Long long ago, when the preachers preached
And travelled through lonely forests,
They had a risk of being attacked
By bandits and by all threats.
And no one knows how many monks
Had sacrificed their life to them,
As being monks they renounced all war
And renounced fight as a mayhem.
But how can then the holy message be spread?
And how can people be served?
How can one relay the teachings 
Of the great Buddha?
Perhaps, the way of such a cult
Was not to end so soon,
And nature chose it's own protector
On a seraphic night of full-moon.
The protector of Shaolin and Buddhism was born
In the Pallava kingdom of the South,
Only time was needed, to remove all worries
And bring along the fearless scout.
Bodhittara was the youngest prince
Born with all princely treasures,
But none of the riches or the royal bliss
Could bring his mind any pleasure.
  At a very young age, he was swayed by truth
And enlightenment flooded his soul,
Into Buddhism he poured himself
Never to return to the shore.
He learnt Kalaripayattu from Guru Agasthya
And was guided by his Guru to life,
To complete his mission he journeyed North
To shape an ore into a knife.
Months in practice and weeks of patience
Had by then blessed his Karma,
With a divine mission, to protect the monks
Bodhittara became Bodhidharman.
By the end of the 6th century
He reached the Chinese lands,
And as a Prophet he was welcomed
By the Emperor, with his own hands.
Wu, the monarch, throughout his life
Had built numerous temples,
And halls of meditation and preached Buddhism
And made it lucid and simple.
And he hoped to be apexing the cult
Of Nirvana as a reward,
So, to Bodhi, he asked with hope
What was his road forward.
But disappointing the Emperor, Bodhi said
You don't have place even in Hell,
For the man who counts the deeds he do
Has done nothing so well.
Wu was sad but he wasn't bad
He wished to get rid of his thought,
And Bodhi said, "Majesty, have a blank mind
And walk in Buddha's accord.
The Mahayana I know, and the cult that I chose
Will give you whatever you deserve,
Just be free from all worries
And truth shall fill and preserve."
And Bodhidharman kept moving North
And stopped at the doorsteps of Shaolin,
To meditate for 9 long years
Before he extended the doctrine.
Dazo Huine, a Chinese General
Had come in Bodhi's search
But finding his master meditating,
He waited under a birch.
And when finally Bodhidharman rose
And Dazo presented his wish,
To be a disciple of Bodhidharman
And to follow his path of bliss.
Bodhidharman had rejected his will
Saying that would only be true,
If the snow turns red someday
And this left Dazo with no clue.
But his desperation to be a monk
Had overruled his sense of pain,
He cut his arm and waved it around
Unless the snow got red.
When Bodhi saw this he was impressed
And thus Dazo became his smile,
And from there Kung Fu got
It's famous one-handed style.
After a week, Bodhi arrived at Shaolin
And found the monks so meek,
He understood what they actually needed
And the path, those monks have to seek.
Remembering his master Agasthya's teachings
And the free-hand order of Parashuram,
He pledged to teach the monks of Shaolin
A defense art of global charm.
Observations and learnings from the nature
Had empowered his vision of combat,
Within few months of the toughest of trainings
The monks had a command on that.
The newly formed art became assuring
As it taught a free-handed fight,
But to prevent from adversities
It was to be used for the right.
All of Shaolin pledged that day
To never use it for wrong,
But only use it protect from danger
Of themselves and the other monks.
But Shaolin had some weird prejudices
Which darkened their own virtue,
The head monk had a dream in which he was told
To make Bodhidharman's statue.
But there was catch, that the statue would be
Different from  the others by all chance,
Because Bodhi alive would be poisoned 
And cemented the Shaolin's entrance.
Respecting the holy cause, and the superstitious dream
Bodhidharma agreed to such a plea,
And was mummified into a live statue
By the end of the 6th century.
Although the world in it's fast pace
Has forgotten the legend's tale,
But even today if you visit Shaolin
Bodhidharman will welcome at the gate.
What makes me proud in the entire context
Is the impact of my nation so true,
As I, pay my deepest homage 
To the founder and the King of the Kung Fu.

- Lucifer


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