In the pursuit of being good
I have lost my best,
In the hunger for knowledge
I have ignored my rest.
I have turned into a machine
That would always help out,
Never grudge or complain
And never ever doubt.
I have lost those evenings
When children played games,
I have lost those afternoons
In the hunt for fame.
I find people around
Enjoying their lives,
I keep alone because
I can't match their vibes.
I find the world foolish
But happy from within,
Amidst all losses 
They leap and they grin.
They binge, they celebrate
They live life with joy,
I sit before the screen
And turn a nerd boy.
Although, I wasn't the same
I wished to fly when young,
But my wings have been trimmed
By duties and pressures strong.
My hobbies are dead
In the grinder of work,
I am hurt but can't say
As everyone would laugh.
I see guys of my age
Have girlfriends one or two,
I repent for being so studious
I repent for being so good.
So I thought to turn selfish
And I will definitely be,
Because that's the way to survive
As none will think for me.
I will be ignorant
Of your problems and your will,
I am not your dad's slave
I have some things to feel.
I don't care about systems
Because frustration inside is free,
Dare they stop me in my way
I will tear them and reap.
Now I want a command, of my life
Might be it right or wrong,
Now I don't care what you think
Because I know I am strong.
If Karma doesn't reward me
I will snatch it on my own,
Even if for that I have to deprive
Someone's happiness alone.
Because I know my life is short
And it takes time to judge,
So I'll do whatever I think
And from my path, I won't budge.
Bring your armies, bring your lords
Let me see who can fight,
Who can stop me on my way
On my way to the right.
I won't harm you unless you do
But unlike previous times,
I won't forgive and let you go
And will avenge it mine.
My devotions were true when I was at work
And so is true my wrath,
The better I was, the worse I can be
If you forget your accord.
I don't need weapons to wage a war
I am my own weapon,
Just do wrong with me the next time
And wait for your last dawn.
Now, I have learnt to punish the crowd
And won't ever turn back,
If you think you can do what you want
Do that in your own sack.
Because blood is getting warmer, and fire is high
And tides of my avenging thirst,
Have gather over ages just to claim,
The world comes later, me first.

- Lucifer


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