History is a mystery with magics unknown
Bestowed with miracles and stories untold,
Some so gallant that even today
My blood boils, as I read of them.
Such was a tell of the bravest of men
Who had raised my nation's head high,
Such an example had they then set
That even apocalypses can never deny.
The day was in December of 1705
When the bastard Mughals with darkened fame,
And the ruthless governor of Sirhind district
Wished to erase the Sikh Guru's name.
After beheading Guru Tegh Bahadur,
Who raised voice for the Kashmiri Pandits,
Who's calmness had raised a ferocious fire
A fire that had burnt the Mughal bandits.
With a hope of life and the growing support
Frightened the Mughals and their reign,
And this was perhaps their last option
To capture the Guru and extinguish the flame.
He ordered his soldiers to mix up with kingdoms
And convince the hill kings and the treacherous Rajputs,
To combine and arm with all their might
And hunt down the lions of Anandpur.
But none had the courage to attack from front
So they made a win-win deal,
Asked Guru Govind Ji with all his men
To leave Anandpur and thence leave free.
The Sikhs had no problem as it was peaceful
But the Mughals were after all, bastards by nature,
They attacked them from behind near river Sarsa
As their principles were but hollow caricatures.
A bitter war took place, and many people died
Luckily Zorawar and Fateh Singh had crossed,
The Sarsa, before it was flooded by cloudburst
And the greedy Mughals, were water-locked.
Guruji with his small battalion of Sikhs
Had sought a shelter for the night's stay,
Never the world knew it was so close to see
A miracle in history the very next day.
The Garhi where the Singhs boarded, had limited resources
And the Mughal wolves had packed all around,
But inside, the 40 Sikhs with their Guru
Had a great zeal of fierce battle profound.
The Mughals under Wazir Khan showered arrows
Targeting at the Singhs in the fort,
Few Singhs were killed by the uncanny attack
While the others sharpened their avenging swords.
The counts were uneven, with 40 mere Sikhs
And 10 lakhs of Mughals, waiting like hounds,
The result were promising on the enemy side
But the valour of our lions, knew no bounds.
Ajit Singh summoned all his lions and said
"We all are lucky to face this day,
To show not the enemy but to the entire world
That even a fistful can change the game."
Guru Govind Ji blessed all his kinsmen and roared
A roar that is even popular till today,
That what use is a Lion of, that fights in equals
A Lion is a Lion when it fights thousands.
And with that power, and blessings of the Lord
Small groups of five Sikhs charged in war,
Each killing a hundred or even more
And roaring a roar heard clear from far.
Spears came flying, but tears boiled to blood
Each Singh fought like there was no tomorrow,
And when a brave fell, fighting hundreds
The others were charged, not hurt by sorrow.
That day each arrow of the Singhs
Pierced like spears through the armours of Mughals,
Each stroke of sword of those great souls
Struck like lightning on those filthy cowards.
The skies turned dark and fog curtained
The Mughal hogs were grunting in fear,
As the lions have gone really rogue
Writing death notes for them who cross near.
The battle didn't last for more than a day
Although it was so intense,
That even the celestials looking down on earth
Shivered in fear with the swords' resonance.
So gallantly they fought and so bloody was the war
That even Athens would bow to the Sikhs,
A hammer of handful fearless youths
Broke the walls of the unbreakable bricks.
Even Ajit and Jujhar went on
The Guru never stopped his own children,
This showed how generous and equal he was
As all Singhs and Singhnis were his own children.
Each Sahibzadah fought like an army
Who alone could tear off the flesh of the foes
The Khalsa Blues with turbans Saffron
Hunted the filthy Mughal boars.
The blow of the forties shook the million 
As a fist has the power to break a big palm,
Although the Mughals captured the fort
All they won was null and none.
But Wazir was unable to get hold of Guru Govind
And that had a serious aftermath,
When Banda Bahadur demolished Mughal fame
And like fire showered his revenge wrath.
Wars happen even today
Although the agendas had changed,
Changed are times, changed are weapons
Changed are every part of the game.
But when you will go through pages of war history
And search for the heroes of the most bloody wars
You will find it apexed by those forty
Fearless and gallant, Lions of Chamkaur.

- Lucifer


  1. Superb. Wonderfully illustrated the heroics of our own Greats. Ballad vibes.

  2. 🌷🌷🌷🌼🌼🌼🌼🥺amazing


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