Have you seen a butterfly?
I guess you all have seen,
Such a beautiful creation of nature
Not an insect, rather a winged queen.
But a butterfly, has only one chance
To transform from a caterpillar,
But we humans, change many cocoons
With time and with healers.
Yes, you have read it right
The process is a bit weird,
We form a cocoon of a comfort zone
When we get everything near.
But a time comes when it breaks
As breaks everything in nature,
And then paint with our life's colour
On our aspiration-shaped caricatures.
When we are kids, we are less tolerant
And are pissed off by this and that,
And behave as if we are moody as a lion
With a mere size of a cat.
But slowly when we see, all are the same
We mature and we understand,
Its folly to behold the ego in life
If we want a helping hand.
Now the age comes, when we are young
But not into the teenage,
We are mesmerized by petty little things
And bragging creeps like a leakage.
And finally, we grow and pass through this
To become a bit wiser in life,
And then we step into teenage
Which changes the way we strive.
We become risk takers, full of feelings
We grow into rebels of time,
And consider only us to have voice
And the wise to know nothing, but mime.
Many are swayed at this age
Many take up the wrong way,
A time in which infatuations matter
More than the lessons of the day.
But luckily a few aren't that shaken
And they pass on to the next,
Some join colleges and some institutes
As the early tees build the nest.
Within a few years, a new life starts
When job summons for a cause,
To earn a lot and fulfil all dreams
And be elite in social accords.
Responsibilities gradually pile up
While some handle them so good,
But some cannot manage all sides
And can't hatch from their cocoons.
And thus life goes for some more years
Unless the thirties knock doors,
When Indian parents do their jobs
In searching the best match for your's.
And those who marry take a load further
And start a family from scratch,
Parents for them just remain parents
As they settle with partner and lads.
And then things go in a recursive way
All they have seen so long,
Now replicate through their own children
Who grow up clinging strong.
But each time they do cross a level
The parent becomes more tensed,
And into competitions unknown
They always find their place.
Cocoons after cocoon, we keep on cracking
And each time emerge colourful,
As change is the only constant here
And to keep changing is the tool.
And so I think, its prettier to be
A human, who can at least describe,
How beautiful each cocoon was that we had broken
And emerged as the butterflies of life.

- Lucifer



  1. Osadharon. Life process in a nutshell.. Wonderful analogy . Metamorphosis.


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