol in Goa. These are blood brothers.
    The train entered Madgaon the next morning. Ronak and Ramesh headed forward to their destination. They entered the room and slept for three to four hours. After that, they planned to enjoy the beach, the whole night. Booze, foreign chicks and lots of fun at the party. They went to enjoy and were having a gala time when Ronak's eyes stuck on an Indian girl. She looked hot and smart. Ronak approached her. He made a cold approach. Sheila Dsouza. She started to melt at the words of Ronak. Yes, Ronak is a great flirt. He can almost win any girl with his words. Sheila fell for Ronak. They made a one-night stand. But Ronak wanted to marry her. Sheila denied this. She said, "If my brother comes to know about this then he would be very angry. And my brother is very very dangerous. He is a drug lord of this region. He won't mind me enjoying but he is too conservative regarding marriage and kinds of stuff. Ronak was in no mood to understand. He still kept on demanding. Finally, after two days, they decided to elope. Ronak told about his plan to Ramesh. Ramesh was always in for the plans of Ronak. A true friend indeed. But what they failed to understand was the severity of the situation. However, things were taking place as they had planned. Shiela lived in a house behind the Bom Jesus Church. Ramesh arranged for a scooter. He was looking for cars but there weren't any cars. So they had to get along with the scooter only. Ronak stood under her house and Sheila was making preparations to jump from the window. But the problem was, Physics and common sense are seriously uncommon. Sheila was devoid of common sense. She didn't tie any rope or keep any trampoline under the window. Just jumped blindly and landed on his scooter. The scooter was on the stand and Ronak was standing beside it. So, Sheila landed just on the seat and formed a first-class lever putting enough launching velocity to throw Ramesh on the road and then the scooter and then Sheila herself. Only Ronak was standing and watching the entire show. Now, to add to the trouble, Sheila tried to grip the handle of the scooter and it was on start. Now the vehicle was moving like a tadpole making a lot of noise due to friction with the road. This alerted the neighbours and one of them informed John, Sheila's brother. And then there was a completely different show out there. John rushed to the area. Ramesh started to run, and Ronak too followed suit. Although he wanted to face them and take Sheila the situation didn't permit it. Slowly, people began to add to the chase and made it a grand chase. Ramesh ran in front, Ronak a foot after him and the residents a few yards after them. The elope was cancelled and now it was just a rush to save a life. After about half an hour of running, Ramesh found an enclosed area and pulled Ronak inside. The residents passed the area and went ahead. Ronak saw he was close to the Madgaon station and could see the railway line. He urged Ramesh to follow along. They somehow reached the station. Ramesh remembered that their luggage were still in the resort. He asked Ronak to wait and he somehow went and fetched those. Luckily the resort wasn't far and he returned within an hour. The very next thing they did was to leave Goa as soon as possible. Ronak was feeling sad for Sheila but he had to save his life. After two days they reached Delhi. The next day Ronak's suspension was getting over. He rejoined the college. A month later they had the placements and Ronak got a job. After that, he was happy and a bit away from his eloping plans. He now began to have some business plans. 

    Well, one thing I would have to agree on for sure. Ronak was a brilliant student. He had great grades. He had a razor-sharp brain and was very determined with work. But he was a bit lonely. Ronak had lost his mother at a very young age. Might be in class 2 or 3. His father was the village head of a small village in north Haryana. He had many relatives thought but none used to take good care of him. Especially his aunts were always partial. He saw his cousins get all the good things and he was deprived. Since his father, Tanveer Singh Babbar was a very busy person, he had no time to look after his son. And he never remarried. Although it was a good thing for Ronak because his stepmom could have been worse than his aunts if she would have happened to come. When Ronak was in class 9, he had a crush on a girl named Julia. She belonged to a Dalit village and hence she wasn't allowed to mingle much with the other students. Ronak was always against this caste system but he had no power to fight for his opinions. He was also the son of the village chief and so he had to take every step in an understanding way. In a school of Jatts, Thakurs and upper caste guys, even his eye-opening love would be taken as a case of honour killing. So, he used to meet Julia during recess. He found her very cute and understanding. She was unlike other guys and girls. Irrespective of her economic background, she was a girl of ethnicity. That's why Rohan liked her. Possibly, Julia too liked him but couldn't ever claim that. One day he found Julia was being bullied by the boys in his class. Ronak went to take a stand for her but he was beaten badly. But Ronak was not the guy to sit quietly. He raised his hand once and for the first and last time and wiped out half of the guys alone. That's the power of a Hariyanvi Lion like Ronak. The true Babbar Sher. Anyways, like a brave lion he had to bear a lot of pain too. When the news about his fight in school reached his father, he was beaten badly. His aunts too joined to tell coarse words against him. Ronak was almost in tears and he rushed to his room. He took out his mother's photo from his cupboard and burst into tears. He was so broken by that event. That day, even I too felt bad for him. I could feel his pulse increase two times beyond his normal limit. Once during the fight and now. Anyways, passed are those days. But he still has a craving for a good female touch in life. Nobody knows when he would be heard.

    That year, in late December, when the seventh semester was going on, Ronak tried his hands on Tinder. He got a lot of matches. It was natural. A Jatt guy, from IIT Delhi. What else does a girl need for making a match? Well, his market was going quite well with two more failed elope attempts. But anyways, he was saved by some incident or the other. Finally, his last day on campus arrived. Suhana and he met for the last time. Then he joined his office and worked there for 2 long years. Yes, two years were indeed long for him. Although he was earning lakhs he was a free-spirited guy, who never wanted to work for anyone. So, with Tinder, he laid his hands on And it wasn't tough for him to get success there too. In fact, Ronak began to earn more on Fiverr and finally chose it as his job and left his job. The lifestyle of a freelancer was something that finally seemed to suit his accord. A new life and a new challenge. Ronak shifted to Hyderabad. He had two reasons. To stay away from the Jatt influence of his hometown. And the second, for exploring something new in life. He booked a 1 BHK solo apartment for himself. He made a proper setup over there with three monitors, a MacBook, an iPad, two iPhones, routers, GPUs, speakers, boosters and many such gadgets. The setup took him over a week. He also had to set up some servers and arrange for air-conditioners and finally, after 10 days of shifting, he restored his work there. Ronak worked from 10 to 7. Sometimes he started late and sometimes he ended his work late at night. He also started gaming and putting his gameplay on his youtube channel for some side income as well. Gradually his fame grew and one day he had enough funds to open a startup for himself. He interviewed a few IIT-B students and hired them first as an intern and then as full-time employees in his startup. The Tech Lion. His startup performed so well that even a community hall was falling short of his work. Gradually he began to buy spaces and then a day came when he inaugurated his own office space at Gachhibowli, Hyderabad. Ronak called most of his friends for a party and become stakeholders of his company but none turned up out of jealousy. Only one guy came with his bottle of wine. Ramesh. He said, "Bro Ronak. See, I have no good knowledge of marketing business or tech. All I can provide you is information about good quality liquors. I know that won't be working but..." Ronak stopped him and said, "Why not? I have a plan". He then discussed his plan with Ramesh and opened a side hustle startup that served as the brander and tester for all forms of liquors. The degree of Ramesh in Chemical Engineering helped. And in the market of recession and uncertainty, even drunkards had a job. ABInBev was kicked out of the firm by RRB. In a year they became so popular that RRB became an international brand, with a high growth stock share. RRB even became an official sponsor of the Sunrisers Hyderabad Cricket team in the Indian Premier League. On the other hand, by the end of 2028, Ronak faced three more failed elope attempts. Although he says he didn't elope but his heartbeat says something else. I know him the best. Some people never change. And I seriously feel that this guy will land up in some real danger in future or success will strike him in his attempt soon.

    One night in mid-April. Ronak was sitting on his balcony and stargazing. Ramesh has gone home for a few days. He is going to get married. Ronak was thinking about his life. His father, his only support had passed away just a few months back. Now, his cousins, uncles and brothers have started to fight for the property in his home. Ronak understood that there was no point in returning. He was used to giving up things by then. Perhaps he might have also given up his thoughts about eloping. The distant stars on a New Moon night, adorning the sky like fireflies on the background black brought many memories to him. Engrossed deep in thoughts, he pulled a puff from his cigarette and blew a long trail of smoke in the air. He sighed and went inside his room. Turned on his AC and threw himself in the bed. Ronak has recently bought a sprawling 3BHK apartment from his profit. He wished had his parents been alive, they would have been so glad to see him getting settled in life. But alas! No one has made any plan that suits well for him. Oreo, Ronak's pet cat was fast asleep on his couch. I turned on the automatic lights as I can feel his pulses soothe. Ronak was fast asleep. The next day was Sunday. It was a holiday. Ronak got up late and refreshed himself. He grabbed a mug of dark coffee and sat on his couch. He found Oreo fast asleep till then and so he didn't disturb him. He was browsing through the news and found an article that caught his eye. Eminem was coming to Udaipur for a live performance. Ronak is a great fan of Eminem. He always wished to see a live performance of Eminem but didn't get the time or the money to go for it. This was a golden opportunity for him. He immediately booked the tickets online, took a leave for a week, handed over the task to his managers and board of directors and left for a holiday. 

    The morning of 17th April. Ronak landed at Maharana Pratap Airport, Udaipur. He booked a cab to a nearby hotel. The concert was to be staged at the Leela Palace, Udaipur. It was on 18th April. So, Ronak planned some sightseeing there. He roamed to the nearby places, visited some forts and their museums and was feeling very much excited for the concert to be staged the next day. The timings were from 5:30 PM and Ronak made sure to reach there by 4 PM. He was full of enthusiasm to meet his favourite rapper. But his fate had some other game to play. Ronak is very fond of food. He was roaming here and there when he found some food stalls. He thought those were for the concert and entered there and started to have some food. Now, Ronak was new to the place and there were more than eight grounds where different functions could be organized at the same time. He was at the wrong destination. Sometimes it happens. We are so convinced that we forget to recheck the details. Ronak too had done the same thing. But he only realized that when he saw the lighting being turned on. Ronak lost his way. He asked some of the catering guys about the concert of Eminem but they misunderstood and directed him to a place which had given him nightmares. Ronak was at a destination wedding of some unknown host and he lost his way. And the worst surprise came when he found that he was in the marriage ceremony of some relative of his college HOD, Mr K. Rathore. This was enough for Ronak to lose his pulse and I could feel that very well. His blood pressure shot up and he began to sweat. Ronak was trapped. Some guests behind him, and his HOD in front. Ronak was looking here and there and ran towards his left behind the building to escape. But there he found some guards and he returned. He came to the main entrance where guests and Rathore were coming. He found no other escape but entered straight into the building under cover as a waiter and rushed upstairs. He found that there were people some relatives of the bride, coming in his direction. He began to randomly hit on doors. Finally, he found a room open and he quietly entered it and locked it from the inside. He had some relief for some time and went and sat on a sofa but the next moment what he saw made him lose his nerves. It was the bride's room. Ronak immediately got up and was about to leave the room when he heard a voice saying, "Stop there!!" The next moment he felt something like a sword resting on his left shoulder. He turned back slowly and saw a beautiful young girl, approximately twenty-five or twenty-six years old, in a casual night-dress and long hair holding a sword staring at him. Ronak was stunned. First, for the beauty and second due to the being caught. And someone rightly said, "Human brain works 24x7 all the days of in an year and forever until they die or fall in love." Ronak was in the first case. He had a love and crush on the girl in his first sight. He was unable to move. The bride slowly advanced towards him pointing the sword. She came very close to him and asked Ronak, "Why have you come here? What's your intension?" Ronak said, "No...n...n... nothing ma'am... I ... j...j... just lost my w... way and ....". The girl angrily said, "Shut up!" Saying this, she raised her leg and pushed Ronak on the couch, turned him around and tied his hands. Now, keeping the sword on Ronak's neck she asked, "Tell me... speak the truth or else I will chop your head". I was waiting for a game of probability. Would the girl chop Ronak's head? Umm... I guess that won't happen. It would be a case of criminal justice. This was because Ronak was an eminent person by then. The second probability was that she might call someone and Ronak would be exposed. But the thrid thing happened. Which I had no idea about. Ronak spoke. He became desparate from the previous failures. He first said, "I have not come here for any kind of useless shit. I am the CEO of Tech Lion. I have come here for the concert of Eminem. And I have been to the wrong place. I had asked people outside. But none seems to know about Eminem and they showed me this place. When I entered into the building I realized that this is a wedding site and so I planned to exit this place. But unluckily, I found Mr Rathore and Mr P K. Rawat entering from the only gate. Mr Rathore was our HOD in college and P K Rawat was the Placement incharge. Now I found no other way but to rush indoors. I found many guest and wasn't feeling comfortable. So I came upstairs in search of some place to hide. But after that all these happened. I am saying the truth. You can check my identity from my visiting card. It is in my back pocket, inside my wallet. You can check it." The girl did as was said by Ronak and found he was right. She immediately untied his hands and apoplogised for being so rude. She said, "I thought you were a thief..." Ronak gave a lopsided odd look. The girl understood and didn't continue on the topic further. She introduced herself as, Mahima Singh Rathore. She made him sit and offered some pastries. She said, "I love pastries... you too can try them. They are the best of Udaipur..." Ronak denied with a smile. He said, "Could you please tell me the way to exit?" This turned Mahima pale. She said, "Trust me if I would have known the way to exit, I would have done it myself." Ronak was shocked. He said, "But why do you want to exit this place? You are the bride. It's your wedding day." Mahima looked said. She said, "You won't understand". Ronak said, "If you won't take the pain of narration, dear madam then how would I know? I am not a telepathist who can read minds". Mahima laughed. She said, "Aww... you are damn funny man. I like it. Okay... let me narrate my story to you, my lord... Hehe..." Ronak smiled and said, "Please". Mahima continued. She said, "When I was a student of class 4, my parents passed away in a car accident. From then, life was literally bitter for me. I had completed my managment degree from IIM just the previous year. Do you know, my uncle Mr Rathore... about who you said, is so strict that he doesn't even want to let me live my life. He used to look after my education. I was not a dull child though but according to him I was unsmart because I didn't opt for Engineering. I don't know how smart an Engineer is but an MBA graduate is no less I think. He thinks his daughter, Suhana Didi is the smartest kid and all others are dumb... I was not even allowed to roam with guys alone... In college I had a boyfriend. He was such a nice guy, but my uncle made us get separated. Because he was from an economically backward section of the society..." Ronak remembered about Julia. He too had once faught for her and against the caste system a lot. But he was young and powerless then. Mahima was going on with her talkative instincts and finally stopped finding Ronak preoccupied. She clapped to break his state of hypnotise and said, "Ohh Mr, where were you lost?" Ronak smiled and said, "Nothing. You continue". And suddenly the door was knocked. Ronak was frightened. Mahima said, don't worry. Hide under the bed as she went to open the door. Her aunt has come with few guest to see the bride. They had some talk and left within half an hour. Mahima signalled Ronak to come out. He did as said. Mahima said, "Listen... let me come to the point. This marriage is against my will. I had a talk with my aunt and she is on our side. I want to exit from here. She knows a way. She said, she would guide me. When she does that, you too come along. We both can safely come away from this place. But how will you hide?... Umm... yeah!! Idea!!... wear this Ghagra and choli and remember to veil your face. Come with me as my maid." At first Ronak wasn't agreeing to do this but he had no other option but to agree with her. The Ghagra was so tight. But cool, Ronak had worn it somehow. The rest decoration was done by Mahima. Once, Suhana had come in between but even she too couldn't recognise. Just to mention here that Suhana had no idea about the plan and there was a bigger story. She was a little slow to understand but very fast in recognizing people. When she too couldn't recognize Ronak, then nobody could. The clock struck 7. The groom has already arrived. And the plan of runaway was ready. As planned they came to the backyard and a car was kept ready. Rohan stealthily slided in and started the car. Mahima quickly changed her bridal dress and handed it over to her aunt and she too entered the car with Rohan and drove away. Later Mahima disclosed that her aunt actually wanted Suhana to get married to the bride. She was a bit greedy. All she had done was out of grid. Ronak was spellbound. He said, "But why did she help you to run away with me?" Mahima laughed. She doesn't even know you. I had made a fake plan the moment she wished to escort me from there. I had booked tickets to Thailand at that moment. And I demanded her to provide a servant with me to help me with the luggage at the station." Ronak asked, "Which station?" Mahima said, "Why? Udaipur station?" Ronak said, "Shitt! Dumbass... give me the wheel." Ronak almost snatched the driver seat and he made an about turn and headed towards the Kota railway station. He explained, "Your uncle will come to know that you are not the bride and he will start to search in all directions. It wouldn't take more than an hour to find us if we go to the same station." Kota is far and in the same line. And remember, we need to dump this car inside some bushes. We will do that in the next crossing." Mahima agreed. She was excited. But Ronak was palpitating. He was thinking why had he come to Kota. He missed Eminem's concert, is again attempting to runaway with a girl who is unknown and there are a multiple risks. However, they safely reached Kota. On the other hand as the Pheras were about to be started and the bride was unveiled, everyone was shocked. In place of Mahima, there was Suhana. Mr Rathore was literally boiling in anger. But the groom was okay with Suhana. He said something to his father and the marriage was however completed. That day I could see four emotions. Happiest were Suhana and her mother. Angriest was Mr Rathore. The most relieved was Mahima. And the most tensed was Ronak. They boarded the train and continued southwards. Although Rathore had sent his men but they couldn't do any good. Mahima was the master of disguise. The next to next day there was news. Mahima is missing. But before that Mahima was flying and Ronak was resting in his own flat. I once thought this was the end of everything between Ronak and Mahima. Although he used to remember her but the memories of the night and all the escort mission refrains him from thinking further. Morever he was too engrossed in his work for a week and almost forgot her. This was a great quality in Ronak. He could come out of things easily by diverting his mind elsewhere. But perhaps, fate wasn't satified with that. And on top of that the universe wanted some more fun. 

    July, 2030. Ronak flew to London for a new pitch of his firm and a business expansion. And guess what? His meeting was with none but Mahima. Mahima Singh Rathore. The Managing Director of Aspirespeak. A social media for creating and selling art NFTs. Ronak was very happy to meet Mahima and Mahima almost laughed in joy on seeing him. She was waiting for the meeting to end and when most members have left, Mahima rushed to Ronak and hugged him. She said, "Thank you so much, yaar!!" For you I have got a new life. Ronak smiled and said, "Not for me dear, for your aunt". Mahima said, "Yeah, I agree... but hadn't you been there I wouldn't be able to catch the train. And nothing would have continued till this today. Okay... leave it. Where are you staying by the way? I would like to call you to dinner at my place." Ronak was more than happy. He agreed without waiting a second. Like The Boys!! But when he visited her house, his heart broke. Trust me Ronak was in full preparation, applied the costliest perfume he had ever used, put on the best suite he had and all. But the door was opened by Nikhil. Boyfriend of Mahima. Ronak had mentally prepared himself for proposing Mahima but he found the scenario different. Mahima introduced Ronak to Nikhil. She said that they had met in Thailand. Nikhil and she got hooked up and travelled to London. Now they are in a livein for over a year. Ronak put a fake smile on his face, completed the dinner without much of a conversation and returned to his hotel. That night I was literally frightened by him. Hadn't Ramesh called him I would also have been broken. And Ronak. He would have been no more. He tried to jump from the balcony. But at that instant his phone rang and I knew very well that Ronak would definitely pickup his call. Ramesh invited him to his marriage. Ronak agreed. He again handed over his task to his team and flew back to India to Bareilly. The village of Ramesh. The wedding was happening with great pomp and show. Ronak and Ramesh enjoyed to the best. On the night of the reception, Ramesh and Ronak went on the roof. Ramesh made a peg and offered one to Ronak. Ronak didn't take it but snatched and drank the entire bottle till it was empty. Ramesh understood something was wrong. He kept his glass by his side and asked Ronak. "Bhai, what happened? You who never touched alcohol has drank the entire glass? Jatt vali feeling aandi aa?! Ha...haha..." Ronak said, "No Ramesh. Nothing of that kind. Perhaps, I am when I was being manufactured, good luck was left out from my software." Ramesh smiled and said, "Oo software ke chode... (Oh you software-f*cker), life is dynamic. There are updates in it. You are into the software for years and you can't even realize? We are not hard coded. Everything changes everyday... Look.. Look at the sky. Can you see the stars there? Take your DSLR. Take a picture. Come tomorrow. Again take a picture. And then sit and analyse. You will never find the same pattern again. Life is a reflection of the stars, of the moon. Today you are passing through a phase of new moon. It doesn't mean your life is light-less. Sit quiet and count the stars, my buddy! You can't end up finishing." Ronak said, "What does it mean?" Ramesh kept his glass aside and put his hands on Ronak's shoulders. He said, "Bro... You may think that I am a bloody drunkard. I can't observe things like others do. But I have observed many things in life which you guys, alert and attentive have failed to capture. You have seen the weighing machine in market right? The manual scale?" Ronak said, "Yes, I did." Ramesh said, "Good! Life is an equivalent of it. You have a bloody good brain, a kind heart, good looks, skills. Just the only thing you miss in life is care and love. I can understand you buddy. I have seen you since 2019. I know everything about you and you know everything about me. And now I think you have found love. Because you have tried to elope several times. You picked girls, convinced them and tried to elope but were caught. But I never saw you sad. I know you do not hold emotions for long. But when it is for a long time, the person is in love." Ronak nodded. Ramesh said, "So please tell me sir, who she is?" Ramesh smiled and said, "She was..." Ramesh said, "May her soul rest in p...." Ronak said, "She is alive!!" Ramesh stopped. He said, "Then what prevents you to make her your own?" Ronak said, "Because she is already owned." He continues to narrate the incidents that had taken place since the escape of Mahima, to the meeting and then to what he saw. Ramesh said, "Okay! Don't worry buddy. You will definitely get what you deserve. This is universe. Not our courts or governments which can be bribed. Universe has it's own laws. Just wait and watch." Ramesh smiles. He gets up and leaves.

    After a year. A message comes to the office of Ronak from Aspirespeak. It was from MD of Aspirespeak, Mahima. They were calling for a project. Ronak accepted the invitation and flew to London with his team. This time in his own private jet. Yes, now Ronak is world famous and Tech Lions have survived recession and growned to be world's top software brand. Ronak went to meet Mahima. She was very happy to see him at her place. Ronak entered. But like the previous time, Nikhil was nowhere to be seen. Ronak asked Mahima about him. Mahima tried to control at first but later burst into tears. Ronak was stunned. He asked, "What happened?" Mahima spoke the entire thing. "Few months ago, I caught Nikhil was cheating on me. I spoke to him about this but he grew abusive. He used to beat me and abuse me. On top of that I was the only earning member and he was always there to hurt me, we had trifles with rent and money. He used to lose all the money in cashinos. When I tried to stop him one day, he pushed me from the stairs and I was senseless. Later when I regained my senses, I found myself admitted to a hospital. Police had arrested him on multiple charges. Now, I stay here alone and independent. Ronak was disheartened to hear all that. He said, "Why haven't you gave me a call when you were in such a trouble?" Mahima said, "Because I understood that you liked me a lot. And I have broken your heart by going with someone else. I saw your smile change to a mere wave on the lips when you came to know about Nikhil. But I was helpless. Had I known it before I wouldn't have been with him." Ronak held her in his arms and smiled. He said, "Koi na, it happens. Life changes. Decisions change. Its good for you that you have decided to come out of what was toxic." Mahima smiled through her tears and hugged Ronak. This time Ronak too hugged Mahima. And even the clouds couldn't hold there tears. The tears of joy. The meeting was over by 12 o' clock next day. Mahima asked Ronak for a date. Ronak, didn't disagree. They had some good time. The deals were successful and the dealers too. That day two people laughed in real joy. Ronak and Mahima. 

    Two days later. Ronak packed his bags and was about to leave for India. Suddenly his doorbell rang. Mahima stood there with a trolley and a handbag. Ronak asked her in. She came in and handed him a couple of letters. The first was a resignation letter. Mahima had resigned from her office. And the second was a formal application to join Tech Lion for the position of CMO. Ronak was overjoyed. He opened his arms wide and welcomed Mahima. That was the first time when Mahima kissed him on his cheeks. Now its not that Ronak was devoid of kisses. But this meant a lot to him. Ronak understood that Mahima wished to be his. So, he and Mahima returned to India in the private jet of Ronak. Mahima was welcomed in his apartment by Ronak but Mahima was looking sad. He asked, "What happened Mahima? Why aren't you coming inside?" Mahima said, "Ronak, the previous time I did this, my relationship didn't go well. I fear that..." Ronak said, "I can understand. But for now, please come in". Mahima somehow agreed. But she said, "I think we should get formally married. With all traditions. See, even I too don't believe much in God and all stuffs but I think a marriage is a commitment. A bigger commitment which both obeys. I think it would better to return to home once before we start a new life." Ronak smiled and said. "I am an Athiest. I don't believe in all these shits. But do you know what, Mahima? I want to experience an honourable marriage in life. I don't have parents like you. So there is indeed no one to care about me. Also I have lost all my parental property to my relatives." Mahima listened quietly. She said, "Tell me what happened." Ronak finally found that person to tell everything that had happened with him since his childhood. Mahima was in tears. She said, "I can feel you Ronak. Even my life was almost the same. Come on, anyways we must look forward." Ronak said, "But I know your family members would be very angry and upset. They might even refuse to recognize you as a part of their family." Mahima agreed. She said, "I know, but that's the only way to get things done. Moreover, we both are settled. I don't think there would be any problem." Ronak laughed. He said, "The worst problem is we both were born in Indian families. Here people divide on caste, then on community, then on race and finally when all qualities satisfy they marry you off against your choice. Better they can get them married to their own siblings. Because population is expanding and if you are making combinations within the same sample, you are bound to land up there one day." Mahima laughed and said, "Ohh man! You are damn funny dude! You spoke the truth with so ease. I really appreciate your views, Ronak. I hope the people of our families too get it." Ronak said, "They have to now. What can they do at most? Honour killing? Let them raise guns. A life without good is of no good..." Mahima quickly got up and kept her palm on the mouth of Ronit. She said, "Please don't say like that Ronak. I can't lose you." Ronak said, "No one is going to lose anyone. We are famous now. Not to a level of celebrity though but famous enough to call Paparazzies around. Let's take this to the media." At first Mahima wasn't much confident with the plan but the boldness and surety of Ronak convinced her. The very next day, Ronak made sure to publish in headlines of all the nationalized newspapers that "Tech Lion CEO, Ronak Singh Babbar and Aspirespeak Managing Director, Mahima Singh Rathore are tying knots. Destination wedding at Lake Palace, Udaipur". This news spreaded like wildfire across the verticals of the Indian press. Mr Rathore got the news and was shocked. He said, "So that scoundrel has been with my niece." He booked his flights to Hyderabad and wished to meet Ronak. Ronak greeted him but Rathore came straight along and slapped him on his face, in front of the entire office. He then started to scold him, "You bloody scoundrel, Idiot shit! How dare you do this with me? And where is Mahi?" Mahima came to know about this came rushing to the spot. When Mr Rathore saw her he was furious. He asked her to come along but this time Mahima resisted. She said, "Chachu, I am doing it willingly. I love Ronak and he loves me. I am comfortable and want to marry him." But Mr Rathore was not in a mood to listen. He said, "So, you have grown so old that you will talk over me? How dare you?" Suddenly a voice came and said, "She dares, because law cares." When Mr Rathore looked back he saw Mrs Julia Ajola Verma, a leading laywer of that time standing there. She said, "Both of them are old enough and mature to choose their life partners. And it is in the hands of law to look after their will and well being". Julia Ajola was the chief guest in the previous year to IIT-D. Mr Rathore had himself invited her and shared the stage during the convocation ceremony. He felt ashamed to go against her. Mrs Julia continued, "There was a time in school when people used to segregate me from the class because I was born a Dalit. I don't think it is wrong to be born to any caste, community or race. What matters is where you reach through your hardwork and perserverance. Our honourable President, Mrs Droupadi Murmu represents the backward sections and makes India stronger as a superpower. There is nothing wrong in intercaste, interacial or intercommunity marriages. Ronak is a Jatt and Mahima is a Rajput to your eyes, but they are independent Indians, honest taxpayers and good citizens in the eyes of law. And as a representative of law and order, its my duty to stand with them. I didn't expect this kind of behaviour from a learned person like you, Mr Rathore. Is this the example you are setting for the future generations?" Mr Rathore said, "But Mahima ran away with Ronak few years ago?" Mrs Julia asked, "Neither Mahima nor Ronak were minors then. Infact Mahima was against the marriage what we came to know from her statements. Were you right or was she wrong?" Mr Rathore had nothing to say. He quietly walked out. Ronak and Mahima were surprised. But Ramesh was not. Because, Julia was the wife of Ramesh Verma. Ramesh was a real modern man. Although he was addicted, he was right in his life. And to be honest, his addictions have reduced a lot. All thanks to Julia. Yes, this is the same Julia whom Ronak once saved from being bullied. And time rewarded him. Ronak went out and saw Mr Rathore sitting there. He sat near his feet and said, "Sorry Sir. If you are hurt by any of the words or actions of mine. But without your blessing, this marriage won't be successful for us. Mr Rathore was not in a mood to accept the insult. He left the office and went away. Later that night he called Ronak and asked him and Mahima to come and meet him at hotel Nizam. They went and Ronak knocked the door. Mr Rathore opened the door and asked them in. He said, "Ronak. I don't know how should I put this but I have realized my mistake. I just had one worry regarding the marriage. And that is you. Do you remember why I suspended you back in college?" Ronak said in a low and shy tone, "Yes sir." Mr Rathore looked into his eyes and suddenly started to laugh. Both Ronak and Mahima were stunned. Mr Rathore somehow controlled laughing and said, "I had the tension that you might betray Mahima. But when I found you so responsible, I have no worries. I will be arranging the dates soon. Ask your father to join. Ronak said, "But sir, my father..." Mr Rathore became quiet. He said, "I am sorry, Ronak. Don't worry. I will alone arrange the entire thing." "But sir..." Ronak was about to say something when Mr Rathore stopped him and said, "Every student is like a son and daughter to their faculty. So, don't argue." Ronak finally smiled and said, "Okay sir". Mahima who was sitting quiet now hugged Mr Rathore and said "Thank you so much, Chachu...". There was laughter in the air.

    18th June, 2031. Mahima and Ronak were finally married. Wrong to be said married, but tied knot in a destination wedding in Udaipur. From the same palace where a misinformation started a whole new love story. Although it had breaks in between, but... Love story is that which wins at last. And I am glad that my life was complete seeing Ronak happy and settled. Well, are you wondering who am I? I think you can guess. Well, let me tell you. I am Tito. The smart wristwatch of Ronak, gifted to him by his dad on his 11th birthday. I have spent 20 years with him and now I am finally retiring from my service. But I know, Ronak will always remember me because I was always his best friend. And thus, with my last tick ends the story of a DevEloper or Developer or whatever maybe. Although he might be the CEO but for he always was the developer.

-- Lucifer              


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